Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Today is Feb. 28th, this means it is a Memorial day for soldiers who lost their lives in war. Many Innocent people fight for their lives to save the country. We just came back from Holidays and more vacation for us. I am glad I had Wednesday off because after two days of working, I am really tired. I am glad that I could take a rest.

Pleo, The Dino Robot

Pleo is a green dino robot that he can run, eat, or sleep. It is almost like human baby. Also, this machine can grow and have emotions. The wait is almost over for the cuddly green baby Pleo dinosaur that has captured the hearts and imaginations of people all around the globe.

It is not have been released yet. In America, USA. it will sale for $300 US Dollars. A lot of people reserverd it already but they are not ready to come out to the market.

Alan and I would like to have one, but it is too expensive for us to buy one now. Maybe later, I can buy it.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Cute Creations




上面這個特殊造型的菸灰缸,名為「Coughing Screaming Ashtray」,主要會有兩種功能:第一,當有人將點燃的香煙放到上面時後,他就會咳嗽、並且尖叫!第二,當煙灰越堆越多時,原本紅潤的肺部,就會慢

使用上非常的簡單,只要將吐司從 ROLLERtoaster 的一端放入,沒幾分鐘, 就會從另一端滾出一塊美味可口的吐司,淡淡的金黃,就好像清晨的太陽, 讓人瞬間覺醒。目前仍然是原型階段,希望可以盡快上市,為無聊的早晨,

Monday, February 26, 2007

The Start of a New Semester

After a month of vacation, finally I went back to work today. Many teachers feel tired and each of them enjoyed their rests. We had a school meeting in the morning and the open ceremony in the afternoon. Students arrived at 1:00 P.M. today. The normal class for us to start was at 3:30 P.M. I had only two classes but I really enjoyed it. My students were still on their vacations because when I asked them something, they did not answer.

An English Boy Must Loose His Weight (英8歲男童重98公斤 政府勒令減肥)

In England, there's one eight years old boy who weights 98 K. The English government told his parents that the boy must loose his weight. I think this situation is very common now in Taiwan. As in the past, in the Taiwanse society we do not see over weight children but now over weight children are in every schools in Taiwan.


Oscar WInners 2007

Oscar dominations has always been important part of actors and actresses lives. Also it is good for the audience to see who is the best of everything between many people.

"2007 Best Actress Oscar Winner" "Helen Mirren

"2007 Best Actor Oscar Winner" "Forest Whitaker"

The movie "The Departured" won the best picture Oscar.

Alan Arkin beats Eddie Murphy for Best Supporting Actor

"Little Miss Sunshine" Wins Best Original Screenplay.

Hudson won the award for best supporting actress for her role in "Dreamgirls."

"2007 Best Art Direction Oscar Winner" "PAN'S LABYRINTH"

"2007 Best Makeup Oscar Winner" "Pan's Labyrinth"

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Bus Accident on the Freeway (中山高車禍三死兩傷 肇事責任調查中)

The earliest accident on the freeway this morning, now the came up with one more person died in the mini van. This morning, the police says that the mother and the father on the mini van are death now this afternoon, their 19 years old son also passed away, unfortunately.


警方指出,由柯導選 (四十四歲)駕駛的和欣客運大型客車,搭載五名乘客,南下行經二三四公里處西螺路段,擦撞三線道最外側車道前進的工程車,工程車往前衝約一百公尺後,乘客陳火枝 (五十七歲)飛出車外,駕駛莊世民前胸碰撞幸無礙,在此同時,大客車可能因天雨路滑偏離近百公尺,衝進北上車道迎面撞上休旅車。

警方表示,大客車撞上休旅車,休旅車翻覆路中,車上物品散落一地,駕駛李進貴 (五十歲,台南人)、坐前座的妻子李蔡麗雲 (四十九歲)傷重不治,坐後座的兒子李明璋 (十九歲)重傷,大客車駕駛柯導選、工程車乘客陳火枝都送醫急救,大客車其他乘客幸皆無恙。


Orange Juice

Everybody in our family like to drink orange juice. Today, I went to buy $100 NT dollars of orange to make my 100% orange juice. It turned out Alan was doing it. He had a lot of fun doing it and he says it is very delicious. My baby is a growing up child now.

Firework At Taipei 101

This year 2007, Taipei 101, the higest building in the world is also celebrating Chinese New Year using a lot of firewors. It shows to the public how beautiful fireworks are, specially at night time.

Taipei 101 Firework, 2007

Taipei 101, the higest building in the world also celebrates Chinese New Year using beautiful fireworks. It shows to the public how beautiful the building is with fireworks during the night time.

High Speed Rail

Finally, we have in Taiwan, the High Speed Rail. Many people can save their times now and they can go from one city to another with the high speed rail. Normally, the normal train from Taipei (northern of Taiwan) to Kashion (southern of Taiwan) will take 5 hours but with the high speed rail, it will take only one hour and half to get from north to south of Taiwan. It is very convenient but at the same time, people will feel tension.

When high speed rail was ready it was offering half price for return tickets. At that time, many people really want to try it out. Some people like it and some do not like it because the computer and the workers who were selling the tickets do not know how to control the machine. On the other hand, the machine do not know how to accept people's request.

After the Chinese New year, things seems get much better and better. The Taiwan High Speed Rail is very cool and pretty. When I was riding a bicycle, I saw it twice going from one place to another. It seems so cool. I want to try it out, too.

A Freeway Car Accident (和欣客運撞休旅車 國道2死3傷)

The last day of Chinese New Year's acation happen many things on the freeway. The driver of a bus company, Ho-Shing, was sleeping meantime he was driving. He was going to the south direction but sunddenly he went to the North direction and hit two mini vans. This cause two poeple death and three people got hurt.

Here is the Chinese version.




This is very scary accident. Please drive carefully and if you feel sleeping, please do not drive, put aside and sleep a little while and keep going.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Fun Fun Fun!!!

Alan and I had so much fun. We went to eat at 3A二式. Alan had his kid's menu and I had my adult chicken menu. At that resturant you can eat all kinds of cakes for free. The meal will include, rice, vegetables, drink, bread and cakes. I was really full, Alan was really full, too. The restaurant atmosphere is very nice and cool. The meal is nice, too, but it is so difficult to find a parking space.

After eating, we went to Shing-Kong Department Store. Alan went to play at Tom's game and he won a lot of tickets to change presents. Now, we have 989 tickets. We are waiting for 5,000 tickets, so I can change a BBQ machine. Hopufully, we can get it one day.

The day after tomorrow, the vacation will be over and we have to go back to school. I will miss my vacation when I go back to work. Hopefully, I can sign contract with my school for next year. I have to work really hard for it.

Address:台南市 西門路一段703巷7號 

Amazing Things Made With Pencils

These things are so amazing, each object is made with different colors of pencils. It is just amazing. I hope I can make one, but I do not think so.

Paris in Sex And The City

I found this article on Yahoo news, it seems very good and great. I always think Paris is a very sexy and romantic city. Read the following article by Panda Ayala, she just came back from there.

我的朋友Sandy總是以男的凱莉稱呼我。確實影集慾望城市影響了我及我身邊的朋友至深。我們常以影集裡的人物自居,「你別那麼夏綠蒂好嗎?」、「你怎麼可以哪麼莎曼沙?」、「我們的Mr. Big 在哪?」Sandy在台灣還曾遇到了一個來自紐約的大律師,Sandy跟他說那「你不就是阿曼達?」,但是大律師卻說「不!我是Mr.Big」(但是我們怎麼看都覺得他跟Big差很多!),看樣子每個人對於自己心中都有一個慾望城市裡的角色。

凱莉跟他的俄國男友下塌的飯店一直是我們津津樂道的飯店。大家都很好奇那間可以看到巴黎鐵塔,還有極致金碧輝煌的飯店到底是哪間飯店。泛泛之輩的我們這輩子可能都住不起吧?不過總要來趟飯店巡禮,因此我四處打聽。四季?麗池?結果都不是,而是位於avenue Montaigne的 Hotel Plaza Athenee。這間超五星的老飯店一晚房價最低600歐元起跳,飯店裡有一個中庭,裡頭還擺放了一個旋轉木馬,從大廳到中庭有一個長廊,長廊的兩側擺放了咖啡桌及小沙發,打扮入時的男女,在此聊天喝咖啡,對於這個突然闖入的亞洲人我倒是投以異樣的眼光。而且當時我的穿著跟這一切非常不搭(GAP牛仔褲、H&M的毛衣,還起了點毛球 >__<~~),也難怪大夥都看著我。

因為住不起一晚600歐元起跳的房間,所以只好到一樓的Plaza Athenee Restaurant 吃吃飯。米其林三星廚師ALAIN DUCASSE掌廚,是每年巴黎美食大賽的常勝軍,還讓時裝女教皇香奈兒小姐欽點到東京開設香奈兒BEIGE餐廳(位於銀座香奈兒總店樓上,只賣中餐跟午餐。而且套餐內容全由主廚自己決定,非常屌!)。Plaza Athenee Restaurant餐廳內的牛排佐以一整塊鵝肝,下頭鋪上薯片是我這天的中餐主菜,飯後我點了藍梅焦糖、巧克力冰淇淋、藍梅起司組合而成的蛋糕,口味非常富有層次,在最上頭還灑了金箔,視覺也是一大享受,菜單標示這個甜點可是前年巴黎甜點大賽的冠軍作品。真的太享受了!這是我第一次覺得我是真凱莉不是男凱莉!

I want to go over there and try delicious food but I know it is not cheap.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Egg and Rice (蛋包飯)






Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Lantern Festival at Chiayi 2007

2007 ushers in the Year of the Pig, a symbol of good luck, togetherness and fortune. Depicting a "Taiwan Boar," the Theme Lantern embodies these qualities as well as the local spirit of Taiwan. It represents the wish for a year of plenty and highlights the virtues of courtesy, sincerity and a natural spirit. The lantern also hopes to bring in a year of "Favorable Weather and Peace and Prosperity for All."

Chiayi 2007's Lantern Festival (嘉義燈會)

After dinner, we went to Chiayi to see the 2007's lantern festival. The central theme of the lantern is the pig. Pig lanterns symbolize the hopes for national unity and contentment, social harmony, fortune, health, safety, favorable weather, and peace and prosperity.

The decoration at the park was very pretty. People who made this event were so creative. They made tunel out of oster shells, also, they made the second tunnel made out of bamboos with lights. Everything was so pretty, but unfortunately, we arrived too late, so we had only 10 minute left to see everything.

The light was held in the Chiayi county by the Chiayi County Government building (嘉義縣政府) in Taibao City (太保).
When: March 3 to March 11, 2007
Place: County Government Plaza, TaibaoCity, ChiayiCounty
Performance Schedule:
1. Rehearsal Performance: March 3, 2007, at 6:30 p.m.
2. Opening Performance: March 4, 2007, at 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.
3. Theme Lantern Lighting Ceremony: March 4, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
4. Theme Lantern Extinguishing Ceremony: March 11, 2007, 10:00 p.m
For more information you can contact Taiwan Tourism Bureau.