Tuesday, January 29, 2008




注意手機通訊錄 ,不要用 "家 "、 "老公 "、 "老婆 "、 "爸 "、 "媽 "等名詞去定義連絡人 . 注意手機通訊錄

有一婦女手提包被偷,裡面有手機、金融卡、錢包等。 20分鐘後,當她打電話告訴老公被偷的事, 老公驚呼:啊.. 剛才收到妳的簡訊問我 金融卡的密碼,我立刻就回了! 婦女趕到銀行時,被告知所有的錢都已被提走。小偷通過用偷來的手機發送簡訊 給 " 親愛的老公" ,而獲取了密碼,然後在短短 20分鐘內把錢取走了。[注意]不要在手機通訊錄裡顯示自己與連絡人的關係;忌用 "家 "、 "老公 "、 "老婆 "、 "爸"、 " 媽" 等名詞去定義連絡人,我的電話簿真的都是用這些名稱耶.... 喔哦... 馬上改 !!!!!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Fridays, Gran Opening

James, my coworker went to Fridays grand opening. He has chicken strips and salad. James really enjoyed the meal at Fridays.


James, my co-worker found Fridays today that is going to open today january 28th, 2008 at 6:00 PM. in Tainan, Taiwan. James is so excited bout it. He found this place for a while.

Texas has a lot of Fridays, too. Each building is so different and cool. However, the signs of Fridays are the same, it has same letters and colors from country to country.

Huge House

Monday, January 21, 2008

Karla's House

Karla is the same age as me. She is beautiful and single, but she is able to buy her own small house. I really envy her. She is working so hard for everthing.

I remembered when she was in High school, she did not like to do anything, but now, she is more independent. She has to do everything by herself.

More Pictures

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Alamo, San Anonio, Texas

what is Alamo?

Alamo is betwwen Texas Revolution and Mexican War. There's were heroes behind the history. All the heroes now is best understood for many people. I really like Alamo because children can learn not only the history but also the culture.

I really like the Alamo, it is so pretty and structure of the building are so antique like old Mexican style. Eveyrthing is so cool over there. I really enjoyed the trip to Alamo.

Alamo Pictures

Mexican Food

After a long time, I haven't eaten Mexican food. Karla btought us o a Mexican restaurant. The food was really good. Each food came out in a big plates. The decoation is really good. Karla and I ordered the same thing. We ordered quesadillas and tacos. Alan had his kid's menu.

When the meal came, it looks good and delicious. I really like Mexican food. Alan loves the rice. Even the rice is not the same as Chipotles. Chipottles' rice is white and the Mexican rice has a little bit of color in it. However, Alan likes. I am glad he likes because I was worried that he did not like, what he is going to eat.

He finished the tacos and rice but not all the meats. The one thing that I did not like is the soup which the tacos came with the plate.

After eating for a while, we were full and we cannot even walk to the parking lot. Alan was really happy to have his Mexican rice.

Riverside Walk, San Antonio, Texas

This is the second day of our trip. Our first visit is San Antonio. I heard about San Antonio before but I never been there.

Riverside Walk is very cool, it is like Venice, it has lake in the middle and houses in the both sides. I really like it. Also, it has stores, everything over there is expensive. The view is so great. Alan and I like it so much. Alan really enjoyed it.

Final Trip, Killeen, Texas

After 50 minutes of plane from Dallas to Killeen, we arrived to the airport. her the immigration did not check anything. We just pass and took our luggage. It was easy. karla came on time to picked up us. When I saw her, I was so happy, I did not recognize her at the first but after that she looked familiar to me. I cannot believe after 14 years, I saw meet her again.

The first impression of Killeen is a lot of military here. I can see from monuments, pictures and decoration at the airport.

We left Taiwan on January 19th at 7:30 and we arrived January 19th, 2008 at 7:00 PM. I am so tired. I need to take shower and sleep for a while.

Arriving to Dallas

Unbelievable, we left January 19th 2008 and we arrived to Dallas, USA January 19th, 2008.

After 11 hours and 33 minutes on the airplane, finally, we arrived to Dallas. It was a hard trip, Alan could sleep very well on the plane. I could not even sleep because I was taking care of Alan. I was afraid that Alan will hit somebody in front of him or next to him. fortunately, he did not kick a lot during his sleep. He was also dreaming and saying something that people next to him were laughing.

When we arrived to Dallas, we had to pass immigration. It was a lot of people. The immigration that I had wanted to see many of my papers and return tickets. He thought that I was going to stay here in USA. I do not want to stay here illegally. I have my job, I must go back to Taiwan.

The immigration also asked me why Alan became an American citizen. I explained to him and he did not say anything after that.

After 29 minutes talking to the immigration officer and he took pictures and finger printing, he finally made us to go. Now, going to the USA is complicated. They are afraid that we are going to be there illegally o being criminals. I do not know what immigration officer was thinking. I thought that is ridiculous.

We went to take our luggage right away, and we transfer our luggage to Killeen. I found people in Texas are not even polite. I was in MN, I found people over there are politer than Texas. They ignored minorities. I felt they are racists. They saw me as Asian person and I did not know how to transfer my luggage to Killeen, they saw me that I have questions and they just ignored me. They were asking people behind me. This is one of the examples of racism at the Dallas airport.

After transferring the luggage, we had to pass again to the security. We had to take out everything. We had to take out shoes, jackets, computers and more. It was so complicated. We did not have a lot of time. We arrived at 4:45PM and our plane is at 5:30. 2o minutes with immigration officer and 30 minutes waiting for the security, I did not have time to catch another plane. I was worried.

After passing the security, we had to take a train to go to terminal B. It was kind of far. We had to run. Fortunately, we were not only ones late. Other two people were arriving 5 minutes later than us. Alan says mommy we made it.

We were in a hurry, no time to take pictures at Dallas airport.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Transfer Plane in Tokyo

Our first stop of our trip is Tokyo, Japan. We took our first plane from Tainan to Tokyo. After five hours of our trip, finally, we arrived to Tokyo. We left slowly because we have five hours to wait before to catch another plane to Dallas.

We never been to Tokyo, Japan. When we arrived to Tokyo, we were looking around, and we were waiting to get tickets to Dallas and Killeen. After waiting for 15 minutes, American Arline's' counter opened, I was the first in line to get my tickets.

After getting my tickets, we took a train from the old airport to the new airport. Alan really like it. We had to wait for 2 minutes and the train came right away. After getting into the train, we were enjoying the ride. The ride was too short and we arrived to the new airport.

We have a lots of time, we were looking around the airport. We found play area for kids, bathroom, shower room, restaurants, shops, and Internet station. The kids area and the Internet are all free. It was very convenient for kids to take a rest or play before the departure to another country.

Also, the coolest part of this is that when people are tired, they could go to the rest area and lay down or sleep a little before continue with the trip.

Things in Tokyo is kind of expensive and the amount of food that contain in the box is not a lot. When we transfer airplane to Tokyo to Taiwan, I will buy some cookies and things that Alan likes. I really like Tokyo airport. I never seen this kind of airport before. It is amazing, it has everything.

I found Tokyo airport is so cool, it has everything that the travels needed.

Departure to Texas

Alan and I were so excited to go to Texas. I finished grading and counting grades for my students.

Our Texas' trip is coming, my in-laws came to Tainan accompany us to Tao-Yuen's airport. They stayed with us for a week and it was a great help for me in terms of cooking.

I packed everything, I brought more clothing for Alan. I am afraid that he will be very cold. I do not know how Texas look like. I will experience and see Texas soon. I packed only one luggage for Alan and myself.

Also, I bought presents for my aunt and Karla. I will be in Karla's house for one week before she goes to South Carolina, After that I will go to my aunt's house for the rest of my trip.

Hopefully, Alan can learn English while we were in Texas. I am so excited for the trip and see Karla after these years.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dumplings (小籠包)

This 小籠包 is very special because it has liquid into it. The traditional steam dumplings does not have liquid on it. But dumplings 小籠包 in these days has more soup. It is so tasty.

Friday, January 11, 2008


敬知各位親朋好友: 最近世界各國對中國黑心食品 確實達到恐懼的地步 但您知如何分辨 台製或中製嗎 告訴您 條碼下前三位數字690即屬中製 (為了您尊貴的玉體再便宜也不要買) 471則屬台製
這些屬人民有應知的權利 政府和有關單位卻不教育群眾 我們只好自力救濟囉 切記切記


肝臟有問題時,尤其得了肝炎,以下的4個現 象.不可以有任何一個現象經常性的發作。






肝臟是解毒的器官,對於身體有著舉足輕重的地位,因為如困身體積存了太多的毒素,久而久之,不是生病,就是壽命短促,故肝臟,宜好好的調理,以下是調養肝臟的食療方法 :



每週飲 300c.c.一杯,可加蜂蜜一茶匙,不宜空腹飲用,午餐後飲用最佳。肝臟的食療方法,最起碼要作三個月以上,以上分量適合一般大人,小孩減半,持之以恆的去作,會讓肝臟得到很好的改善,平常人也可當作保養食療用,也相當有好處。另外,肝臟不好的人,宜注意飲食不要太多種也不要調味太重,這些無形中都會增加肝臟的負擔。還有,肝臟於晚上 11:00-1:00 最需要休息,故肝臟弱者,最好於晚上 11:00 前寢,這也是宜配合的生活起居。


五蔬果 深海魚
保肝好伴侶 不論是進補或吃年菜,都不能忽略蔬果的攝取,「天天五蔬果」是防癌的要訣之一,例如羊肉爐中可多放一點青菜、飯後可用水果當點心。肝硬化患者更要多攝取蔬菜水果,以助排便順利,避免腸中壞的細菌過分滋長。

此外,可多攝食深海魚類,例如鮭魚、鱈魚、秋刀魚、鯖魚等深海魚不但是好的蛋白質來源,且富含ω-3脂肪酸,可調節發炎反應,對肝臟處於發炎狀態的肝病患者來說是不錯的。 一般健康人及肝病患者都得注意營養均衡,以及蛋白質、油脂、鹽分不過量攝取的問題,肝臟的保養是不分節令的,日常飲食就得好好留意。





Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Food Cannot Keep on the Fridge For Long Time

我一直沒有注意到 鋁罐沙茶醬 (沒吃完就一直放冰箱 ) 竟是致命的殺傷力常常吃完火鍋後 , 情緒低落、易感疲倦、胸悶、腸、胃、肝、腎漸感不適.吃不完的罐頭食品千萬別直接放入冰箱~~鋁中毒,一定要看完喔!很多人常會把吃不完的罐頭直接放冰箱 ,以為這樣就可以保存了, 錯錯錯,千萬記得 ,吃不完的鋁製罐頭, 例:玉米罐鋁罐裝沙茶醬 ,海底雞,等等等之類的鋁製罐頭食品 吃不完記得先把罐頭裡剩的倒在碗裡面,然後保鮮膜封住 ,在放入冰箱保存, 為了健康別再懶得做這動作了記住呀~


說著說著,他馬上打開一罐食品要我們品嚐,自己則以身作則先吃了一口。看著他暗沉無光的臉,年輕旺盛的生命力仍掩不住頭部已出現的症狀,我忍不住為他的健康擔心。我善意的提了兩個建議 :改善食物調味添加物;另外建議他將鋁製容器改成玻璃容器。臨別,我用開玩笑的口吻告訴他 :老闆,能夠改變,你會賺更多的錢喔!」 有多少人在失去健康以後,才刻骨銘心的了解【健康】才是千金難買的財富啊!

「鋁」是用黏土從電鎔爐中提鍊出來的,鋁鍋經過多次使用以後,就會出現斑駁的黑點,這是食物中的鹼、鹽、酸等等礦物質經高溫或長時間置放,所產生的溶解現象。 注意鋁製罐頭外包裝的文字內容,有時會看到良心的標示建議,如: 未食用完請置於玻璃瓶內或陶製容器內。但是很多消費者從來未曾注意,吃不完就連罐放進冰箱, 想吃的時候,隨時再取出進食,不知不覺中造成慢性的鋁中毒。

鋁中毒現象有情緒低落、易感疲倦、胸悶、腸、胃、肝、腎 ..隨著個人不同的身心背景,在身體最虛弱的部位反映出來。鋁中毒不易察覺,一般人都會根據身體產生的不適症狀,找醫師做藥物治療。如果在生活中未能檢視自己的身心狀態,尋找生病的源頭,長期下來傷害神經系統,將引起老人癡呆症。丟掉鋁鍋,不再使用鋁製罐頭食品,多攝取維他命 C,可以幫助身體加速排毒,約兩個月左右,就可以改善鋁中毒現象。


Real Scary Stories Happened in Taiwan

這是一封轉寄來的mail. 共4則事件, 與大家分享!

1.看到一個小孩子在哭-- ( 請通知你的女兒, 老婆, 和身邊所有女性朋友) 今天下班時,我聽我老婆講的一個新的犯罪手法,事情是發生在他們竹科園區裡一個女同事的身上。那位小姐下班後,在回家路上看到一個小孩子在哭,很可憐....就過去問那小朋友怎麼了?小朋友就跟那個小姐說,我跟媽咪一起逛街....迷路了....可以請你帶我回家嗎?然後指頸子上掛著一個名牌,說那是他家地址....這位小姐不疑有他的,就牽著小孩子的小手一起回去,這是一般人都有的同情心..... 找到那個小孩子的家以後,她按門鈴,門鈴像是有高壓電般~瞬間失去了知覺.... 待醒來之後就發現....自己被全身脫光光的在山上一間空屋工寮裡面…屋裡連件可敝體的衣服都沒有,地上卻滿佈著…自己被扒光衣服後各種不堪入目的裸體照… 可憐的是....自己卻連犯人長得啥樣子都沒看見....所以現在歹徒犯案都是利用同情心。下次萬一遇到這種事,千萬別就這樣傻傻的帶他回去,就帶他到警察局去就好了,走丟小孩的放到警察局一定沒錯,警察叔叔還會買玩具買麥當勞給他呀 請通知你的女兒, 老婆, 和身邊所有女性朋友

2. 這前天發生在我老婆身上,我老婆開車載著我心愛的小Baby去買炒麵,車子就停在一家快炒的攤子前,因為車上有 Baby,所以就搖下車窗叫老闆弄,沒下車 然後再把車窗搖上和小Baby玩 我老婆有一個習慣,人在車上 ,一定要上中控鎖,無論是發動或停止 前有一輛銀色的休旅車 兩個人,兩個人都走下車.看起斯斯文文的,走過我們的車,我老婆和小Baby正玩得開心 ,突然後座,"ㄆㄧㄚ"!! 的一聲,我老婆嚇一跳!!驚覺有人要開我們的車門, 因為鎖住, 他們又裝作若無其事的走回去車上 我老婆說給我聽的時候, 我覺得太不可思議了,這事情就在光天化日下發生,如果沒有鎖的話,我真的不敢想像會發生什麼事情希望大家有上鎖的習慣,他們都是從後座下手的 因為這樣最容易制服一個人

3.! 我! 爸媽上個月底到新莊的台北醫院探望親戚 ,之後準備地下停車場開車回家當把車子開上來在收費亭繳錢後,出來一轉剛好遇到紅燈就停下來 ,就在此時中控鎖尚未自動鎖門 兩名青年就這樣從後門左右個別進入坐到後座, 還好我爸媽反應快,馬上拔掉安全帶及車鑰匙後迅速站外 那兩人一樣不動聲色的坐著 ,我媽拉大嗓子跟他們吼說 " 我們也有很多人在醫院樓上要不要叫他們下來跟你談"後來他們走出車外說 "對不起,坐錯車了 "(怎麼可能.分明是要搶劫 )然後旁邊一台車(有兩人在內)迅速開來載走他們..... 真是十分恐怖,以前我們家的車雖有中控鎖,但不會自動在開車後鎖門,而換車後我們又太依賴自動鎖.....所以人千萬不要太鐵齒,一直認為自己不會碰到,但現在實在是越來越搶劫詐騙案件請大家還是要多加注意.... 切記一上車就要鎖門

4. 昨天突然心血? 蚍! 曊}車去幼稚園接我小兒子下課紅燈時,我的車停在路口算來約第三部或第四部。過一會兒,突然有一部摩托車停在我旁邊,車上有兩個約 20歲左右的年輕男生。以摩托車的習性而言,除非是躲陽光,否則在前面有還有空位時摩托車通常還會往前停。 但昨天台北下著毛毛雨,不可能是躲陽光。更奇怪的是,他們兩人還一直往我車內張望因為覺得奇怪,所以也看了他們一眼。然後綠燈了,起步了, 就在起步的同時, 我聽到其中一個人用閩南語說:"車門都鎖起來了 "然後車子就騎走了 聽到話的同時,我楞了一下,等到發現他們的企圖時,我開始覺得害怕,但是想去看他們的車牌時已經來不及了。事後回想,他們當時的企圖要不就是搶車,要不就是搶錢,更可怕的是,也許會打開我的後門把我兒子抱走,然後綁架勒贖 如果我當時車門沒有上鎖,或許人多車多時他們不會有動作, 但他們可以尾隨,伺機行動。之前也曾聽說有人一上車,車門還沒鎖,邊就有人開了後門坐進車內,拿刀架在駕駛人脖子上搶劫的事, 想提醒大家的是,現在車子都有中控鎖,為了自己的安全,一上車就要記得把中控鎖按下去,外面的人想開車門時才不容易得逞 ,只是一個小動作,但卻可能避免一個社會新聞的發生。


Friday, January 04, 2008

A Few Weeks Left For Texas

I am so excited. It is only a few weeks left for Texas. I can see my best friend. It has been 10 years that I did not see her.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

A Special Guest 林道遠

Today, it is not only a singing competition fo teachers but also a special guest came to Taiwan. In the U.S.A. there's a program called American Idol. Here in Taiwan, so many people also wans to be an artist. Of course, there's a good artist and bad artist; popular and not popular. Because a lot of people want to be an artist, so there's a program for singing competitions. It is a Taiwanese Idol (超級星光大道), we called it in English "One Million Star."

林道遠 from One Million Star program came to our school. He did not win during the competition. He sings very well during the competition but the downside, he always forgot his lines or words. So that's why this is the rason that made him to loose during the competition.

During lunch time, everyone knew he was here, every students without eating lunch came to teacher's office to take pictures with 林道遠. Our offfice was crazy and full of students here. It was too noisy, it cannot be alow the noise in the office. I do not know if the principal heard them or not.

After teacher's singing, he performed two songs that he prepared before. After many people wanted him to sing one more song, he did three songs in the afternoon. It is amazing afternoon, everyone enjoyed not only singing but also 林道遠's performance. It was a ncie surprise.

After the performance, i took a picture with him, also. I could catch him and I could grab a picture with him in my camera. It was so nice, I cnanot wait to show it to my family.

林道遠 now is in Senior three, grade 12th now.

More pictures

Singing Competition for Teachers

Today, we have a special program in our school, Sheng-Kung. We have a singing competition for teachers. Students are crazy about this day. There were 15 teachers who were singing, we could heard solos or in groups or two to three or even four people singing.

There were thousand and thousand of students were watching. I will be very nervous in front of many people. I won't sing in front of that many people. I will look myself very bad. However, I really enjoyed listening other people singing.

I could enjoyed Chinese and Taiwanese songs. I am very proud of my co-workers who can sing very well. I really enjoyed each song.

More than that, we have a lot of coworkers who are partners in life. One of the married couples were singing so well. It seems they love each other so much. I really envy them how well, they were singing and love each other.

Also, workers, the gardener form my school, wants to sing and share with people. When he was singing, all the students were screaming and enjoyed his voice in this singing program. It is so cool for me to see that there's no discrimination between people here at my school.