Thursday, December 31, 2009

An Inspirational Video

This video is very good, very touching.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Kseniya Simonova - Sand Animation

This is an amazing sand animation. I've never seen somthing like this in my whole life. It is incredible, how she followed the music and she could picture it and show it to the audience.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


6 years ago, we left MN. In this year, there's a big snowstorm in the middle and eastern states. How can people in these states can live? Around X'mas time, snow is the representation of traditional x'mas. In Taiwan, X'mas is not even a national holiday. We do not have even vacation on that day.

When I was very young, we lived in Ecuador forever. We celebrate x'mas or we can get holiday for that. Now, I am not used to work on x'mas. But what can I do? Taiwan does not have x'mas holidays.

Alan really missed snow. We are hopping that one day, we could go back to MN visiting friends. I really miss MN, also. With that weather, I am glad that I am living now in Taiwan. Tainan does not get too cold, except for cold winds which comes from Japan or China. These days we get cold winds but other than that, we do not often get too cold or snow everyday.

Living in the New House

Tonight, we are so excited because we are going to start to live in our new house. Alan is so excited tonight that he can start to sleep in his new bedroom. Even we did not finishing moving, we need to find time to go back to the old house and do the last moving.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Little Pig

When I went to buy furniture at the furniture store which is located closer to my school. I saw this wooden pig. I haven't seen something like this in my whole life. The first sight, I saw it, I love it. I bought it right away. the price was a little high bit high. I just love the shape and the color. It will combine with my shoes furniture. We can seat on the pig when we need to wear our shoes, ha ha ha...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Boys Scout

Alan likes all kinds of outdoor activities. One of the activities that he like the most is to involve into boys scout.

Everyone is ready to line up. Alan saw me and he was moving or being silly.
Here is Alan saying hi to me.
The teacher is telling things to them. They are all preparing to line up and ready to listen to the teacher.
Now, it is already 5:10 P.M. they should be finishing 10 minutes ago. They are finally saying bye to each other and the teacher.
Here the teacher is asking them to pick up their bag packs and ready to go home.

New Baby

One of my coworkers, Vanessa had her second baby. Her second baby is so healthy and handsome.

In a Chinese tradition, when people got a baby, they usually give a little present to their friends or families. Baby boy usually give sticky rice and the baby girl will give cake.
In her case, she did not follow the traditional custom anymore. She did not care if it is rice. So she chose a cake to give to people.

The cake is taro flavour. It is very heavy and it tastes very good. I need to think what I am going to give to everyone when I am having a baby Andrew.

My Livingroom

My livingroom will look like this in the future. the table that they made is very nice. I realy like the table and the shape of it. The color of stone also fits with my wooden sofa. I am so happy how the things are putting together.
This is another way of looking at the livingroom. Everything is getting gorgeous.

My Old Kitchen Set

This set of kitchen are from the house company. When we bought the house, they gave us this kind of kitchen set already. When we built our house, we tok this kitchen set away. We did not even think this won't last forever. When they took it down, we knew the material was not good enough, so we dicided to make a new one.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Red Envelops

Friday night, I went to Taichung to see my grand mom. A lot of people gave me a red envelop with money. My aunt made 5 set of flowers for me. I like roses, sun flowers, and Chinese orchids. I love these kinds of flowers.

In a Chinese tradition, when people are moving to a new house, family members or friends will give to the house owner a red envelop. The amount of money is depends on the owner. My grand mom gave me $20.000 thousand NT dollars. My big uncle gave me also $20.000 thousand NT dollars. My two great aunts gave me $3.600 NT dollars. My mom will give me $55.000 thousand NT dollars for the sofa.

A lot of money spending on the new house. I did not know buying a new house, we need to spend a lot of money.

Thanks to family members who gave us red envelops, we really appreciate your kindness.

Furnitures are Here!

Friday night and Sunday afternoon furniture stores starting to move in our furnitures. Things are looking great in our house. Alan has his new double size bed and the guest room also has double size bed.

The guest room is really big, so I divided the room into two parts. One part is for my closet and another part is for the guest bed.

On the fourth floor, I have my own exercise room. I have only the running machine. I am so happy to get the house ready.

Sunday morning, I started to put things into my new kitchen. Everything seems so great. I really enjoyed fixing things in my new house. Eventhough moving to a new place is a pain of the neck. However, this is the last time that I will do it.

Livingroom Table

My husband's counsin has a metal factory. they made all kinds of things. One of the things that they want to make for us is our livingroom and diningroom tables. The livingroom table just arrived last night and the dining table has some problems, so they need to go and fix it before they put the stone. The livingroom table fits with my sofa. Thanks them a lot, because they made the table beautifully. I really like the color and the style.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


My aunt is great, she knows how to arrange the flowers for my new house. These flowers look so real. I really like all the flowers that she gave to me.
This is Chinese orchid, I will put this in the livingroom.
This set of flower is for my bethroom
This sun flower is for the dining room. It has apples decorations on it. It looks delicious and beautiful.
Alan's room has different kind of flowers. His room is mostly roses and green plants with two teddy bears. It looks very cute.
The guest room has a set of roses. The room looks very cozy.
Thanks to my aunt who arrange all of the flowers for us.

Friday, December 11, 2009

The First Furnitures

This is the furniture store closer to my school. We bought matress, dining chairs and the little wodden pig for the shoes. We did not buy a lot of things from here. The truck is ready to leave and they will be in my new house early tonight.

Arrival of New Sofa

My new sofa and the clock arrived today. they came from Kaoshion city. It will take one hour to come to Taiwan. I am so happy that I have my wooden sofa. It fits with my new house decoration.


3,604 杯咖啡的蒙娜麗莎像

Artist assistants stand next to 3,604 cups of coffee which have been made into a giant Mona Lisa in Sydney, Australia. The 3,604 cups of coffee were each filled with different amounts of milk to create the different shades!!


美得讓人忘了呼吸 - 10大著名風景區‏


希臘聖托 希臘著名的旅遊勝地,愛琴海上的明珠,柏拉圖筆下的自由之地,同時也是浪漫至極的啤酒樂園
義大利道羅麥特山 義大利北部 Val di Funes鄉村的雄壯山色,道羅麥特山位於 Bolzano以北的山區,是著名的風景區
加拿大小豬灣加拿大哈 堛k克斯附近的小村 Peggy's Cove 小豬灣,優雅的北極圈漁村景致,恬淡而安適
橡樹園酒店 美國路易斯安那州 Oak Alley Plantation橡樹園酒店的老橡樹甬道。酒店為三星級
菲律賓呂宋島馬永火山菲律賓呂宋島東南部的活火山。在黎牙實比西北。有完整的火山錐。方圓達 130 多公里,高 2,452 米。頂端灰白色,由安山岩組成。上半部幾無樹木,下半部則林木鬱蔥。從1616 年以來,爆發過二十多次,造成最大災害的一次是 1814 年2 月 1日,曾湮沒了附近小鎮。現仍噴出大量蒸汽。山腳下有硫黃溫泉,對皮膚病有療效。土壤肥沃,有大型蕉麻種植園。風景優美,為遊覽勝地。
義大利米蘭科莫湖 距米蘭有一小時車程,風景如畫,星球大戰前傳的愛情戲場景在這裡拍攝,可見其景致之美。

Thursday, December 10, 2009


This tango is so amazing. I really enjoyed looking at this performance.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Victorian Sofa

My mother in-law send me a sofa set from victoria time. She bought this when she got married. Now my husband is almost 40 years old. Can you inmaine, how old is this sofa? Now, I can put this sofa in my new house.

巴黎 Eiffel 鐵塔

巴黎 Eiffel 鐵塔........保證你是第一次看到這樣的圖片

這個連結,可以存在我的最愛裡!真的很棒,沒有到過巴黎Eiffel Tower,也能看到鐵塔及四周的實景。點選右上角上鐵塔看四周夜景,怎麼有個沒有下半身的女人影像?多利用螢幕上←↑↓→ + -符號,你才能看到全貌。360度全螢幕旋轉畫面,宛如在巴黎 Eiffel 鐵塔實景現場,值得一看!【畫面右上方有3個小畫面,可分別一一點入觀賞,還有不同的背景音樂喔!】如果有時間,再點選畫面右下方像「地球」的畫面,可觀賞更多其他國家或城市美景。





別再猶豫了,就趁現在TRY IT!