Oliver's English

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On Feb. 23rd we supposed to go back to school on Friday and Saturday, but our school's principal and vice-principal will give us that two days off by working on January 27th. I think this is a reasonable day for all of us. We could have longer vacation after Chinese New year.
The week of Feb. 22nd to 27th is the start of first week of the second semmester. After this week, all the English Conversation Teachers at Shen-Kung will have a month vacation, including Chinese New Year. I am planning to have more relaxing and fun lesson for my junior ones and twos. I am going to teach them two differnt songs for two different levels.
I´ve been letting you down, down
Girl I know I've been such a fool
Giving in to temptation
When I should´ve played it cool
The situation got out of hand
I hope you understand
It can happen to..
Anyone of us, anyone you think of
Anyone can fall
Anyone can hurt someone they love
Hearts will break
´Cause I made a stupid mistake
It can happen to..
Anyone of us, say you will forgive me
Anyone can fail
Say you will believe me
I can´t take my heart will break
´Cause I made a stupid mistake
A stupid mistake
She was kind of exciting
A little crazy I should´ve known
She must have altered my senses
´Cause I offered to walk her home
The situation got out of hand
I hope you understand
A stupid mistake
she means nothing to me
(nothing to me)
I swear every word is true
don´t wanna lose you
Bee Gees, How Deep is Your Love
I know your eyes in the morning sun
I feel you touch me in the pouring rain
And the moment that you wander far from me
I wanna feel you in my arms again
And you come to me on a summer breeze
Keep me warm in your love and then softly leave
And its me you need to show
How deep is your love
I really need to learn
cause were living in a world of fools
Breaking us down
When they all should let us be
We belong to you and me
I believe in you
You know the door to my very soul
You’re the light in my deepest darkest hour
You’re my saviour when I fall
And you may not think
I care for youWhen you know down inside
That I really do
And its me you need to show
Repeat and fade
Both groups really enjoyed the songs.
Finally, we are getting to the end of Alan's tests. Poor baby, he was studying so hard in these days and he is so tired. English will be easier for him. Alan understands the concept of verb, and when the verb has to add "s" at the end. he knows what is verb and the action of it. He understand easily grammar rules of English but when spelling comes, he just gives up. Last night of studying and the last effort of the week. Hopefully, everything will turn okay for Alan.
Alan will have his Chinese and science test. I reviewed with him until very late at night. He is tired, I know. But he needs to study still for his tests. How come he has to quit. Grades are so important for me at this point, but for my husband, David, grades are not so important.
Tuesday morning and I have to monitoring the exam. I have three exams to monitor today. I am really busy. I am always wondering that why my coworkers do not have to do it. They just seat there and relax or they do not need to come to school. It is not fair for me. But anyways, that is school rules, I cannot change anything.
Alan will have his math and reading tests. He did not have problems with his math but I am very afraid that he will have problems with his reading. Some words he won't know. If he doesn't know, how he can read the sentence and answer the questions. I am training my baby to be a better reader but every time when I train him, he seems not very enthusiastic in English. He likes more math. he can get 100 out of 100 in his math. I will see the results of his reading test. He knows when he gets lower grades in his reading test, I will be very angry. Hopefully, he will get better.
The day before the test, it is Monday morning with all the busiest classes. I gave my present to Jojoh and she was really happy. Now, it is the time for us to start class this morning. I have the usual classes that all Monday morning I will have. I enjoyed today my classes but at the same time it is so sad to be separate from my students. i will have new group of students next semester. I am so excited to meet my new students.
Everyone woke up earlier in the morning to have breakfast. My mom went to buy things for my in-laws to eat. They feel eating great things. Alan also enjoyed eating his sandwich and his milk. We all had a great morning time. It is time to go to church.
In the morning, everyone woke up earlier in the morning to go to the church. we ate breakfast that my mom bought it for all of us. Alan had his sandwich and milk. I had a fruit sandwich and milk. It was great. After having breakfast, we went right away to the church. The church is getting poor and poor, there's no more people going to the church. The priest should do something quickly but he is not. I do not know what will happen in the future with my grandmother's church.
我的大姊 by 洪叡郎
This morning I woke up very early to wash cloth and be ready to bring Alan to his math cram school. First, we stop at McDonald's for breakfast. Alan and I shared pancakes. I really like the pancake meal at McDonald's. It was really tasty. After eating, Alan was ready to go to his cram school. He was ready to learn more, and he was really happy.
After eating lunch at 3H3R we went right away to Taichun. My parents- in - law, are meeting me in Taichun. I asked my sister to call them and pick them up at the train station. My - in- law parents arrived at 4 P.M. At that time, I was still on the freeway driving to Taichun.
We review and review words for Alan's phonics. He will have oral test on Monday. I am hopping he will do better on that because his speaking is ok. I reviewed with him vocabulary words, so he will know which word or consonant is that word. I really want my baby to get a good score to look better on me and on him.
Alan had his science test today, the results of the test is quiet good. Alan could do much better but he was nervous at the test.
Science test is always difficult for little children because there's a lot of words that they need to remember. Alan has a lot of new vocabulary for his science test. He must know how to spell germs, food pyramids, vegetables, cereal, meat, milk and more. Also, he needs to know what kind of food is healthy and what kind of food is not healthy. I think we will need a long time to review this tonight.
Today, Alan came back home and he showed me how well he did in his Chinese test. He got 95.5 out of 100 points. I am very proud of my son. Keep your hard work, Alan.
After reading and Chinese test, he is having his English test. He needs to know what is the verb, past and present. Also, he needs to know what is the role for "ed" like played. During the review, Alan pick up very quick his English grammar rules. He understands, he is ready for the test. Good luck my little baby.
After reading test, Alan has his Chinese test on Tuesday. This subject is a little bit easier because the child can study by himself. He seems to understand much better. Today, after his study, I asked him to write some Chinese words and he knows all of them. He is ready for the test.
This morning, Alan is having reading test. His teacher gave him a lot of vocabulary to remember. I am afraid that Alan won't remember or spell the word. Also, I reviewed with him the reading comprehension, he seems to know all the voca and the content of the reading but I do not know how the test will turn out. We will see.
Alan and I have to work really hard for his final grades. Even though he is in his second grade at private school in Taiwan, the pressure is very deep. Whenever Alan has exam, he and me will stay up late. As a result, I will have a lot of pimples on my face. Why on my face? I really do not understand. It should come out in my body or some where in the body but not on my face. I am very struggling about this situation.
I thought my cultivating Talents' job (培育高中研發人才) will come to the end, but today's meeting, the vice-principal asked me again to do this job. I did not want, but how can I say no to him. I just said yes. I just know that another presure will come and more time consuming for the year 2007. I was so lucky this year with my cultivating talents because everybody are so engaged. I do not know this comming group. I will see when time comes.
Alan and I went to see Rich's second daughter. The baby's name is Kimberly. She is just two weeks old, she looks like her dad with chinese eyes. I chat with Rich's wife a little bit, it was a good chat with her and see Rich after a long time.
Today is the second year of the year 2007. I still cannot believe that 2007 is already here. I am getting very old. and ugly and my husband is getting fater and fater. When I came to work this morning, everything is the same for me. The students did not change better or working harder. The school in general is all the same. Also, Christmas decoration is still there, school still pretty and elegant. Hopping that this year 2007 will be good for me, my family and my friends.