Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Alan's Halloween!

This year's Halloween, Alan is a little cute pirate. David and I went to buy his costume, it took us a long time for finding costume Halloween is not very popular here in Taiwan. There's not popular for children going door-to-door collecting sweets, fruit, and other treats. Taiwanese parents do not want their children to go outside for trick-or-treating, because they think it is too dangerous going by themselves at night. I'm very glad that Alan's school are celebrating Halloween because he won't forget how fun is Halloween when we were in USA. Today, Alan had to dressed up, he is little cute pirate in this year 2006. I do not know what kind of costume that he will want to pick for next year. I will see!


This year's Halloween, my coworkers, English conversation teachers put their customes and went to the library for trick-or-treating. It seemed they really enjoyed that day and trick-or-treating.

Judge For Senior One Music Competition

I'm the one of the judges for Senior One musical competition. I really enjoyed the music specially the Spanish song, "Heard the Music." I really enjoyed 6 senior classes. All of their musics and songs are great.

Here are the winners:
first place, S1B (高一良) - Venus
second place, S1F (高一誠) - Hear the Music
the third place S1A (高一溫) - Winter Magic

El Ritmo De La Vida

It took me a while to find the tiel of this song.

Baila al ritmo de la vida
baila al ritmo de la vida
baila al ritmo de la vida uh,
yeah, yeah, yeah

Hay que plantar flores en el corazón
hay que remar las mareas del amor
te regalo el sol entero por otro beso mas acércate un poquito
no te me vas a escapar dame tu amor todo tu amor todo tu amor
Hay que escuchar desde el alma la canción
hay que tratar de vivir solo por hoy quiero siempre estar contigo

Te espere todo este verano amor te esperare
hasta secar los océanos te esperare todo este verano
quiero beberme tu amor todo tu amor todo tu amor dame tu amor

Baila al ritmo de la vida
baila al ritmo de la vida
baila al ritmo de la vida
Baila al ritmo de la vida baila al ritmo de la vida
baila al ritmo de la vida uh, yeah, yeah, yeah

Te esperare todo este verano
te esperare todo este verano
te esperare todo este verano
te esperare hasta secar los océanos
te esperare todo este verano dame tu amor

Baila al ritmo de la vida
baila al ritmo de la vida
baila al ritmo de la vida uh, yeah, yeah, yeah
Baila al ritmo de la vida
baila al ritmo de la vida
baila al ritmo de la vida uh, yeah, yeah, yeah

Te esperare todo este verano todo tu amor
te esperare todo este verano dame tu amor
te esperare todo este verano todo tu amor
Te esperare todo este verano dame tu amor
te esperare dame tu amor te esperare
Te esperare dame tu amor
Te esperare

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Meeting With My Cultivating Talents

I gained a lot of information for my cultivating talents. We are going to meet for the first time here are the school. I am hopping everybody will remember to be there. I will also prepare a lot of things for them to eat. I am hopping that everyone will work harder and harder. The time is going to be up very soon and there's no more time for my cultivating talents to be free. They must work harder than before.

It took me weeks and weeks to gain information.

Friday, October 27, 2006

「good bye」.....相當感動人喔!

This is a song from Celine Dion, "Good Bye" very touching song. You listen and you will see!
Do not forget to turn on your speaker!

席琳狄翁(Celine dion)獨唱的「good bye」.....相當感動人
很感人的內容, 願與你分享!(記得打開喇叭)

Good Bye


This is a very touching story, in the foloowing there's a story in Chinese.

一則十分有意思的故事,願與你分享~ 養出寬容、體貼別人的孩子 (一位女翻譯的所見所聞 )
這件事情是發生在的西方普吉島的ClubMed渡假村裏,那時我在那裡擔任中英文的翻譯公關。有一天,我在大廳裡,突然看見一位滿臉歉意的日本工作人員,正安慰著一位大約四歲、飽受驚嚇,而且哭得精疲力盡的小孩子。問明原因之後,我才知道,原來這位日本工作人員,因為那天小孩較多,而一時疏忽,在兒童的網球課結束後,少算了一位,將這位澳洲小孩留在網球場上。等到她發現人數不對時,才趕快跑到網球場去,將這位小孩帶回來,小孩因為一個人在偏遠的網球場那裏飽受驚嚇,所以哭得死去活來的。後來,他的澳洲媽媽出現了,看著自己的小孩哭得慘兮兮的,心裏有說不出的傷痛。如果你是這位媽媽,你會怎麼做?是痛罵那位工作人員一頓,還是直接向主管抗議?或是很生氣的將小孩帶離開,再也不參加「兒童俱樂部」呢?都不是!我親眼看見這位媽媽,蹲下來安慰四歲的小孩,並且很理性的告訴他:「已經沒事了,那位日本姊姊因為找不到妳而非常的緊張難過,她不是故意的,現在你必須親親那位日本姊姊的臉頰,安慰她 一下!」當下我只見那位四歲的小孩,墊起腳跟,親親蹲在他身旁的日本工作人員的臉頰, 並且輕輕的告訴她:「不要害怕,已經沒事了!」 就是要這樣的教育,才能養出寬容、體貼別人的孩子!



I got this e-mail from my sister- in- law in Hong Kong

07. 愚者用肉體監視心靈,智者用心靈監視肉體。
25.家! 甜蜜的家!天下最美好的莫過於家。
54. 有勇氣並不表示恐懼不存在,而是敢面對恐懼、克服恐懼。

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


安慰自己的六種情緒 老實說我很容易陷入這樣負面的情緒,我想當遇到下面的情況時,是可以安慰自己的 方法...

安慰自己的6種情緒 康健雜誌64期  文/吳若女 圖/鄭佳玲 1當我覺得—— 沒有自信,總覺得不如人。 我應該這麼做

1.停止批評和責難自己。 《肯定自己‧欣賞自己》一書的作者克萊基荷芬解釋,會不斷苛責自已,說喪氣話的 人,通常是對自己不夠肯定的人。「要對自己溫柔點,停止猛烈的批評,是建立自信的 第 一步,」她建議,拿枝筆列出你不斷在責罵自己的話語,並且自問看到這些話會有什 麼 感覺,這樣的責罵是否對自己有好處。 老實說,當然是沒有好處,因此,一定要下定決心停止這種責難。如果一時還做不到 , 不妨先把注意力放在已經做好的部份,告訴自己做得有多好。

2.學習積極正面的自我對話。 我們的內心都有一部投影機,每天讀出成千上萬的畫面與情緒,除了要停止負面的批 評 ,還要積極輸入一些正面的鼓勵。 寫一張自己的履歷表,把所有的優點都列上去,每週瀏覽一次,做為自我對話的腳本 , 在忍不住要責罵自己之前,先想想看自己還有哪些優點,沒有想像中的糟。

3.每天問自己兩個問題:「我的人生有什麼是好的?」、「還有什麼事可以做?」 心靈文學作品《自尊心的六根支柱》作者布藍登則進一步建議,從這兩個問題啟發自 己 更有創意的對話,找到自己的價值,才能更肯定自我。 4.停止和別人比較,珍惜自己所擁有的。 別再羨慕別人的太太比較漂亮,或嫉妒別人比較會賺錢,許多痛苦和不平就是從「跟 別 人比較」開始的,不只是拿枝筆寫下自己的優點,也列下自己所擁有的,和自己比, 也 學會珍惜。 心靈補帖:肯定自己,珍惜自己所擁有的 我們永遠不會像自己想像的這麼幸福,也不會像自己想的這麼不幸。 作家拉勞士 吉 一個人應養成信賴自己的好習慣,即使再危急,也要相信自己的勇氣與毅力。拿 破崙 2當我覺得挫折倒楣,負面念頭縈繞於心。 我可以這麼想 1.多看看壞事的光明面。 英國心理學家韋斯曼博士曾花了很多年的時間,研究上千名幸與不幸的人,最後他驚 訝 地發現,運氣是一種心境、思考和行為模式,一個人的態度或想法會決定他是好運或 歹 命。因此,他在《幸運的配方》中建議碰到爛事的人,要先在垃圾中挖挖寶,「想一 想 事情本來有可能更糟」、「這不幸的事是否真的那麼重要?」、「想一想還有比自己 更 倒楣的人」,這些都足以讓自己對目前的境況釋懷。

2.相信事情會否極泰來,甚至因禍得福。 韋斯曼也發現,好運的人會看得比較長遠,不會因壞事而氣餒,甚至會發揮想像力, 相 信上天是要利用這個踏腳石,給自己帶來更大的好運。例如,沒得到這個工作,也許 是 有更好的工作等著你。

3.別自怨自艾。 其實,再幸運的人也會碰到挫折,他們也會哭泣,但最重要的是,他們會快快把爛事 或 厄運拋諸腦後。做些事分散注意力,像是上健身房運動流汗、看個搞笑的電影,或花 20
分鐘想曾經發生在自己身上的好事,回憶一下,給自己正面的感覺。 4.用建設性的方法來解決問題。 最後,如果是需要進一步解決的事情,而不只是轉換心情,韋斯曼建議,別一開始就 認
定自己對整個局勢無能為力,要下定決心採取主動。接著,發揮創意,列出可能的解 決
選項,甚至和別人有些腦力激盪,問問他們:「如果是你,你會怎麼處理這件事?」 好
好斟酌所有可能的方案。最後,也是最重要的,專心解決問題,而不是沉溺在問題中 。

心靈補帖:翻個面看一看,讓自己更好運 你怎麼想自己,也就決定了你的命運。 文學家梭羅 一個人成天想什麼,就會變成那個樣子。美國總統林肯 3當我覺得 傷心難過時, 如何為自己打氣? 我可以這麼做 1.開懷大笑。 最新一期的《O雜誌》(美國知名的脫口秀主持人歐普拉)建議心情不好的人可多做以 下幾件事,因為有愈來愈多的科學研究證實,它們能改善鬱悶的心情。像是租一大疊 喜 劇的DVD回家,讓自己開懷大笑。笑,能改善人的心情,即使是強迫的,也有同樣的效 果。 2.快走或跳個有氧舞蹈。 科學家早就發現,運動能紓緩鬱悶,改善心情,1999年的《內科醫學文獻》早已證實 , 運動和治療有一樣的效果,因為它能刺激神經傳導物質的分泌,像是腦內啡、血清素 和 多巴胺。

3.聽聽瑪丹娜的音樂,大聲地唱,用力地搖擺。 也有研究證實,聽音樂能刺激腦部分泌腦內啡。英國曼徹斯特大學最新發現,聽大聲 的 音樂能活化部份的內耳球囊,它們連接與愉快感覺有關的腦部組織。 4.上街為自己買束花吧。 美國羅特格爾大學在2001年的研究,72%的年長者如果經常收到花長達六個月,會比 那 些從來沒收到花的人快樂。另一個研究也發現,花束比其他禮物更能帶來喜悅與快樂 。

5.找朋友聊聊天。 孤立的人容易鬱悶痛苦,許多專家都建議,發生事情或心情低潮時,一定要有朋友在 旁 邊。密西根大學的研究則進一步指出,不只是找到支持的力量,還要有歸屬感,要找 那 種可信任、可依賴的朋友。

6.找隻狗玩玩。 1999年的兩個研究都證實,寵物能給愛滋病人和老人帶來快樂與安慰。另一個研究也 發 現,養寵物的人比較不容易得心臟病,這都是因為心情紓緩的緣故。抱抱狗、逗逗牠 ,
都能帶來快樂。 心靈補帖:買個花、逗逗狗、笑一笑 我們不是因為快樂而唱歌,而是唱歌使我們快樂。 美國哲學家威廉.詹姆士 如果你不開心,唯一能變開心的方法是,開心地坐直身體,並裝成很開心的樣子說話 和 活動。 心理學家約翰.詹姆士 4當我覺得 容易擔心憂慮。 我應該這麼做

1.保持忙碌。 以領導管理與人際溝通聞名於世的卡內基,也曾以《如何停止憂慮.開創人生》一書 幫 助許多人走出低潮,克服憂慮,其中第一個方法就是保持忙碌。忙碌,使人不再有憂 慮
的空間,一個人不可能很興奮地做某件事,同時又很煩惱。在工作上保持忙碌,休閒 時
也可以多安排一些活動,特別是戶外的爬山、運動或打球,讓身體動一動,也讓腦子 多

2.用或然率來排除心中的憂慮。 想想看:「這件事發生的機率究竟有多少?」仔細研究,你會發現,99%所擔心的事 從 來沒有發生過,很多是來自自己的想像,而非現實。 3.接受不可避免的事實。 卡內基建議,如果真是碰到困境或瓶頸,不妨利用以下幾個步驟克服心中的憂慮。先 問
自己:「最壞的情況是什麼?」分析出最壞情況後,接受它,會立刻產生不一樣的效 果 ,那就是馬上使自己放鬆,得到心中的平靜,此時,才有餘力進一步思考:「我能不 能 在最壞的情況下做些改善?」因為,一直憂慮下去,永遠想不出好辦法。

4.為憂慮訂下「停損點」。 進場從事股票交易的人都知道,最聰明的交易原則是為自己訂一個停損點,當股價跌 落 到某個點時,就自動賣出,不再損失。卡內基深諳此道,也為自己的煩惱訂下停損點 ,「我所擔憂的事對我到底有多重要?」、「我所付出的煩惱是否已經超值?」最終目 的 都是為了求取心靈的寧靜。 心靈補帖:跳出來,做點別的 我知道生命中有許多麻煩事,但這些事大多數並沒有發生。 作家馬克吐溫 能解決的事,不必去擔心;不能解決的事,擔心也沒有用。 西藏諺語。

5當我覺得憤怒生氣 我可以這麼做 1.先深呼吸。 「吸-呼」「吸-呼」,把氣吐出來,也把氣緩下來。從一數到十,看看自己要數幾次 , 才能把氣緩下來。 2.區別輕重緩急。 稍微紓緩後,再問自己:「我需要生這個氣嗎?」想想發怒的原因。或是「我有必要 這 麼生氣嗎?」區別此事對自己的輕重緩急。 3.培養同理心。 再想想,「如果我是對方,我會說同樣的話、做同樣的事嗎?」如果會,大可不必這 麼 氣,試著從對方的角度看事情,試穿別人的鞋子,培養同理心。 4.原諒對方。 如果還是怒氣難消,難保平靜。《別為小事抓狂》的作者、也是美國心理諮商專家卡 爾 森建議,可試著問自己:「如果這個人今天晚上就死了,我還會不會生氣?」了解人 生
無常,別太計較,學著原諒對方,更別讓自己帶著怒氣上床睡覺。 5.善待自己。 最後再想想,有必要拿別人的錯來懲罰自己,損害自己的健康嗎?所以,也就別氣了 。

心靈補帖:緩口氣,試穿別人的鞋 不可含怒到日落。《聖經》 仇恨的怒火,將燒傷你自己。——莎士比亞。 6當我覺得—— 壓力大,喘不過氣來。 我可以這麼做:

1.暫停一下。 壓力管理大師戴維森在《完全傻瓜手冊──如何紓解壓力》一書中建議辛苦的現代人 , 在被壓得喘不過氣時,要善用「策略性暫停」。也就是,讓自己有機會做幾個深呼吸 、 喝杯水、安靜的坐一下,甚至是發呆,讓腦袋空白。

2.想想愉快的事。 在腦袋停下來之後,還要繼續想像愉快的場景或事情。閉上眼睛,回憶過去一次愉快 的 旅行,像是美麗的溪水,寬廣的步道。或是回味一下小孩的童言童語,另一半的愛意 與 溫暖。研究發現,愉快的感覺能重新調整內部的生理時鐘,獲得短暫但直接的休息。

3.求助於外。 如果是因為事情常常做不完所帶來的壓力,那麼得考慮去找人幫忙,要記得,自己可 不 是萬能,不必做一天有48小時的超人。找出事情的優先順序,把事情簡化,也都是紓 緩
壓力的好方法。 心靈補帖:暫停一下,想像愉快的畫面 停下來,好好享受這個下午,你可沒有辦法把它打包帶走。 迪拉德 你不必是每天48小時的超人。 壓力管理大師戴維森

Monday, October 23, 2006

Time is getting closer and closer

Time is getting closer and closer for my cultivating talents to have done their work. I am a lazy teacher who is not doing anything. The books that I asked the school to buy will arrive one month after we are done this project. What a troublesome! I have a headache already. I do not know what to do in these days. I cannot even sleep. I am just feeling a lot of stress everyday. I am hopping that after saturday meeting, we should have some writing done. December is comming and our project has to go out of school and Ministry of Education will see it. I am hopping our school, my students will win.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Hot Pot

Today, I woke up earlier in the morning. I prepared breakfast and lunch for my husband, David. He has to work sunday whole day. My poor husband is working so hard for little money. In the meantime, I cleaned the house, I washed clothes and prapere to go to the market. These things took me entire morning. When my son woke up, I asked him to prepare breakfast. He likes to eat cereal with milk and bananas. Aftaer that he went for a bicycle ride. He had sun in the morning. When I am ready, we went out to eat hot pot. One person costs 180 NT Dollars. It was very expensive and the hot pot was not a buffet style.

After eating at the restaurant, I want to have my own hot pot at home tonight. I went to RTMarket and I bought what I needed for tonight's dinner. The shopping took me a while and I spend a lot of money. After that Alan and I went back home and we took a nap.

After taking a nap, my husband willcome back home at 5:00 PM and after eating, he had to go to work again. Alan and I were reading and prepare homework for money. Alan and I had a great time. The hot pot turned out delicious. Everyone enjoyed it.

Monday, October 09, 2006


I was looking cars on the net, I found a new CRV 2007. It is a nice car but it will be very expensive. It has everything inside, tv, cruce control, back up tv and other things. I really like it, I am hopping that the new 2007 I can buy one of CRV. I really want to buy bigger cars, so I can drive to work easily with less tirering.

Mexican Restaurant in kaohsiung

Smokey Joe's (冒煙的喬墨西哥餐廳), this is the resturant that I discovered when I went to eat at kaohsiung. This is a Mexican restaurant, with all the wonderful foods and menu. I really want to try it, maybe one day I will go and try it with Alan and David.

Smokey Joe's
冒煙的喬 (American-style barbecued ribs)

I was searching on the net and I found more Mexican restaurant in Kaohsiung

Teresa's Spanish/Latin American restaurant (黛麗莎)
Feature : Chilaquiles Con Chorizo
Add : 146-2 Wufu 4th Rd., Kaohsiung City (高雄市五福四路146-2號) Kaohsiung City

Hola Spanish Restaurant (HOLA西班牙館)
Feature : Grilled rib-eye steak in raw salt plate
Add : 578 Hedi Rd., Kaohsiung City (高雄市河堤路578號) Kaohsiung City

Let's see if you send it back...?

I goit this menssage from my Australian homestay parents. It is nice.

One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw
a kid from my class was walking home from school. His
name was Kyle. It looked like he was carrying all of his
books. I thought to myself, "Why would anyone bring
home all his books on a Friday? He must really be a nerd."

I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football
game with my friends tomorrow afternoon), so I
shrugged my shoulders and went on.

As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward
They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his
arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt. His glasses
went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten
feet from him. He looked up and I saw this terrible
sadness in his eyes.

My heart went out to him. So, I jogged over to him and
as he crawled around looking for his glasses, and I saw
a tear in his eye. As I handed him his glasses, I said,
"Those guys are jerks. They really should get lives." He looked
at me and said, "Hey thanks!" There was a big smile on his face.

It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude.
I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where
he lived. As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him
why I had never seen him before. He said he had gone to private
school before now.

I would have never hung out with a private school kid
before. We talked all the way home, and I carried some
of his books. He turned out to be a pretty cool kid. I
asked him if he wanted to play a little football with my
friends. He said yes. We hung out all weekend and the
more I got to know Kyle, the more I liked him, and my
friends thought the same of him.

Monday morning came, and there was Kyle with the
huge stack of books again. I stopped him and said,
"Boy, you are gonna really build some serious muscles
with this pile of books everyday!" He just laughed and
handed me half the books.

Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best
friends. When we were seniors, we began to think
about college. Kyle decided on Georgetown, and I
was going to Duke. I knew that we would always be
friends, that the miles would never be a problem. He
was going to be a doctor, and I was going for business
on a football scholarship.

Kyle was valedictorian of our class. I teased him all the
time about being a nerd. He had to prepare a speech for

I was so glad it wasn't me having to get up there and
speak. Graduation day, I saw Kyle. He looked great. He
was one of those guys that really found himself during high
school. He filled out and actually looked good in glasses.
He had more dates than I had and all the girls loved him.
Boy, sometimes I was jealous.

Today was one of those days. I could see that he was
nervous about his speech. So, I smacked him on the back
and said, "Hey, big guy, you'll be great!" He looked at me
with one of those looks (the really grateful one) and smiled.

"Thanks," he said.
As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and
began. "Graduation is a time to thank those who helped
you make it through those tough years. Your parents,
your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach...but mostly
your friends. I am here to tell all of you that being a
friend to someone is the best gift you can give them. I
am going to tell you a story."

I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the
story of the first day we met. He had planned to kill
himself over the weekend. He talked of how he had
cleaned out his locker so his Mom wouldn't have to do
it later and was carrying his stuff home.

He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile.
"Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from
doing the unspeakable."

I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular
boy told us all about his weakest moment.
I saw his Mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same
grateful smile. Not until that moment did I realize it's depth.

Never underestimate the power of your actions. With
one small gesture you can change a person's life. For
better or for worse.

God puts us all in each other's lives to impact one another
in some way. Look for God in others.
You now have two choices, you can:
1) Pass this on to your friends or
2) Delete it and act like it didn't touch your heart.

As you can see, I took choice number 1. "Friends are
angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have
trouble remembering how to fly."

It's National Friendship Week. Show your friends
how much you care. Send this to everyone you
consider a FRIEND. If it comes back to you, then
you'll know you have a circle of friends.

Esta Medio Fino, Me Lo Devuelve!

I got this e'mail from my friend, it is a nice letter but with strong and rude words.

Alguna vez te has despertado de algún sueño hermoso, donde te encontrabas con la persona que amas y te das cuenta que era solo un sueño, y dices: puta madre porque no es real? o tal vez escuchaste en la radio esa canción tan perfecta para la persona de la que estas enamorado (A), y dices: puta madre porque no se la puedo dedicar?
y te despediste de tu amigo (A) sin decirle gracias por tu amistad y que puedes decir: es puta madre Mañana le digo.

Y no me digas que hubo un Dón donde decidiste confesarle tu amor y cariño a esa persona especial y no la ves en todo el dices: puta madre mañana lo (A) busco y le digo.
O tal vez estuviste tan cerca de besarlo(A) y te arrepentiste y lo que pudiste hacer es decir: puta madre mañana lo (A) beso...

O como hoy que te falto decirle te quiero mucho a esa persona, y al verla partir tan solo dices: puta madre mañana le digo......
Y que tal ese amigo(A) que aunque lo vez diario nunca le dices lo importante que es para ti, y como siempre al final le dices: puta madre, mañana le digo.

Ya me canse de decir tantas veces puta madre por eso te advierto que si el día de mañana: te beso, te digo que te quiero, te dedico esa canción en la radio, te mando un recadito, te digo lo importante que es para mí tu amistad, es por que ya me canse de decir tantas veces puta madre... Ok ?

Por eso te mando este mail hoy que gracias a Dios estás conmigo y te puedo decir lo importante que eres tú en mi vida y lo mucho que te quiero ...
Ya déja de decir tantas veces puta madre y manda este mail a tus amigos, novio(A), o a ese amor que todavía no está a tu lado, vas a ver, que si le importas y si te quiere te lo va a regresar..........
Ojalá recibas muchas veces este mail Ok ...

P.D. Puta Madre .................. Espero Que Me Lo Devuelvan
 Te Quiero
hola Nela espero que te encuentres bien y espero tener noticias tuyas muy pronto oK

Friday, October 06, 2006

Mid Autum Festival

This yeaer, the Mid Autum Festival has five days of vacation. On the first day of the vacation, we went to Kaoshion. David and his classmates have a reunion. He has a lot of fun talking to his friends, and Alan has a lot of fun playing with the other kids. The problem is Alan is the only child and he needs company. He did not have a lot of time and chance to play with other kids in the neighborhood. I am glad that he had a lot of fun time playing with other kids.

I was so tired, the reunion ended up at 1:30 A.M. We overnight in Kaoshion at David's classmate's house. His house is huge with a lot of rooms on it. They must work so hard to have that kind of house. I want to work hard to have my own house, too. I am hopping to buy my own house in Taipei very soon. I hope that day will come soon.

On saturday, we David's classmate's wife and I went to Cosco to do some shopping. Alan and the pther two kids are playing at dragon's house. It is a huge place were Alan enjoyed playing and drawing things over there. It is a cool place for kids to be.

After we came back, I drove and I made dinner for two of them. I was so tired and Alan was so tired, too. Later on, we will go to Yan-Mei to pick up David's parents. I did not want to go. It is a very tirering trip already.

Poem of Mid Autum Festival


╭╯ ΘΘ ║
╰⊙═⊙╯ 來給你送月餅


第二層是關懷 ,
   第四層是 溫馨,  

中間加層是甜蜜,保質期限:一輩子;保存方法:珍惜,祝你有開心 一刻,快樂 一天,平安一年,幸福一生!!

This is very cool poem in Chinse, wishing everyone a nice Mid Autum Festival!

History of Mid Autum Festival

Here is the legend of the Mid Autum Festival.

Also known as the "Full Moon Festival," the Mid-Autumn festival falls on the fifteen day of the eighth lunar month. At this time, the moon's orbit is at its lowest angle to the horizon, making the moon appear brighter and larger than any other time of the year. In the Western tradition, it is also called the Hunter's Moon or Harvest Moon. According to the lunar calendar, it is also the exact middle of autumn (which begins in the seventh month and ends in the ninth).
To the Chinese, this festival is similar to the American Thanksgiving holiday, celebrating a bountiful harvest. Compared to many Chinese festivals that are inundated with vibrant colors and sounds, the Mid-Autumn festival remains more subdued. Traditionally celebrated outdoors under the moonlight, people eat moon cakes and gaze at the moon. In modern times, barbecues with families and friends are also common.

Legendary Origins
Like most Chinese holidays, the mid-autumn festival is rich in oral history and legend. According to stories, Hou Yi was a tyrannical ruler who won the elixir of immortality by shooting 9 suns out of the sky with his bow. But his wife, knowing that the people's lives would remain miserable for all eternity if Hou Yi lived forever, drank the potion. The fluids made her lighter, and she floated up into the moon. Even today, Chinese like to think of the moon as home of Chang E.

A Historical Anecdote
The Mongol Hordes of Ghengis Khan subjugated the Chinese, and established the Yuan Dynasty in the 13th Century. However, many Chinese resented the fact that they were ruled by a foreign regime. In the 14th Century, Liu Bouwen helped plot the overthrow of the Yuan Dynasty by organizing resistance. Secret messages were passed along in mooncakes.

The ubiquitous fare at any Chinese celebration of the Full Moon festival, mooncakes are a flaked pastry stuffed with a wide variety of fillings. Egg Yolk, lotus seed paste, red bean paste, and coconut

Dearfish 魚人碼頭

After dinner, we went to eat ice cream closer to Dearfish (魚人碼頭). I never been there b

efore and it was a great opportunity for me to be there. Before we arrive to the Dearfish, we had an ice cream. Each of them ordered different kinds of ice cream. I ordered the fruit one. It is so good and delicious. David's classmate said that 如阿婆冰 shop is for years and they have from one generation to the other generation. I think the ice cream is really good and famous. I really enjoyed eating ice cream.

After eating ice cream, we stopped at Dearfish. It is a port were the ships arrived from different parts of the world. They entered there. Dearfish is the place where they sale many things, they have restaurants, shopps and other things for people to buy. One side we can see boats and the ocean, it is so cool. I really enjoyed to be there. Also, Alan enjoyed watching people singing Karaoke.

I took these picture with my cell phone, which is not very good.

More pictures of Dearfish

Dinner in kaohsiung

David, Alan and I went to kaohsiung for dinner. We arrived earlier and we were waiting for the others to come. Alan and the other kids were playing at the park to kill the time. Alan had a good time because he did not have enough of time playing at the park before. Too much homework and too buys for him, so that's why he did not have this kind of opportunity, now he is on vacation he is enjoying himself at the park with other kids. I am so happy to see him enjoying himself.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Alan's Ex-teacher

This morning, we finally have a time to be able to see Alan's first grade teacher. Now, she is in the second grade. All Alan's ex-classmate were so excited to see him. they were so happy that Alan could come back and see them. One child is more excited than another one. It was nice to see that all the children remembered Alan after all these months. I am so happy for Alan.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Things Happened Without Thinking!

Last night, I called Alan, my son to come down to eat. I prepared everything for him, I bought what he likes to eat. After a long preparation time, and effort, Alan told me that he did not like to eat my food. Without thining, I started to yield at him. I did not care about anything, I just say what I think. He hurt me, he hurted my feelings. After a while, I went to my room and I srated to cry. Alan was there, too. He wanted to say sorry to me and how much he loves me, I did not even listen to him. He started to cry. After few minutes, my husband David woke up and he said that both mother and the child are crazy. Finally, we went out to relax ourselves a little bit.

I was so angry and sad because cooking and buying food are not easy, it is a hard work and after long cooking time in the kitchen, everyone did not appreciate what I do, so I am very sad. My poor son, Alan was ery sad, too.