Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Teacher's Day

This year at Teacher's Day, I got a lot of cards from my students. they all remembered me and they worte nice things for me. One of my students who always give me headache, she wrote a nice card for me, too. After seeing all these cards, all my hard work is pay off. It was so nice to receive cards from stduents. Also, our school gave us $500 NT dollars to go shopping. The government also gave us $500 NT. It is so nice to be with students. I love all of my stduents.

All the stduents are so crativem they made posters for teacher's day. Each of the posters are so unique and good to see. It is so amazing to be able to see the happiness on campus.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Oral Tests

This week, Junior ones are starting with their oral tests. Most of them did pretty well and they are all very well prepared. I am so proud of my Juior Ones, they are not only cute but also they listened to the teacher which is easy to control them.

Bye-Bye X-Trail

Last night my car arrived and we went to see it. After looking at the car, the car is very high for me. The front part is really high. Unlike CRV, Outlander or Hynday and other types of cars, it is not low. If I am driving that car, I won't be able to see it very well. That is one problem. Otherwise the car is really cool and pretty. It has everything that a person can have it. However, we made the final decition of not having that kind of car anymore. We are going to get our money back and buy another car next year.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Meeting at the Last Hour!

Today our Dean of the students' affairs office and sister Catarina came to our office and chat with us. They want us to do well in our jobs but at the same time, they want us to fell comfortable in our teaching. They brought us coffee, cakes for us. It was very nice way of communication, we shared our feelings and everyone want the best for the conversation class. I am hopping that after this semmester, everyone of us will be very good friends and rise a good
English conversation program at Sheng-Kung.

We Bought the New Car

Last night, the sales from Nissan company came to our house and saying about the X-Trail. It is a nice 4 by 4 car. The price is the problem, the car is too expensive which we cannot even afford it. After talking for a long time, I think my husband David finally wants to buy it. It was cheaper for $100,000 NT which is a great deal. The total price for the car was $980,000 NTbut cheaper for $200,000NT. The final price the sales wants to give us for $700,000NT plus TV, video at the back and other things. For me it was a great deal. My husband david accepted the deal and he reserved the car. Next week on Sep. 26th we can have a new car. All our family can go out camping.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Typhon in Taiwan

Last night, Typhon came to Taiwan. The wins are horrible. I usually drive 40 minutes from work to my home but yesterday it took more than one hour to drive home. The trafic was really heavy and everything was not very smooth. I do not know why.

When I was prepared to sleep, the winds are so strong and very noisy. I thought this morning, the school will canceled, but ot. I have to come to work on saturday morning. Alan, my son did not want to get up because he says that his vacation is too short and he wants to be home and sleep more and more. He is right, but the education system here in Taiwan is very competitive.
Here are more information about Typhon.

中央氣象局 颱風警報單發 布 時 間:民國95年9月16日8時30分。警 報 種 類:海上颱風警報。颱 風 強 度 及 編 號:中度颱風,編號第13號(國際命名:SHANSHAN,中文譯名:珊珊)警 報 報 數:第15報。中 心 氣 壓:940百帕。目 前 時 間:16日8時。中 心 位 置:北緯 25.0 度,東經 124.3 度, 即在宜蘭的東方約 260 公里之海面上。暴 風 半 徑:7級風暴風半徑 200 公里,10級風暴風半徑 80 公里。預 測 速 度 及 方 向:以每小時23轉29公里速度,向北北東轉東北進行。近 中 心 最 大 風 速:每秒 48 公尺(約每小時 173 公里),相當於 15 級風。瞬 間 之 最 大 陣 風:每秒 58 公尺(約每小時 209 公里),相當於 17 級風。預 測 時 間:17日8時。預 測 位 置:北緯 29.6 度,東經 127.8 度, 即在那霸的北方約 380 公里之海面上。颱 風 動 態:根據最新氣象資料顯示,第13號颱風中心目前在宜蘭東方海面,向北北東移動,其暴 風圈正影響台灣北部及東北部海面。預計此颱風未來移動方向有偏向東北的趨勢。警 戒 區 域 及 事 項:台灣北部海面、台灣東北部海面及台灣東南部海面航行及作業船隻應嚴加戒備。注 意 事 項:1、台灣濱海地區風浪較大,請避免前往海邊活動。 2、今(16)日北部、東北部及東部地區受到颱風外圍環流影響,有大雨或豪雨,北   部及東北部山區甚至有局部性大豪雨發生,中南部山區亦有局部性大雨發生的機會   ,請特別注意防範坍方、落石及土石流。沿海及台北地區將有較強陣風出現,亦請   注意。 3、巴士海峽風浪仍大,船隻請注意。

The taste of Argentina's food comes to Taipei

It is so wonderful that The president of Taiwan went to Central America and celebrate their independence. This means that in Taiwan, people can celebrate it with the Argentinian food. It is wonderful food with wonderful music that everyone should try it. In the following, there's a compleate article.

2006/9/16By David J. Hurfurt The China Post

Argentina is a country renowned for its diverse and beautiful scenery. It is the birthplace of the romantic tango. Argentineans have for a long time had a reputation for producing quality beef and have gained a growing respect from around the world for the quality of their fine wines.

The Grand Hyatt Taipei, in association with the Leading Brands Wines and Spirits Co., has collaborated on a project to bring the taste of Argentina to Taiwan. The executive chef, Fernando Franco, from Park Hyatt, Mendoza has come to Taipei to present a selection of traditional Argentinean cuisine in the Bel Air restaurant at the hotel.

Franco says, "I am so happy to be able to introduce a sample of Argentinean culture to Taiwan. I have specially prepared ingredients from my country to share with the people of Taiwan."

To complement Franco's dishes, the master winemaker Dr. Nicolas Catena has provided a selection of well-known wines from his famous Catena Zapata winery. Dr. Catena says, "Being in Taiwan is a unique experience. I have traveled all over the world and rarely have I met such friendly and welcoming people."

Dr. Catena grows the grapes for his wines at high altitude in a region which combines low temperatures with intense levels of sunlight. He says, "It is this combination that makes our wines taste different from those developed in other regions. It is what gives our wines their special quality.

Cantena's Almonos, Chardonnay 2005 is the perfect accompaniment to Franco's classic grilled provolone cheese with mixed green leaves, while the Cabernet Sauvignon 2003 makes the baked minced veal with spices and tomato and garlic sauce a real treat. Franco's delicate corn-fed beef dishes work particularly well with Cantena's Alta, Melbec 2002. Franco's "Rogel" sweet milk cake with chocolate ice cream and vanilla sauce complete the set menu.

A sumptuous gala dinner will be specially prepared by Fernando Franco on September 20. The gala dinner includes five courses and a selection of four different wines from Catena Zapata. The price is NT$3,800 per person.

The "Argentinean Fever at Bel Air" runs through to September 24. For information and reservations call the Grand Hyatt's Food and Reservation Center on (02) 2720-1200, ext. 3198 or 3199.

Scholars urge President Chen to step down

I saw this news on TV this morning, here is the latest news about Taiwanese president will quit.

2006/9/16The China Post staff

Some pro-government scholars yesterday urged President Chen Shui-bian to step down, and the opposing camps to exercise self-restraint when holding massive rallies.

With the ruling party mobilizing its supporters to confront the anti-Chen camp, it means that Chen's previous apologies were faked, said Prof. Chen Fang-ming, dean of the Institute of Taiwan Studies at National Chengchi University.

He said if Chen stays on as president, it will create more trouble, plunging the nation into instability.

He was speaking on behalf of group of academics holding a press conference to call for calm between the opposing camps. These academics are commonly considered supporters of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party.

Political leaders have the responsibility to open a dialogue with their opponents and should show respect for other people's civic rights, said the dean.

The pro-Chen and anti-Chen forces are set to confront each other in a showdown over the next two days, pushing Taiwan's society into a new phase of uncertainty.

The anti-Chen camp, led by former DPP Chairman Shih Ming-the, saw tens of thousands of supporters parade in the neighborhood of the presidential building last night after staging a round-the-clock sit-in for a week on Ketagalan Boulevard in front of the presidential building.
The pro-Chen side will hold a massive rally on the boulevard today, while the Shih camp is expected to retreat to the Taipei Railway Station nearby.

Prof. Chen said he was worried by rumors that President Chen might join his supporters' rally today.

When the president forfeits his choice to be president for all the people and instead chooses to be president only for his supporters, he has forsaken the basic principles of democratic politics, Prof. Chen said.

He also called for DPP Chairman Yu Shyi-kun to "watch his language and rhetoric" after the party chief described the anti-president drive as a conflict between the DPP and the opposition, and a conflict between Taiwan and China.

Prof. Chen urged Yu not to use provocative language to widen rifts within Taiwan's society, saying political leaders engage themselves in dialogue with opponents and trim differences rationally.

Prof. Lee Ting-tsan from National Tsinghua University said at the press conference that both sides should focus on their causes -- namely whether they are right or wrong -- rather than on winning or losing.

Huang Chang-ling, an associate professor with National Taiwan University, said the demonstrations by both sides are both activities based on civic rights.

Supporters of both sides should respect the civic rights of their opponents and should refrain from calling opponents "stupid" or considering the other camp's activities "malicious," Huang said.

Wu Nai-teh, an Academia Sinica researcher, said both sides should learn to understand each other.

While the DPP administration is in control of much of the country's resources, the ruling party should bear the greatest responsibility if any bloodshed or conflicts occur during the showdown, Wu asserted.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


The new outlander from MITSUBISHI, I really like it. I really like the model of the car and the equipments. If this car can be my car, that will be great.

小孩上學媽媽倒扁 靜坐同時交朋友






If I do not have a job or anything to do, I will go to this place and meet parents from all over the place and share about our children's education. I think that will be fun.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


After teaching for long time, there's no students were saying that I did not prepare to the class. I am a hard worker and I always prepare to the class. Teaching junior ones are harder and I have to raise my voice and more than that they do not even appreciate what I am doing in the classroom. I do not know what to do and I do not want everyone saying that they are not even learning. I want everyone learn in my class but at the same time, I need them to understand that I do work very hard.


Finally we have our own pianno. Now, Alan can play any songs that he wants at any time. With this piano, he can play his new songs after his music class, that is so cool!

Friday, September 08, 2006

信不信由你/狗星象 千古神話








八日凌晨月偏食 台灣看透透

Last night uring mid night, it appeared lunar eclipse. Long time ago in Taiwan, ancestros were not very well educated, they think that lunar eclipse was the dog ate the moon. We kept this same idea until present.

I saw on the news that at 2 A.M. wil have lunar eclipse. It was raining so hard and I wanted to get up of my bed and see it. I got up because Alan wanted to go to the bathroom. I saw and saw it but nothing happen to the moon. I di dnot wait any longer and I went to sleep.

According to the weather forecast experts saying that lunar eclipse will happen twice a year in Taiwan, but the truth is it won't happen. They just predicting.

This morning, i came to school, I asked people if they saw lunar eclipse, they told me when was that, they did not know. If I waited a little bit longer, I would see with my own eyes.

In the following there's a forecast report in Chinese.





Thursday, September 07, 2006


I got this message from ruth, my cousin.

Read over the following power point and see if you like it or not.


象腿女 醫師:當心心血管疾病

象腿女 醫師:當心心血管疾病 【中時電子報方佳怡/台北報導】

康寧醫院與自行車公司進行「台灣女性下半身曲線挫折感指數大調查」,今(四)日公佈 調查結果顯示,逾八成女性用盡節食、塗抹瘦身霜或民間偏方如捆綁保鮮膜等方式,希 望讓大腿跟臀部變瘦卻無效,因此產生嚴重挫折感。 康寧副院長尹長生指出,大腿圓周圍乘以二,若超過臀圍十公分以上就算「大腿過粗」 ,除了表示代謝率出問題,更會提高心血管疾病的發生率,呼籲台灣女性將大腿圍列入 「第四圍」,重視下半身肥胖帶來的身體警訊。 這份「台灣女性下半身曲線挫折感指數大調查」,是於六月二十日到二十四日,針對台 北、台中和高雄等三大都會區,鎖定二十五歲到四十五歲共403位女性進行調查,發現 約四成女性的身材為「水桶中廣型」身材,60.8%女性對自己的身材不滿意,高達82%女 性有大腿和臀部鬆弛的問題。 這份調查也顯示,台灣女性對於下半身最不滿意的部位,前3名分別是臀部、大腿及小 腹,有51.6%的台灣女性平均花了6年時間,用盡節食、塗抹瘦身霜或民間偏方,想要瘦 大腿跟臀部,卻無效果。 康寧醫院副院長尹長生表示,現代辦公室女性平均上班時間為八到十二個小時,運動的 時間卻只有十二到十五分鐘,想要利用節食或抽脂達到快速瘦身的目的,是不健康及不 正常的方式,嚴重時還會產生溜溜球症、代謝率下降、抵抗力減弱、易掉髮、皮膚變差 等後遺症,想要有效瘦身,運動還是不二法門,像是有氧體操、快走、游泳及自行車等 運動,每天持續30分鐘就能見效。 尹副院長也指出,根據醫學統計數據,大腿圓周圍乘於二超過臀圍十公分以上的,就屬 於大腿過粗了,他呼籲台灣女性將大腿圍列入「第四圍」,重視下半身肥胖所帶來的身 體警訊。 記者會現場也邀請美腿名模陳思璇現身說法,長腿一族她說,她都是靠騎自行車來雕塑 自己的下半身,同時教導大家一套抬腿操,就是挺胸站直將腿抬至九十度,感到大腿內 側和臀部有酸酸的感覺,就有達到運動效果,只要每天持之以恆,左右腿各抬二十次, 下半身就能相當勻稱。

美術 填色遊戲

美術 填色遊戲282個 (flash )

How Marriage Works (婚姻方程式 )

How Marriage Works婚姻方程式

If you want to feel loved and respected, give up control.
For in the love configuration, losing gives a gift that al;ways returns.
If you want to win arguments at home, learn to lose them.
When you win a battle and your spouse submits, you have , paradoxically, lost.

Junior One C

I always take care of my students, but yesterday when I was teaching Junior One A, the B group, I do not know if I want to take care of my students anymore. Junior Two are more active now, and they want to do whatever they want to do in the class.

Yesterday in the middle of the class, I asked one student if she argued with other student, she says no. One student came up and says, do your job, do not talk to other people. I felt so bad, I did not know what to do. I just want to take care of my students, I do not want everybody to be unhappy.

What I did wrong? I think I did not do anything wrong, but I just care about people, specially she is my student. I think as a teacher, I did my job, but that wil make other people feel very bad. I do not know how to treat them anymore.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Car of my Dreams

Prado is the car of my dreams. I need a bigger car. I always wanted the car that I can sleep in. When I went to Brisbane, Australia, I saw 4 by 4 car. It is Toyota Prado. I really like that car. I wish I could buy that car in Taiwan. It is so comfortable to drive big cars to work. I want to have big car and drive it everywhere.

Japan’s Princess Kiko has a boy

Japan's Princess Kiko has given birth to a son, likely postponing a long-running debate over whether Japanese law should be changed to allow women to succeed to the throne. The boy is third in line to the throne, after Crown Prince Naruhito and Kiko's husband, Prince Akishino.

The Imperial Household Agency gave few details about the birth, which came by Caesarean section following pregnancy complications, and did not release the boy's name.

The agency said only that the baby was healthy and that he weighed about 2,558 grams (5.6 pounds). Naruhito is the eldest son of Emperor Akihito. Naruhito and his wife, Crown Princess Masako, earlier had a daughter, Princess Aiko, sparking the succession debate.

Many in Japan have thought that the birth of a boy to Kiko, who has two daughters, would take some of the pressure off Masako, who has struggled with depression and, at 42, is thought to have a slim chance of bearing more children.Others, however, maintained that the succession law should be changed to allow Aiko to inherit the throne.

Junior Two A

This morning, I have Junior Two A. I am hopping that today they are great and they would talk less. Yesterday's class was horrible because they did not even pay attention to me, they were talking and talking for entire class. It was so hard ot control them and I could not een start my class. I was dealing with the discipline all the time. I am hopping that today they will be good and respectful.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Spicy Hot Pot (麻辣火鍋)

Tonight, David, Alan and I went to eat spicy hot pot (麻辣火鍋). I do not know why I wanted to eat spicy hot pot really bad. I wanted to eat it for days, but I did not have any opportunity to do it. tonight after school, i called David and I told him that we want to go and eat spicy hot pot. At the begining he says no, but after that he agrees that we should go and eat. I picked up Alan and we went to the place right away.

Alan was so happy that he could choose and cook things that he likes to eat. It was so great that everyone enjoyed eating and after that we all went home. David had to go to work after we came back. Alan did his homework and review his notes for tomorrow's class.

Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin

The famous crocodile hunter, Steve Irwin lost his life yesterdays when he was playing with the poisonous crocodile. He was only 44 years old, his poor doughter lost her father. I do not know what will be my son's reaction. Alan loves his program and we were planning to go to Australia zoo to see his performance. Life is very short and we do not know what will happen to us tomorrow, so please take care of yourselves and poeple you love the most.

Monday, September 04, 2006


I cannot sleep, because I am cultivating talents. It is hard to ultivate talents and invite professors to come and teach my students. I do not know how this project will turn out. I do not know how students will work. I just do not know, time will tell me and it will let me know more when I need it. I think I need luck to be able to finish this project.

Dropping Alan to School

This morning, when I drop my son, Alan to shool, I felt that he is growing. His last year's uniform fit very nice on him. He seems bigger and stronger but he is still baby like he just came out years ago from my stomach. I saw him today, looking at him, I felt different. I am getting too old and my baby shape changed a lot lately. I am getting very nervous.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Alan Won A New Bicycle!

This morning, we went to Alan's math cram school. There were a lot of people over there. There were cakes, drinks, candies, games for children and more. The main action of the cram school is that they need new students to come, they are making a propaganda for it.

The director of the cram school talked and gave a speech of how wonderful is their cram school. After knowing all about them, they were offering cakes, candies, and drinks for everyone. They also play games with childrena dn give each of them prices.

At the end, they have a big price, Alan wrote his name and I worte my name and we won a new bicycle. Alan was so happy, he told me that he is going to study very hard for it. The special thing for the cram school is that they use uniforms for one hour and half and twice a week.

2006 Taipei Beef Noodle Festival!

In the year 2006, Taipei governor promote Beef Noodle Festival. This is a good opportunity for everyone who really like to eat Beef Noodles, they can see which shop or restaurant is more delicious. I think in the Taiwanese society, not everyone like to have Beef, they are afraid. This is a good source for people to try many different kinds of Beef Noodles in Taipei.

The article in English is in the following:

 When Taiwanese people eat beef noodles, they reminisce and cherish the memory of their hometowns. When foreigners eat beef noodles, they are surprised with an exotic taste. Beef noodles, therefore, are not only attractive to the Taiwanese population nationwide, but also popular among the foreign tourists.

  In view of this, the Taipei City government initiated the annual Beef Noodle Festival in 2005. Last year, the event explored the origination of beef noodles,shared the secrets behind its delicious taste, and evoked the public's passion towards beef noodles.

  While attracting new group participation, the 2005 Beef Noodle Festival also promoted business opportunities and enriched the imagery and impression of Taipei . In addition to preserving the characteristics of last year's event, the 2006 Taipei International Beef Noodle Festival will continue to utilize Taipei beef noodle restaurants as protagonists, but also cordially invite other gastronomists to participate and challenge Taipei beef noodle restaurants, thus making Taipei worthy to be named as the capital of the world's beef noodles.

  The press conference for the 2006 Taipei International Beef Noodle Festival will take place on September 3 rd , 2006 at the Siang-di Plaza in Taipei Sinyi district. The rules of competition, voting system, identity of the spokesperson, and the internet address to the official website will all be announced at this time. Subsequently, a variety of beef noodle competitions are scheduled to take place. Booklets will be distributed with strategy guides and a comprehensive map. Special discounts and coupons will also be provided for gormandizers to travel and eat from booth to booth.

  Similar to the event last year, the highlight of the event is expected to take place on November 4 th and 5 th , 2006, located at the 2 nd Taipei Exhibition Place.

Here is the CHinese version:




 以「麵向世界 牛轉奇蹟」為副標定位的「2006臺北國際牛肉麵節」,將於9月3日假信義商圈香堤廣場舉行起跑記者會,除同步公佈今年活動的票選辦法、各項競賽規則以及全面保密的活動代言人外,屆時也將舉行活動專屬網站的揭幕儀式。  此後的活動期間亦將舉辦各類緊湊的牛肉麵競賽,以及蒐羅各方資料、美食地圖發行牛肉麵攻略。
