A New House

Welcome To Nela's Blog
Surprise, my in-laws are here. They went to eat near Tainan city, David went to pick them up at the restaurant. At 9:00 PM they arrived to my house. At that time, Alan was studying for his test. I am glad I prepared everything for them. I cooked noodles and beef soup for them to eat, even I know they have already eaten, it is kind of polite to show them that food is ready for them. Also, I prepared pillow and blankets for them to sleep. Everything is washed and clean, also everywhere in my house is very clean.
We just finish unites 7th and 8th form our book Impact Phrases. We have been learning international food from Mexico, USA, Italy, Japan, and China. First I introduce to my students unite 7, which is dishes and descriptions. First, I explain to them dishes.
Unite 8th
After introducing dishes and descriptions, I decided to make them to prepare a dish from these five countries. I divided my entire class with 55 students into 10 groups. We have two groups of Japanese food, two of Chinese food, two of Mexican food, two of Italian food, and two of American food. Two gorups of Chinese food cannot prepare the same dish and other group.
My girls can have entire class hour for discussions. I did not think this kind of discussion can take thme for a long time.
I could not even sleep yesterday, because today, I am a judge speaker at Sheng-Kung Girls high school for English Drama competition. I was so nervous, I could not even talk it is a lot of pressure on me.
Overall, I really enjoyed 10 plays, one for each class. This year's English drama competition is much better than last year's drama. All of the actresses put a lot of effort, feeling into their plays. I really enjoyed their performance even I was very nervous at that time. Congratulations to all Junior Twos at Sheng-Kung Girls High School.
I am so tired of my hair, I want a new change. I have two hours free this afternoon, I decided to and have a hair cut. Also, tomorrow there will be an English Drama competition, I will be a judge speaker. I went to a new opening hair salon closer to my school. it is in front of Seven-Eleven in 公園路.
As before, Alan likes to go to his mental math class. Since two weeks ago, he was crying that he did not want to go over there. At his mental math cram school, the principal changed the teacher. The other old experienced teacher went to Tainan city, she is controlling the new opening cram school over there.
一種罕見的新種乳癌於十一月被發現。一名女士的乳房如同哺乳中的婦人般起了濕疹。 她的乳房 X光攝影片並沒有顯示出任何代表硬塊的陰影,因此醫師只開了一般的抗生素。上了兩次醫院後病情卻持續惡化,醫師於是再度請她去照乳 房X光攝影。這回,陰影出現了。 切片檢查後,發現了急速複製中的惡性腫瘤細胞。為了減緩細胞複製,先是化療,接下 來乳房切除,然後又是一整個療程的化療以及放射線治療。九個月的密集治療之後,醫 師們保證她恢復健康了! 之後整整一年的時間,她過著最充實的生活,然而這批頑強的癌細胞竟轉移到肝臟!四 個療程之後她決定捨棄有著許多副作用的化療,找回生活品質。她詳細的計畫最後五個 月所有的生活細節,最後的幾天在嗎啡的麻醉效果下,安祥的走了。她死前留下了這封 訊息,希望轉達給所有的女性朋友們! 女士們!請隨時注意身體細微的變化,並且,有任何不正常的情形時,請儘早尋求醫療 協助!
乳房外柏哲氏病:這是一種罕見的癌前病變,以濕疹型態 ? o生於乳頭及乳暈上。濕疹後 來會形成一片邊緣有硬皮的傷口。我不曾懷疑這可能是癌症,但癌症找到了我。我的乳 房並沒有任何異狀,我看醫師唯一的理由是因為這偶爾會發癢、疼痛,十分惱人又醜陋 的濕疹。 家庭醫師開給我的任何乳膏都無法除去它; 皮膚科醫師先前給我的眼周皮膚病 藥物也無法治好它。似乎讓人感到不安,但無法使我聯想到癌症的到來。
我懷疑許多的女性朋友們都不知道乳暈及乳頭上的濕疹可能象徵乳癌。 ( 我一開始的症狀僅是乳頭上冒出一個小痘子。柏哲氏病之所以可怕的理由之一,就是 因為:乳頭上那似乎無害的細菌感染或是發炎,卻在延誤就醫後一發不可收拾。) 有哪些症狀呢?
1. 乳頭有持續的紅腫、不明分泌物以及導致搔癢及灼熱感的硬皮剝落。(我一開 始的時候除了一邊乳房有硬皮剝落外,沒有其他症狀)。
2. 乳頭上有無法癒合的傷口。( 我當初的傷口分布在乳暈,乳頭中央並且有白色 濃稠分泌物 )。
3. 通常只有一邊乳房被感染。這怎麼判斷呢?您的醫師會在觸壓檢查以後,建 議您立刻做兩個乳房的X光攝影。因為正常皮膚炎的症狀為紅腫、硬皮剝落以及不明分泌物,所以醫師只有在症狀僅產生於單一乳房時,才會懷疑癌症的可能性。屆時進行發 炎部位的病理切片,就能找出病因。
請嚴肅的看待這封信,並且盡你所能的轉寄給親朋好友;它可能拯救許多人的生命。 我的乳癌在無數化療、28個療程的放射線物理治療以及持續服用抗雌激素後,依舊轉移 到骨隨。如果能早點診斷出乳癌,說不定就不會發生這種事情了…。
致所有的讀者: 女性同胞不知道柏哲氏病是非常讓人難過的消息。為了幫助四周所有的女人,請將此訊 息轉發給周圍的人,使其他人知道這潛在的危險。 33如果方便的話,拜託您務必將此信轉發給所有你所知道的人,尤其是您的家人及朋友。 一個小麻煩可能拯救一個生命。
Today is Friday, I want to relax a little bit with my baby, Alan. I brought him to Jojoh's house first because Jojoh forgot her Easter Eggs at school's fridge. After that, we went to eat some ice cream. Alan also was hungry so I ordered corns, cakes and other things for him to eat. When he started to eat corn, in the middle of eating, his teeth fall down. He started to bleed. I was so scared. He ran to the bathroom to see on the mirror. I told him that to have an ice cream to stop bleeding.
好話 v.s 壞話 … 只在一念之間