Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Happy Birthday!

This is my third day that arrived from Ireland. I am so exusted about my trip. Alan and I prepare everything for today's dinner. We went to reserve the table at the resturant that david like and we went to buy a cake at 85 degrees.

Alan and I left earlier to be at the restaurant. We want to make sure everything is ok when David arrived. Also, the waitress said we could choose a birthday song for him, but we do not know what to choose. If you chose, I do not know if David will be angr or not. He doesn't like this kind of surprises.

We ate for a little while and at the end, the waitress helped us to light the candles for the cake. We ate the cake andreally enjoyed the dinner. Also, the resturant gave us a free meal for the birthday person.

It is so cool. Also, I need to prepare a birthday party for Alan. his birthday will be next and soon.

Happy birthday Honey and I hope you enjoyed the dinner.