Monday, April 16, 2007

My Poor Alan

As before, Alan likes to go to his mental math class. Since two weeks ago, he was crying that he did not want to go over there. At his mental math cram school, the principal changed the teacher. The other old experienced teacher went to Tainan city, she is controlling the new opening cram school over there.

I do not know what was happening at his cram school. I do not know how to talk to the teacher. Tonight, I decide to talk to the teacher and see what is going on over there. According to the teacher, my son is learning how to multiplication and division mentally. Maybe Alan found that way is too difficult for him. That is one reason that he did not want to his cram school. Another reason, the teacher did not too much patient in teach him, I'm just guessing!

Now, Alan is in level 7th for mental calculating and 8th for math. I do not want Alan to loose his efforts. He has been working so hard and he has been passing his first exam. Hopefully, Alan will continue to like mental math which is very important for him. I do not know, I will see.