Friday, December 28, 2007

Alvin and The Chipmunks

The movie, Alvin and The Chipmunks is going to be released today in the movie theather here in Taiwan. It is 92 minutes movie with a lots of fun.
Three lively singing chipmunk brothers, Alvin, Simon and Theodore are living their lives in the forest storing nuts away for the winter when one day their tree is cut down and carried off into the city to become a Christmas tree. They must find a new home and they end up at Daves house. The only thing that makes them different is that they can talk and even sing.
Dave Seville (Jason Lee) is a struggling song writer who has a great idea about making the chipmunks a new show act, singing his songs.
The only thing is that you must remember is that they are chipmunks and they act like chipmunks by tearing up Daves house and interrupting his love life. David will adopt the Chipmunks taking care of them as lovely father and manager of their famous rock band.
The chipmunks become a big hit and superstars with cute voices and fancy dance moves. The record company executive Ian (David Cross) sees big money in his future and takes over the act and pushes Dave to the side. Dave must try to save his little family before they becomes a show biz disaster.
When I was a little, I always like to see them in action. This cartoon really rememberd my childhood.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas at Sheng-Kung Girls High School 2007

It is the third year that I have been teaching at Sheng-Kung Girls High School. Also, this is my third year of celebrating Christmas in Taiwan.

I cannot believe, it is like happen yesterday that I am in MN. Times goes so fast, three years ago, I returned back to Taiwan. Unfortunately, I could not feel Xmas here. Xmas is not a national holiday here, so we cannot even have our day off.

Fortunately, my school has decorated Xmas things. I could feel Xmas at my school only. Uniquely, Christmas this year is very unique. I can see a lot of decorations at my school. The Each years decoration is so different. I am very proud of people who did it all the decorations up. In the evening, when everybody are home, lights will turned up. It is like little colorful stars in the garden.

Surprisingly, all the nuns from my school who had been all over the world returned back to Taiwan. It is 100th anniversary of nuns confederation. So that's why my school is very beautiful not only I can see colorful building but also colorful gardens. I could see all greens and red or , yellow, green and other colors of flowers. It is so amazing to see all the beauty in this year in this season.

The Xmas program at my school is not too bad. Some teachers performed the skit entitled, "The birth of Jesus Christ." Some students who are not catholic, they could understand through the skit, the meaning of Xmas. Also, the father from our school gave us a very short mass. It was a great understanding the love giving to others.

Overall, I really enjoyed Xmas program today, this also means that I did not have class on the last two periods (7th and 8th). I can go home early.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Pao-Yen Xmas Celebration 2007

Alan also celebrated xmas at his school. Graders 2, 4 and 6 will perform something. Alan's school also gave them a little xmas presents for them. it is portable chopsticks. They can carry their chopsticks every where they go.

Xmas 2007

Today is xmas and Alan did not have any Xmas spirit. Alan's school also celebrate xmas. they have xmas show. In the evening, I gave presents to Alan, he was so happy to open presents. Unfortunattely, Davi is not a christian, also he does not celebrate xmas. I want to let Alan know why do we celebrate xmas and how God saved us.

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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Sheng-Kung Girls High School's Birthday 2007

It is saturday today, Alan and I had to weak up very early in the morning to prepare to go to school. Alan had to go to his cram school to redue his tests and I had to go to my shcool to see performances.

Today is Sheng-Kung's birthday. We will also say good bye to our old building for assembly.

Students were doing their performances, they were dancing, singing and acting. Also, little diplomats from English Department performed today. They did a great performance but unfortunately, the microphone did not work. I could not heard them very clearly.

Overall, each year's show is so different and very unique. I really like to see the performance beacause everyone not only the students but also the teachers put a lots of efforts into it.

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Fund Raising Lunch 2007

Our school, Sheng-Kung Girls High School is building a new building for physical education department. Each teacher has to donate something for the school. I donate $10,000 NT dollars plus $2,000 NT Dollars for Fund Raising Lunch.

I went to pick up Alan at 11:00 o'clock. He was just finishing writing the test. One of my co-workers bought the ticket for the lunch but she and her boyfriend cannot come. She gave me one extra ticket for Alan. It was very kind of her.

After a nice presentation for the school's birthday, we have a free tour to see the new building. The new building is so great. I cannot wait for it to be done. The place for our Assembly is so huge. It can have more people inside. More than that, we have bicycle parking, scooter parking and parking for cars in the basement.

The fund raising lunch is very good, it has a lot of food. I was so full and Alan did not like the food so much. After lunch, I was so tired, Alan and I went home right away.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Go Caroling

We are in the holidays season and all of my Junior two students went caroling. I have the unit of christmas and caroling. I decided to do caroling with them and make them to experience caroling in Taiwan.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

X'mas Party with J1F& J1H

Christmas is coming, unfortunately, Taiwan do not celebrate Christmas or even we do not have Christmas day off. During my Xmas's lesson, I had a nice surprise for the students here in Taiwan. I introduced them the meaning of Christmas and how do people celebrate it.

Even Christmas is not a national holiday, I want them to learn what is the meaning of Xmas and how do people celebrate in this special day.

First, I told them the birth of Jesus Christ and when he was born. When families gather together for a big meal, what do they eat? I introduced them very traditional food in Xmas for my students.

The day after Xmas is a boxing day in USA. I introduced them about it and students liked the idea of shopping in a lower price. Unfortunately, Taiwan do not have it. I think boxing day is getting more popular in western countries.

Also, in my class, we had play the game secret friend. I divided students into small groups, that they need to exchange presents on the Xmas day. Also, they need to bring food to share with others.

Students got so excited about it and they really had fun, but the most important is that they learned the meaning of Xmas.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Fea Market

Every year in December, Sheng-Kung Girls High School has a Fea Market. Each class will bring something they do not want. It is like garage sale in States. This is a great opportunity not only for teachers but also for students to buy what they need at home. Both teachers and students will save a lot of money.

This kind of activity will be good for people who wants to clean their houses. Some people in Taiwan do not want to throw their stuffs away. They want to keep it forever. I donate a lot of things to school. I think I am making a good cause.

I really enjoyed looking around at fea market. I bought a couple of purses for myself, I am very happy that they are very new and cute.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


越接近冬天,感冒的人也就似乎越來越多。近幾年來很多說法,如『維他命C可以預防、治療感冒』、甚至維他命C能夠防癌的說法也在民眾間口耳相傳開來了。民眾對維他命C的認識有多少呢?維他命C到底是什麼神奇的東西呢?它真的能夠預防、治療感冒嗎? ☺先認識一下維他命C






Monday, December 10, 2007

Recruit at Elementary School

Today, I had a wonderful experience recruiting elementary kids to our school. This is my first time doing this kind of job. We are 11 teachers from different subjects. We went to Tainan Minicipal Ancing Elementary School (台南市安慶國小). I got to tell how wonderful is my school, Sheng-Kung to sixth graders.

I practiced 15 times on Sunday night. I was ready. The dean of academic affairs office said that I need to be pretty and I have to dress up. I did everything she told me to do. I looked like an experienced teacher.

I arrived at Sheng-Kung at 7:10 A.M. to be ready to departure at 7:30. I unlocked my classroom for James, and I set up the DVD player for him to be able to use it.

When I went down to the school's gate, everybody were ready waiting over there. Some of my coworkers were doing this for the second time and some of them were having a lot of experience already. I cannot even compared to them because this is my first time.

After this kind of experience, I want to do more. I really like this kind of job because it is kind of easy and the school just count one hour extra into my duty performance. However, it took me just 30 minute, it is not too bad.

If I have an opportunity, I would like to do more, if the school will set me up for the next time. Overall, I had a great experience today but unfortunately, I did not take any pictures.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

日本內衣的環保概念 (Recycling Underwear)

Now recycling is very important worldwile. Now in Japan, people create wonderful and useful things using recycling. Look the pictures below and read the following article in Chinese.

愛地球(2004年發表) 於名古屋的萬國博覽會「愛・地球」所發表的「トリンプ eco地球儀ブラ(戴安芬eco地球儀胸罩)」,愛地球的內衣從材質開始使用會自然分解的材質,數年之後就會變成對地球有益的堆肥,如果拿去燃燒的話也不會產生有害的物質。
WARM BIZ(2005年發表) 為了響應「WARM BIZ」所發表的「ウォームビズブラ(WARM BIZ胸罩)」,「WARM BIZ」是由日本環境省所提倡的冬天環保(夏天為「COOL BIZ」),提倡冬天室內暖氣設定20度C,除了舒適的溫度外,還能減少能源消耗,阿日王還記得以前冬天的時候辦公室常因為暖房設的太熱而讓人覺得頭暈腦脹,甚至要穿短袖的情景也是時有所見。 這一款內衣就主要是使用特殊的遠紅外線的材質讓人產生溫暖,不管是穿的人,連外觀讓人看起來也好溫暖。 環保購物袋(2006年發表) 從構想到製作花了3個月的時間所開發出來的「No!レジ袋ブラ(No!塑膠袋胸罩)」,將環保購物袋跟內衣做了一個結合所發表的變種內衣,使用環保材質的罩杯,讓環保袋也變的很性感。 其實買東西用塑膠袋的問題在日本也是很嚴重,光是便利商店每一年所使用的塑膠袋就高達300億個,呼籲讓環保從購物自備環保袋做起。

環保隨身筷(2007年發表) 2007年開始日本的環保署推動循環社會的4R"減少廢棄物(Reduce)、重複使用(Reuse)、廢物再利用(Recycle)、拒絕使用(垃圾袋之類)(Refuse)"而我們身邊最浪費的廢棄物就是"衛生筷"了,其實就日本NPO的調查,日本全國一年要花費257億雙衛生筷,平均一個人一年會用到214雙,相當於3天用2雙,如果把這些消耗的衛生筷換算成標準的2層樓木造房的話,居然可以蓋出約2萬棟的房子。 為了減少對森林的破壞,自備環保筷是最有效的方法,又環保又衛生,今年發表的「マイ箸(はし)ブラ(我的筷子胸罩)」,開發的時間約為6個月,偍倡大家一起來用環保筷吧!

You can carry your chopsticks everywhere you go

These mercandize are not on the market yet.
For more information visit the following websites.
延伸閱讀:「COOL BIZ」是什麼?: 照片取自「Triumph」官網: