Sunday, January 31, 2010


Since I came back from the hospital, I cannot do anything besides lie down in bed. My mother-in-law always cook something for me to eat. She was preparing breakfast, lunch and diner for me.
I cannot eat with them, I have to eat by myself in my room, she is always sending me my meals in my bed. I really appreciate it her kindness and how much she is hleping me all the time.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Nice Present

Today, after going home from work, I found a nice surprise from France. At the first, I did not know who send it to me. After that, I red the package carefully, it was from Emilie.

I met her when we went to Ireland. I was a leader with 12 students representing our school. Emilie is a college student who got a part time job being French leader. It is really from Emilie.

From France

I opened the package, it has a nice wrap present of animals.
Inside, it has a little nice card of the baby.
Emilie wrote a lot and congratulate me for the new baby. It is very touching.
Inside of the box, it has a little shoes, it is very cute.
Also, it has a hand elephant.
Also this elephant can play a wonderful melody. I relaly appreciate Emilie for sending me this kind of present for my baby. Thanks a lot Emilie. We all like ur present.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


After having lunch at tea shop, we decided to go to the 8th floor to the exhibition center.

Their topic is flooding from Aug. 8th, 2009, father's day disaster in Taiwan.
This object is made by indigenous, it is very special.
Alan is taking a picture with the door which is very special.
Andrew and I also took a picture with this special door. My stomach here is getting bigger and bigger.
I like this object of rose, it is very cute and special.


There's a new opening in Tainan city. the Cantonese tea snacks (飲茶). Whatever u like to eat, you can take it. Also the tea is very good, but each person has to pay $30 NT dollars for tea. Alan likes radish cake. we ordered two of them. This radish cake is very delicious.
Also, we ordered a few snacks, too.
This is seafood pancake. It is very delicious.
Overall, this place is not too bad at all. We all like it.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Molecules to the MAX

I got a nice e-mail from my former ESl teacher. She was telling me that her son, Kurt Przybilla who lives in NY city and he is the producer of the 3-D movie "Molecules." She told me also that, this movie will be showing here in Taiwan in Taichun's science museum on Jan. 1st, 2010.

If you are oing to Taichun, please stop by the Taichun's science museum and enjoy this educational movie in 3-D.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


作詞:李格弟 作曲:黃韻玲

每一個晚上 在夢的曠野 我是驕傲的巨人
每一個早晨 在浴室鏡子前
我很醜可是我很溫柔 外表冷漠 內心狂熱 那就是我
我很醜可是我有音樂和啤酒一點卑微 一點懦弱 可是從不退縮
每一個早晨 在都市的邊緣 我是孤獨的假面
每一個晚上 在音樂的曠野 卻變成狂熱嘶吼的巨人
在一望無際的舞台上 在不被了解的另一面
我很醜可是我很溫柔 白天黯淡 夜晚不朽 那就是我
我很醜 可是我有音樂和啤酒
有時激昂 有時低首 非常善於等候


作詞:沈光遠 作曲:趙傳 編曲:塗惠源

當所有的人離開我的時候 妳勸我要耐心等候
並且陪我度過生命中最長的寒冬 如此的寬容
妳要我安靜從容 似乎知道我有一顆永不安靜的心 (我)容易蠢動

我終於讓千百雙手在我面前揮舞 我終於擁有了千百個熱情的笑容
我終於讓人群被我深深的打動 我卻忘了告訴妳 妳一直在我心中

啊...我終於失去了妳 在擁擠的人群中
我終於失去了妳 當我的人生第一次感到光榮
啊...我終於失去了妳 在擁擠的人群中
我終於失去了妳 當我的人生第一次感到光榮
當四周掌聲如潮水一般的洶湧 我見到妳眼中有傷心的淚光閃動

Thursday, January 07, 2010


Last we saw on TV, this singer was very popular in Taiwan in golden times. Alan and I like his songs. This song of the little bird remained me a long time when he was very famous.


有時候我覺得自己像一隻小小鳥 想要飛卻怎樣也飛不高


我是一隻小小小小鳥  想要飛呀飛卻飛也飛不高
我尋尋覓覓尋尋覓覓一個溫暖的懷抱 這樣的要求算不算太高

世界是如此的小 我們註定無處可逃當我嚐盡人情冷暖 

Garlic Noodles (蒜泥乾麵)

This noodle stand is located in Changrong Rd. sec. 4 number 73. It is in the North Dist. of Tainan City. The name of the noodle stand is called Shi- Fu Noodle Stand (添福麵館). It is just located infront of the Taiwanese baseball player Chien Ming Wang.

This is the street where the noodle stand is located.

The owner of the shop are husband and wife. They both work very hard to pleased their customers. The wife is cooking and be ready for the business. I ordered wonton soup. Their wonton soup is very good. Other places will just give me 5 wontons, ut this place, it will come up like 10 wontons in one bowl. The price is not too expensive. It will cost $20 NT dollars for this bowl of soup.

Alan doesn't eat garlic, so he ordered penut noodle with meat. We ordered small bowl, and it will come up very big. It will cost $25 NT dollars for one bowl of noodles like this.
The owner of the shop, the husband makes noodles. The noodles that they serve to the customers are hand made. The taste of the noodles are so much different from other places. It doesn't get too hard or too soft after cooking.
He is very busy making the noodles.
We really enjoyed eating there once in a while. Also their little snake or finger food are not very expensive. One egg will cost $5 NT dollars, Tofu will cost 2 for $5 NT dollars and more. If you eat too much, you can order a big bowl of noodles for extra $5 NT dollars. You can try this place.

Name of the store: 添福麵館
Address: 長榮路四段73號
TEL: 06-200-4706

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

The Tallest Building in The World

I couldn't sleep last night, I turned on the TV and watched the news. On the news, people were introducing the opening ceremony for the tallest building in the whole world. It is in Dubai. The ceremony was incredible. I really enjoyed the watching it. Arabic people are very smart. They can design their wonderful and useful buildings. I wish, I could go to Dubai one day.

Monday, January 04, 2010

My New Mailing Address

Dear family and friends, this is my new mailing address

Address in Chinese: 70965 台南市安南區總安街1段XX巷XX弄XX號

Address in English: No.XX, Aly. XX, Ln. XX, Sec. 1, Zong’an St., Annan Dist., Tainan City 709, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Friday, January 01, 2010

Welcome 2010

I cannot believe, we are 2010. This means, I am getting very old.