Sunday, December 31, 2006

Sister-In-Law's Departure!

After eating, we went right away to the airport. They took Eva Airline to Hong-Kong. We left home at 6:05 P.M. and we arrived to the Tao-Yuan International airport at 6:45 P.M. The traffic was not too heavy. We could arrived on time. After they have check in, they went right away inside and wait for the plane. Alan will miss her two cousins. It is also, the time for us to go back to Tainan right away.

My Mother-in-law's Dog Died

Yesterday, David went to pick up our family's dog 園園. This is my mother's-in-law's dog. She took care of him for 15 years already. It is so hard to imagine 15 years taking care of the dog and giving him food and other things it is a little bit hard. Also, the long company between the animal an the human is also inseparable.

yesterday, when my husband brought the dog back home, I saw him a little bit strange. He cannot even walk or see. I knew it is the time for him to go back where he came from. Unfortunately, the little dog's life ended at 12 P.M. on December 31st, 2006. My mother-in-law was crying like a horse, and my husband could not even sleep last night. 15 years of life for that dog is already amazing. Whenever he is, I want him to be happy and rest in peace.

Sydney New Year's Eve 2006

This is a wonderful picture of Sydney New Year's Eve 2006. This is so wonderful with a lot of coloring lights. It is just beautiful how each city in different country spent their money in New Year's celebration.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Going to Tao-Yuan 桃園

Today, I woke up very early to prepare house things. I took all the clothing inside to dry better. I also, need to prepare to go to work. After teahcing, I went to have my hair done. Alan and I went to the doctor and we went to buy some fruits to bring back to Tao-Yuan (桃園). Also, we went to Shing-Kong (新光三越) to buy presents for David's nieces that they came back from Hong Kong to Taiwan. Unfortunately, they won't be in Taiwan for too long. I have three gifts for each of them. I have very cute photo phrame, two DIY flowers and dog. I am hopping they will like it. I am hopping that they can make it.

We have to take a train from 2:45 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. In the train, Alan was playing with his daddy and he was taking pictures all of himself. Alan is a very cute child but sometimes he makes me very angry. Also, Alan was sleeping in the train all the way to Tao-Yuan.

When we arrived to Tao-Yuan, David's sister and her husband came to pick up us home. After arriving home, my mother-in-law already cooked food for us. The dinner was ready. During in the train, Alan ate dinner already, so won't be hungry at the time when we arived to Tao-Yuan. We three have a great trip.

Cultivating Talents (培育高中研發人才)

After months of months of hard work at Shen-Kung Girls High School, we finally finished our work for Cultivating talents (培育高中研發人才). The four hard working students, 高二良 張菀芸 , 高二良 沈昀潔, 高二儉 吳貞儀, and 高二勤 鐘珮綺 were always working and doing researching. I am very rpoud of them. The presure is already over. I can relax a little bit now. I do not need to worry about anything at this moment. I just need to wait and see if we won our work at the Cultivating talents in all Taiwan. I am very proud of myself and my students.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Eating Competition

Since last week at Shen-Kung Girls High School, we had eating competition. Students and two different teachers were compete who eats faster. Today, my two coworkers were at the competition, Pete and Mark. They were eating so fast but students were faster than them. However, they were in the second place of this group. It was fun to watch them how fast they are in terms of eating. After the competition, one of my coworkers, Mark, got sick. He had stomachdache, it is not good but he had an eating competiton experience.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Little Earthquake Again

I have whole day class, today. I was teaching in the third period, I felt little earthquake. It was for just one minute, after one minute, it was over. This situation scared many students. Since we are girls school, all the girls were screaming. After that we are all okay.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Strong Earthquake

Last night around 9:00 P.M. There were twice earthwuake in Taiwan. the first one was not too strong but the second one was really strong. What happened? I do not know. I called my family and they were ok.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Going Out for Lunch!

Today, I brought Alan to eat at the noodles store. This egg noodle store is very popular in Tainan (擔子麵). Alan and I went to the new egg noodle store. From outside it looks like very high quality and expensive but after looking at the menu, it is the same price as other places in terms of noodles. We really enjoyed eating noodles and the soup because it takes very traditionally. After eating the noodles, we ordered dessert. It tates very good and Alan had puddin, he also enjoyed his dessert. We will like to go to that store again in the future.

Jojoh Gave Alan a Christmas Present

After the performance, Jojoh send me a little gift for Alan. I told Alan that he cnanot open his Christmas present until Sunday. At that moment Alan wanted to open his present, but at the same time, he learned how to wait until Sunday to see his present. Whe we opened our present on Sunday, Alan saw puzzles and he was really happy. He started his puzzles right away. On monday he went to Shen-Kung, he told aunt Jojoh that the puzzle that she gave it to him was really hard.

X'mas 2006 at Shen-Kung Girls High School!

Today is a wonderful day because Alan coul dbe with me whole day long. I really miss Alan when he is not with me. Also, Alan will miss me when he is not with me. Today at Shen-Kung, we had a wonderful Christmas program. Every students and teachers prepared wonderful program at this day. We all really enjoyed a lot. I remembered last year, I performed a piece of music. It was great but I could it better. Anyways, I took a lot of pictures with Alan today, I really like Christmas.

Christmas 2006 at Shen-Kung

Multimedia Classroom

On Monday, Kim, the English Conversation teacher did not come to school, I had to sub her class. I brought students to the multimedia classroom. They all enjoyed the power point presentation and 15 minute video. I think that kind of presentation will help them to realize how Christmas is celebrate in the United States of America.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Funfest (園遊會) 2006 at Alan's School

Unbeliable, Alan is in the second grade and this funfest is his second time at his new school. Last year, the funfest was held in may, summer time. Alan was wearing school shorts and T-shirts. This year, different picture shows Alan is a growing child. He really enjoyed to be in his funfest but importantly, he did not class on Monday, which is Christmas.

More Pictures of Alan's Funfest 2006

Spending Christmas Eve at Taichun's Church

On Saturday morning, Alan had his Funfest (園遊會) at his school, we went home to shigang (西港) right away to prepare our laguage and go directly to Taichun. It took me and Alan two hours drive.

Arriving to Taichun, it was already 5:30 P.M. I was very tired, and I stoped at the shop to buy some new winter dress for work. I got great deals. I bought one skirt, and two dresses. I was going to buy more but it was kind of expensie all together.

After shopping, I went directly to my grandmom's church. All of members of the church prepared big meals. I really enjoy the meal that my mom and other families prapared. After dinner, we had programs at church. I enjoyed the first program was a band group from high school. I really like them and their music.

The program took very long, and I was very tired. The worst part is that my sister Anita did not want to accompany me or Alan. She likes to be with her friend. If I were her, I will be with my sister all the time. We do not see each other everyday, so getting or beig together is very aluable time, but she did not know that, unfortunately.

Friday, December 22, 2006

New Yor, The First One Million Traveler! (紐約第一億名旅客 來自台灣)

Yesterday, at the New York airport, they will promote the first one million traveler. The lucky person was the traveler from Traiwan. She got New York return ticket for free and other big prices that the New York government was provided. Other travelers at the airport were shocked and they were just said they were unlucky!

美國紐約機場,昨天歡迎第一億名旅客蒞臨,而這名幸運兒, 正是一名來自台灣的婦女,她將可獲得紐約當局致贈的豐厚禮物。陳梁女士一踏進入境大廳,立刻受到熱情的歡迎,原來她就是蒞臨紐約機場的第一億名客,來自台灣的陳梁是在20號下午一點,與先生,女兒,搭乘國泰航空第830班機,抵達甘乃迪機場,除了意外的成為紐約第一億名旅客,還獲得紐約市當局贈送的三十項豐厚大禮,其中包括免費的來回機票,紐約旅館住宿,紐約大都會隊職棒的門票,以及紐約各主要旅遊景點的門票,豐厚的獎品, 除了讓這名來自台灣的旅客欣喜萬分外,其他旅客看了當然也是羡慕不已。

Ten Years of Marriage!

Today is our ten years of marriage. David, the ten years wondeful husband told me to go and buy some present and he will pay for it. It is very kind of him. I went to buy some winter dresses and a skirt. They are so pretty. I also asked him to go and buy whatever he want and I will pay for it.

In the morning both of us went to work and Alan went to school. After school, Alan had his pianno lessons. We were waiting for Alan to finish his class to be able to go to eat all three together and celebrate our tenth aniversary. We went to eat steak, Alan choose to eat noodles, I had big bone steak, and David had his small bone steak. My meal was the biggest one. I was really full after eating all these food. It was great and the meat was so tender. Alan also enjoyed eating our meats. We had a great time together.

Ten years of marriage is good because we take care of each other. At the begining of our marriage, we had so many problems, because our lifestyle and we also came from different families made us so different. We learned how to accept and adapt each other. I think the first year is the most difficult time but afterwe are not just adjusting to each other but also to both families.

I am glad that we had a wonderfultime together and one wonderful child. I am hopping that my son can have a good carrer and a good wife in his future. I want my son to be happy forever. He is now like a prince for me, he can get whatever he wants. I am hopping that he will know how to take care of his own family and us. God gave me a good gift which is my son.

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Indian women before they got married, they need to paint their hands like this. This means good luck! to them. Men usually like what women paint on their hands, it symbolizes pretty. In my culture, this is ugly, but it is pretty in the Indian culture.

Alan's Christmas Performance

Today, I am very proud of my son, Alan. He had a Christmas performance at his chool, Pao-Yen. Alan dressed up like a train boy. His entires' class outfit was so great They were so cute and lovely. The teacher put make up on his face, so he was like a little apple. My son has talent to dance and do performance. He is really cute and lovely. I am very lucky to have this child. I really got a good spot, so I could take pictures of Alan. I should also bring my video camera, too.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Weather Is Going to Drop Tonight!

Today, we had a great weather. It was sunny with a little bit of rain. Tomorrow, the weather will be very cold. It is going to drop another five degrees. I am not excied about it. I am very excited about Alan's Christmas performance. I will take a lot of pictures to Alan. Yesterday, before Alan and I went to sleep, he was practicing his dance for tomorrow. He is very cute and intelligent. he remembered what the teacher had been teaching them.

Very Proud Of Junior Two A

Today, we went to Accademic Office, Student's Affair Office, General Offfice, Accounting Office, School Convinient Store and the Guard to sing Christmas Carols. I am very proud of my junior Two A because they did a great job. Even they are very noisy class, but their performance turned out excellent. Eveyone ejoyed their performance. I am glad that they did not let me down. I saved my face today! ha ha ha ha ha...

Amazing Propagandas!

Who create these pictures? Theya re just amazing.