Saturday, April 07, 2007

Go Kat

After Da-Shan Hot Spring, we went to Kenting National park. Saturday night's weather was not too nice. It was raining and cold. David promised Alan that he could go and play the Go Kat. Alan was so excited but at the same time, the weather was not so good. Finally we found one place where the Go Kat was open. We went there and ask the owner of the car. The owner said that it is ok to play but you can not drive too fast because of the weather.

Alan wanted his own car, but he needs to grow up a little bit more to have car of his own. So we rented double seat car. Alan was driving with his daddy. Both of them are so crazy, both of them drove so fast. Alan could not control the wheels, so David helped him. It seemed both of them have so much fun. I was there and took pictures of them.

Here is the video of how fun they had on this day!