Saturday, July 28, 2007

Tayih Landis Hotel

After Shing-Kong Mitsukoshi, we went to visit Tayi Landis Hotel. It is located next to Shing-Kong Mitsukosh. It has everything inside. It is a cool place to visit. Also, we checked the buffet restaurant. The restaurant's name is The Market Place. This month they offer European food.Also, next to the Market Place is also a buffet style for Thai food. The food looks good. I never been there, but I will bring my in-laws when they are here.

Address: 660, Sec. 1, Shi-Men Road, Tainan, Taiwan 700 R.O.C.
Telephone: (06) 213-5555

Car Game

It is so amazing how video games can be changed. When I was a child, I played video games at the department store not like this. I can not even see my own face o n the computer. Now in this generation, people specially children can see their faces on the computer. It is like the child is racing or compete with others.

Alan likes to play racing cars and he found one game that you have to choose everything you want, like places you want to go and which color, model of car you want. After you have chose everything, it is the time for you to take a picture. So your face will be next to the car. It is so cool, I never seen machines like this before.

The first time that Alan played, he was in the last place. The second time when he played he was on the third place. The last time he played, he was on the 4th place.


我說對啊!(我有好一陣子每次都只加500塊油,然後洗一次車,平均兩個禮拜一次 )
他就說那就是一定是煞車輪盤變形了 ,原因是煞車輪盤熱熱的狀況下,一下子噴冷水,在高溫熱漲冷縮下,很容易就變形了。

拆下一看,嘿嘿!果然已經變形了,只好乖乖滴換了(想說只是前輪定位跑掉或剎車要換了說),正好旁邊也有一部帥帥改裝車也是在換煞車輪盤, 該車的車主好像很PRO,聊了一下,他說他也是常洗這種免錢的,他那個車才兩年說...呵呵..連玩車的都不知道此事,心中倒是欣慰不少...最後花費一共3500+500(工資)。

PS:並非不能洗,只是請在啟程後即去洗車, 避免長程使用後或下班回家快到家時才去。

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Two classes on Wednesday

Today is Wednesday, I have only two classes on the last two periods. These two classes are Junior one classes, so means they won't be at school until thursday. This means another day of relaxing. I watched TV, clean my house and washed clothes. Even there are not a lot of clothing to wash but I did the job.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Zoya, to the New World

My cousin Janice had a baby girl on July 24th at 10:35 P.M.The baby's name is Zoya. She is very healthy and pretty. David and I are very happy for Janice and Will. Congratulations to a new mother.

Zoya is bigger and heavier than Alan. Now, when Alan goes to USA, he will have a little sister to play with.

Birthdate: 7.24.2007 10:35PM
Weight: 6 lbs. 5.6 oz (2880 grams)
Length: 19 1/2 inches

No School

We just started school yesterday and today we have a day off. Our school Sheng-Kung got the higher sore on government testing, Because of this, our principal gave us a day off to be able to relax for a little bit. Another day to be able to prepare for lesson plans and have things ready for my students.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Summer School Started Already

After three weeks of vacation, it is now the time for summer school. Everyone that I met today did not want to come to school. Students and the teachers want more vacation. I went to Hong-Kong for two weeks and One week, I have been cleaning my house. When I left, it is the last day of school. No time to clean since then. More than that, David was home alone and I do not know what did he do everyday for two weeks. Also, we spent 4 days in Tao-Yuen. Alan and I went shopping and relax at home. We basically the 4 days in Tao-Yuen, we watched a lot of TV.

Now, it is serious, it is time to work hard at school. I am glad to see a lot of students, we talked for long time. Some of them are so happy that I am able to teach them and some of them expect a new teacher. This is the start of the new week and I had a few classes today because Junior ones will be here on Thursday. From Thursday on, I will be very busy, no time to relax anymore.

New Birth

Today is the start of summer school. While we were having our first class, my coworker, Vanessa is having a new birth. I remembered when I had Alan, it was so painful to have him coming to the world, but now he is growing up child and he loves me very much, as well, I love him so much, too. Congratulations Vanessa for the new baby.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Last Love (最後一句我愛你)

Dear friends, this touched my heart, you can see the following website.


The last love


文/丁凡( 作家;親職教育專業講師)



這些負面語言,不但通通沒用,恐怕還會有反作用。 人的心理很微妙,你越欣賞他,他的自我價值感越強、越會有向上的動機? 越希望表現得更好不讓你失望,也就是所謂「士為知己者死」的心理反應。反之,你越是批評、訕笑、責罵,他的自尊心和自信心就會越低落、表現越差、越不願意聽你的話。既然孩子生命中最重要的人認為他是笨蛋,那他的希望在哪裡呢?不如乾脆自我放棄算了。


有一次,我在山中散步的時候,看到一家人也在走山,孩子走著走著忽然就跌到水溝裡去了,爸爸驚嚇之餘,拉起孩子馬上大聲的說:「你怎麼會這樣!每次走路都不看路!以後不帶你出來了,總是這樣不小心!真是笨手笨腳!」 同樣的情景,他可以說:「你還好嗎?哪裡跌破了?剛剛嚇了一跳吧?沒關係,下次小心點。」




相信我,這樣的生命投資絕對值得! (本文摘自國語日報專欄)


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Going to Grandmom's House

It was a short trip today, I went to see my grandma. She wants me to help her doing things. I was so glad that I could talk to my grandma even for a little while. She was so happy to see me and she was expecting to see Alan, also. Unfortunately, Alan had to go to his summer school. Next time, we will go to see grandma.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Mental Math for Alan

It is the start of the new week. Alan had to go to his mental math class. After a long vacation, it was difficult for Alan to attend so many classes. In the morning, he had to go to Olivers for whole day, from 7:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. following, he will have his mental math. This poor child has to study a lot. I think the education system in Asia is like that. Children have to recharge during their vacations, but too much study is not so good for them.

Oliver For Alan

After two weeks of playing and relaxing, finally today, Alan had to go to his English summer class. It was extremely hard for Alan to be able to weak up in the morning. It will more difficult for Alan to attend his whole day English class. I hope Alan will listen to his teachers. otherwise, his teachers will punish him. I really hate to see my son punished.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Going Back to Tainan

A few days, I came back from Hong-Kong and stayed a few days in Tao-Yuen. David went to Taipei to work for two days. His company send him to Taipei to fix company's computer. Today, our vacation is over, we will have to work so hard and Alan have to study really hard.

I was driving the way to Tainan. It was so hard to drive at night because it is all dark and my vision is not so good enough. I will do my best. David has to work tomorrow and Alan will have to go to school and me? I will go to my school and fix my book boxes. I will be very busy and be ready for summer school.

Costco in Taipei

I never been to Costco in Taipei. Everything here in Taipei is so different compares to Costco in Kaoshion. I am used to know where the things are, but in Taipei, it took me a little while to find things that I need. Anyways, Costco in Taipei is the same size or a little bit smaller than one in Kaoshion. However, there were a lot of people. I am not used to that kind of people in a tiny shopping space. Everything has to line it up to take something. It was kind of wasting of time. Anyways, I got what a need.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Walking to the Market

Today, my parents -in-law and my husband David went to Taipei. My in-law parents will attend to the wedding lunch and David will go to work. Alan and I stayed at home. Alan wanted to go out but we did not have transportation. My father-in-law rode his scooter to the train station and David drove my car to work. Alan and I do not have anything. I am afraid of borrowing car or scooter to the neighbors. We have only legs left. We thought we could walk to the market in a hot sunny day.

Alan and I decided to do it. Alan says it is not too far. In car it will take 10 minute drive to the market, but walking took us 40 minutes without taking a rest. We were so hot and thirsty. After walking for 5 minutes already, my cloth is so wet. We decided to stop at 7-11 to buy some drink and have ice cream.

After taking 10 minutes break, we finally walked another 10 minutes to be at the market. When we arrived there, we started to see what is good to buy and what do we want. Alan wanted a shoes, so I bought shoes for him. It is cheaper than Taipei or Hong-Kong. After buying what Alan wanted, we have to walk home.

At this time, Alan suggested that we could take a taxi and be at home sooner. I told Alan it is okay but we need to find a taxi. While we were waiting for the taxi, we walked a little by little. But unfortunately, there's no taxi for us. We have to walk up the mountain. Our house is on the top of the mountain. It was easier for us to get down buy difficult for us to get up.

When we arrived home, we went to take cold shower right away. Alan took shower first after me. After that, we went to watch T.V. and drink cold drinks. Alan and I took a nap for a while.

After I woke up, my in-law parents came back home. They were so hot and tired. They said that they were so glad that we did not go with them. We were stayed cool and watch T.V. but they did not know that we went to the market.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hot, Hot, Hot

After comming back from Hong Kong, Taiwan is getting hotter nad hotter. I cann0t believe how hot can be here. In Hong-Kong, everywhere is AC, so I did not feel hot.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Returning Back to Taiwan

After 9 days in Hong-Kong, it is time for us to go back to Taiwan and start summer school. Actually, I did not buy anything in Hong-Kong. Things over there are not very cheap. It is kind of expensive. Alan bought his little light at Disneyland. Other than that, I did not spend a lot of money.

Monday, July 09, 2007


This is my first time in Hong-Kong. Hong-Kong is very tiny city. I do not call it a country, it is a city which is part of China. Everywhere I go is crowded. Everyone lives in an apartment. All the apartments are so tiny, just imagine, one bedroom apartment with four rooms on it. There's no space at all. Houses over there are so expensive. It is triple price compared to the house the same size apartment in Taiwan. The rent is also expansive but people here earned a lot of salaries. Also, living are so expensive like food, clothing and others, and more than that, the quality of the food is not so good.

The good thing is everywhere I go is so convenient. MRT made things easier and cool. In each MRT stop, I could find department stores. If it is raining, I won't get wet, because it is all inside in one place. however, I won't go to Hong-Kong again, I do not like to be a lot of people.

Saturday, July 07, 2007


Is today a good day for westerns? It is July 7th, 2007, that means 070707, triple 7s means a good time for westerns. A lot of people got married today. Even in Hong-Kong, the Ocean Park closed earlier than usual. Restaurants are full. It is so hard for us to find a good restaurants because the good ones are all full. All of the restaurants has wedding banquet. Anyways, I learned that 070707 is a good day for westerns even in Las Vegas, Nevada, a lot of couple got married. It is so fun. How about Chinese good day for marriage?

Ocean Park, Hong-Kong

Today everyone are so excited because we are going to the Ocean Park. I heard that Hong-Kong's Ocean Park is the best. I really want to go and see. We woke up early in the morning and we took MRT to (金鐘) then, we took the Ocean Park's bus to the Ocean park's back door. The back door has everything. It has dolphin show, bubble game for children, and much more. The most valuable thing is that the two pandas, the gift from China are there, too. We had to wait one hour in line to be able to see them. Hong-Kong's Ocean park is so much fun. You should go earlier and be able to see everything. Also, the most important point is that you have to take ocean Park's cable car, it is so much fun.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Hong-Kong, Disney

Hong-Kong Disney is much smaller than Disney in America but it is so much fun. The good point is that I could have all the rides. I did not have to wait for long time. It is not wasting of time. I really like the show where they have in Disney. Also, songs and everything is so great. I really enjoyed to be at Disney Land in Hong-Kong.

During the night we really enjoye the firework infront of casettle at Disneyland in Hong-Kong.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Victoria Peak

Victoria Peak is Hong-Kong the most famous tourist place and you can see all the sighting over there. You can see entire Hong-Kong from here. Also, taking the peak train to the top is so much fun. Inside of Peak Tower, you can have so much fun, you can buy presents and there's restaurants when you are hungry.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Hong-Kong, 7-1

Today is July first in Hong-Kong. This means that after 10 years under British colony; finally, they got their freedom. They celebrate this memory by showing fire works in the sky. It is so cool, each firework is very unique and pretty. I am glad I could see that in live.

I'm in Hong-Kong

After many trouble for this trip, finally, we arrived to Hong-Kong. While we were on the plane, we faced strong winds. It made me so scared. The plane was moving up and down really fast. Alan and I were so scared. After many strong winds and scary things happen on the trip, finally we arrived to Hong-kong.

We arrived to Hong-Kong at 6:00 P.M. While we were passing the immigration, it were a lot of people on line. I did not see a lot of people like this before and the worst thing is that each section it has only three immigration personal over there. The situation goes really slow. We had to go off the line and have time to go to the bathroom.

When we came back from the bathroom, we still need to wait for another 30 minutes in line. A lot of time waiting, it is our turn. I gave our passport to the immigration personal and he checked my passport first and after Alan's passport. Everything was okay and it is time for us to pick up our luggage.

After picking up the luggage, we could leave the airport and my brother -in-law was waiting for us. The taxi was ready there and waiting for us too.

Cantonese airport is really big, it has a lot of things there. Evergreen plane parked in another place and we had to take airport's MRT to be able to go to the immigration. Anyways, when we left, it was a big shower. I heard from Cantonese said it has been raining for two weeks already. Hopefully, by the time for me to go outside to look around, it will be a good weather.

I could see a nice view from the taxi. Hong-Kong has a lot of rivers with high buildings, all the buildings are living areas. Each apartment is really small with all the open space areas and with windows in each room.

I like windows in each room, otherwise there's no light or no air. The houses here are really expensive and small. In Hong-Kong a small apartment of three rooms, in Taiwan we could buy a big independent house with yard and garage. I think each place is very unique and with its price, too.