Thursday, March 29, 2007


Recently, David went to see Mitsubishi car, a mini van. It is so cool, it is a new car here in Taiwan. It came up a few weeks ago. The car looks good and nice, but no money to buy just to see.

I Cannot Sleep Well in These Days!

Alan is in his first week of his first semester. He has his tests for two weeks now, finally we are coming to the end of his tests. I cannot believe, he is just in the second grade and he has 10 tests total. As parent, I am very tiring to study together with him. He has a lot to study and a lot of English words to remember. There's no play time for him. I just wondered why Taiwanese society is like that? It is just horrible that all the children today have to study really hard.


If there's a 40 Years Old Man, What Do You Admire? (如果你是一位40歲的人!)

If there's a 40 years old man, what do you admire? what kinds of things do you like to see? Watch the following video.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

House in The Forest

搭捷運到新北投站 新北投站牌坊 2點鐘方向就可以看到麥當勞和 Starbucks 沿著麥當勞門前的那條路往上走 走88步就可到達知性之旅後松鶴建議可到 Starbucks來杯奢華咖啡享受美好的一天

PS.小孩的書超多,讀故事書、看繪本、找資料寫作業...來這裡就對了 !
地點在新北投捷運站附近 光明路251號,溫泉博物館前面!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Vending Cars (五路財神)

They are very cute vending cars, they have from beef noodles to any kinds of drinks. However, this is not cheap, it is very expensive to star the bussiness. But it is a cute idea to make money if you can invest in it.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Cool Packages

Junior 2 J

It is tome for Sheng-Kung Girl High School to have the first monthly test. My junior two students did not even care for it. They do not even put an effort to do their homework or have their tests. Only three groups did a great job and the other members of the class did not even care. They told me that teacher we want to have the test for next time. I asked them why is that? They told me that had a lot of homework to do and they do not have time to prepare mine.

Well, at least they did not lie to me, they told me the truth. But still I did not like the idea that they want to have their test done next time. This is not the way to show a responsible students. They really made me angry and I went to talk to their homeroom teacher, but nothing. She did nothing, I really do not know how I am going to deal with this group.

English Teacher

Students can sometimes make teachers angry but the other side of them sometimes, they can be cute and lovely.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Since David, my husband was very young, he wanted one of this motorcycles that shows on the picture. He told me to buy motorcycle for him, but I still did not want to buy it. Now, his 100cc scooter is broken, so now it is time for me to think to buy him a big present. I need to find out the price and how many years I have to pay it. A new scooter, I cam buy him right away, but motorcycle, I have to think and re-think about it.

Yesterday on the way home from Kaoshion to Siagang, David show people riding this kind of motorcycle on the street. He really want to have one, I really need to think about it, since riding a motorcycle in Taiwan is very dangerous.

The Car of My Dreams

these cars are cars of my dreams, but they are too expensive that I cannot even affort it. I have to work really hard for my entire life to have one of these cara. These two cars are

on my list. Sometimes I can drive a small car and sometimes, I can drive a big car to work, that will be cool.

Human Bone

The following video is hard to believe because with only one piece of paper, you can see everything what a person has in his or her body.

Magic Jacket

This jacket is so cool because it can reflect anything.

A Mirror

This mirror is magic because it can change the figures, you have to see by yourself.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Goin to David's Cousin's House

David told me and Alan that we have to go to eat dinner before we arrive home. He planned to go to see his cousin in Kaoshion. His cousin brought us to the restaurant near to his house.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

So Cooooooooooooooooooool!!

In Tainan never gets too cold, but now in these days, the cold winds from China came into Taiwan. this made the city colder and wet. We have showers but not a lot of shower compares to Taipei city. I think we are lucky to be in Tainan.

New Nintendo Wii

Wow! it is so cool, it just came out of the market and it contain many different cool games. I want to buy this because when I am at home, I can relax after working. It is very tiring working and I need something to relax and I think it is better to play games. I can also enjoy with my Alan.

ViewSonic N3760w 37"

I really want to buy this TV ViewSonic N3760w 37" HD LCD. The bigger TV will be better looking and this will also protect Alan's eyes. I am very afraid that Alan's eyes will get worse and worse. So we need bigger TV screen but a lot of money for it.

This is What You Have to Read (這是真的!!看完再刪ㄛ!!)

請各位朋友要告訴自己的家人 .真的是跟郵差的裝扮一模一樣 ,而不一定只送掛號信 , 還會送包裹 .... 等讓你簽收 .而且會指定家中特定的某人才可以簽名 .請大家要注意 !!!用力把信傳出去 !!!也要先看過再蓋章而且絕對不能按指印免得被奸人所害一般收掛號信 , 只要印章或蓋指紋就 OK 了 , 不用兩者兼具 ,如果真的有這麼要求 , 就要小心一點了 . 提醒家中的人吧 .時機不好 , 動歪腦筋的人愈來愈多 , 所以要更加小心才是 .......希望大家看緊自己的荷包 ..^v^...請各位告訴家人,尤其是平日上班時間家中大多只有老人或小朋友在家,如有 郵差或民間快遞送掛號信件 來要求簽名及蓋章 ,真正的郵差是不會叫人蓋了章 又 按指印,所 以一定要小心,不要成為下一個受 害者!

立委 15 日揭發一起歹徒冒充郵差以 假掛號信讓民眾簽下 1千2 百萬元本票的 智慧型詐騙案。這張本票流落到第三者的手上,向法院聲請強制執行,結果無辜的被害人面臨所有的財產、房屋被法院查封拍賣的厄運。一張記載著1千2百多萬元金額的本票, 前後左右折折疊起來,露出空白的一面 讓被害人 梁老 先生 誤以為是 掛號信收執聯,在假郵差半推半就下蓋了印章並按了指模,因此本票成了有價證券。事後被害人遭到法院強制執行命令,房子被查封扣押。老先生擔心房子被拍賣而四處喊冤,他強調絕對沒有欠人家半毛錢,根本是在不知情的狀況下被騙。這起詐騙案發生在去年8月,當時 1 名騎著郵務車的郵差送來裝有1千元紙鈔的 掛號信請被害人簽收。歹徒穿的打扮跟真郵差完全相同,信件的郵戳也經過台北、三重郵局投遞,行騙過程看不出破綻。委希望桃園地院民事執行處不要成為騙徒的幫兇,要求暫停拍賣的處分。另外,立委也質疑郵務士被冒用,中華郵政難免有疏失責任,呼籲民眾多加注意,以免成為下一個受害對象。

PS: 請大力轉送以免有人再次受害,謝謝大家(這也是日行一善的哦)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Wang Chien-Ming Signed His Contract (洋基低薪 王建民同意了!)

The star of the New York Yankees, Wang Chien-Ming signed his next year's contract. As his contract says he will have $500,000 yearly salary. I cannot even earn that kind of money in my dreams. I wish I could earn that amount of money and buy a house of my dreams.



王建民帶著去年19勝的戰績,2日在熱身賽首戰登板,兩局連續解決6 名打者,雖然自認球路有些偏高,還是讓教練、隊友覺得滿意,熱身賽首輪5戰結束,更是洋基唯一奪下勝投的先發投手。






Monday, March 05, 2007

End of Lunar Calendar (元宵節)

Be Careful When You Use Microwave!

One person in Taipei city use microwave to warm her rice. But the rice and the pot got burned. It is very dangerous when you use microwave. She just put only 18 minutes to warm the rice, it is almost to be exploded. Be careful when you use a microwave and microwave safely pots. Do not use other than not microwave recommended. Here is the full story in Chinese.

微波爐煮飯 加熱18分冒煙飯變炭








The Weather Will Drop Until Friday (氣溫驟降 溼冷到周五 老天爺大變臉)

Finally, it is feeling like winter. The weather will drop to 12 degrees here in Taiwan, specially Taipei. However, I still feel hot in Tainan city. Tainan city will be slower than other cities in terms of changing weather. Here is the news report.

記者: 李宗祐/台北報導





旅美球星, 年薪揭曉 建仔本季1647萬

How can one person make a lot of money, here is the report!









Sunday, March 04, 2007

Look at These Trucks!

This is the first time for me to see how people carry trucks on top of a small truck.

Three Colors of Ice Cream

Look at these three colors of ice cream, this ice cream is not very tasty. I won't eat it.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Lantern Festival 2007 in Kaohsiung

History and Reason

The Lantern Festival begins from 1990 to 1995 which lasts for six years. It brought the flourish view on local hotels, catering, transportation and shops, also improves the image of the Kaohsiung to all over the world. The Lantern Festival which is not only the local activity but also one of the most important festivals in Taiwan. Totally three lantern festivals in Taiwan, there are Kaohsiung Lantern, Taipei Lantern and Taiwan Lantern. Base on the above, we are planning to hold the 2007’s Lantern Festival.

The main stage for this year’s Lantern Festival will combines Ai River and Kaohsiung harbor as for showing the vigor of the “ocean city”Kaohsiung. One hand, the stage design will integrate the local, tradition custom and high tech skills. On the other hand, the Lantern Festival display will include some lanterns show and skyrocket display in order to show the feature of Kaohsiung, moreover to propagandize the coming 2009’s Kaohsiung World Sport Game for pushing the local sightseeing.
The design ideal for main lantern, Taiwan Kaohsiung, 2007

Time is equal for everyone and everywhere, 24 hours a day. Difference person may have difference view on making good use of time. Kaohsiung makes good use of the time in recent years on reforming the city space for leisure and beauty. The circumstance renovation brought the new life style and confidence to citizen. As the effort from government and citizen, Kaohsiung became a flourish and high quality city nowadays. Kaohsiung shows the good example on handle time efficiently and it would become the model city soon.

Base on this advantage, the main lantern design ideal comes from the concept of “time”. The body of lantern is steering wheel shape. This design emphasize the important of taking good advantage of time and Kaohsiung is welcome the coming 2009’s World Sport Game. The leader from the boong become the gnomon, he raise the torch and announced to the world that the 2009 World Sport Game will be held on Kaohsiung. Twelve Chinese Zodiacs incarnate as solarium scale. Another design point is every Zodiac represents an athlete in difference games for telling the item of World Sport Game in advance. At day the main lantern can show time for the guests, but at night it became a magnificent lantern.

Time: March 02nd, 2007 from 18:30 to 19:00 Place: Hexi Road
Issue time: March 3rd, 2007 from 15:00 to 17:00 Issue Place: somewhere available near Ai River
Open time: March 3rd, 2007 from 17:30 to 19:00 Place: Hexi Road

kaohsiung Lantern Festival 2007

Tonight, we went to kaohsiung (高雄) to see lantern festival (燈會). We left from shigang (西港) at 7 P.M. David just came back from work and he brought us over there. When we arrived to kaohsiung, it was already 8 something P.M. Alan and I had school on Saturday, but Alan was not tired. I was so tired already. David went to buy a memory card for his computer. But he was not lucky enough because the memory card that he wants to buy did not have in Taiwan.
After that, we went to buy battery for our phone. It is very cheap in that computer shop compared to other places. Other places will be double or triple price.

I was so hungry but the time we bought battery. The next stop we went to Cosco. It is my favorite place to see and buy things. I did not plan to buy anything like all the time, but I turned out buying 4 thousand something in food and home use. I was shocked.

After shopping at Cosco, we went to eat at Ko-ri-ya Restaurant (可利亞). We like Ko ri ya because it is good food bonanza, you can eat everything you want. they have form hot pot to BBQ. Alan loved to go there because he can pick up what he wants to eat and drink. It is fun to eat over there and waitresses are very nice and polite.

Finally we went to the lantern festival at 12 P.M. we are unlucky because at the same we finish eating and done shopping, the lanterns do not have more lights. The place were too dark, but there's still many people over there. I like the lantern that different schools in kaohsiung made it. They are amazing. Alan really enjoyed watching at the lanterns, he said he likes this and that.

This is our second year that we made to see lantern in kaohsiung but we were unlucky because two years, two times that we went to see the lights were not ready or they shot off already. I just watch from TV but I cannot take any pictures. I love to take pictures but I cannot.

Alan, School All Day Long

Alan has school whole day long. We had a long Chinese New Year's vacation, therefore, we need to make up the class time for Friday Feb. 23rd, 2007. More than that, we had our Memorial Day, Feb. 28th, 2007. Too much vacation in one month. Many things to do such as banks, post office, mall, library, bookstore, and more many people are over there. I am hopping that Alan will enjoy today at his school.

Cultivating Talents, 2007

This morning, when I went to my Spanish class, I announce about cultivating Talents to my students. It seems three of my students got interested. They will come up with the topic and they will write their proposal. From there, I will see how to change or how to correct it. I think it will be fun topic to do it. I need to find professors for this project.

Teacher Patrol (導護老師), 2007

This week, I am the teacher patrol (導護老師). I have to control the traffic and the students' discipline on the streets. This will be a week long. It is very tiring but at the same time, I can loose some weight because it will require a lot of walking. Sometimes, it can be fun, because students that I teach, they will say bye to me. At the same time, it can be horrible because there's a lot of traffics and the there's a lot of pollution.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Piano Lessons

Alan has his piano lessons. This little boy did not want me to stay with him at his piano lessons. Alan is learning faster in his piano. He can play very well now. After the class, the teacher told me that Alan improved a lot. He started form nothing to songs. He can play wonderful songs now. Some times, he can sing at the same time. I am so happy to see Alan growing and learning.