Monday, December 10, 2007

Recruit at Elementary School

Today, I had a wonderful experience recruiting elementary kids to our school. This is my first time doing this kind of job. We are 11 teachers from different subjects. We went to Tainan Minicipal Ancing Elementary School (台南市安慶國小). I got to tell how wonderful is my school, Sheng-Kung to sixth graders.

I practiced 15 times on Sunday night. I was ready. The dean of academic affairs office said that I need to be pretty and I have to dress up. I did everything she told me to do. I looked like an experienced teacher.

I arrived at Sheng-Kung at 7:10 A.M. to be ready to departure at 7:30. I unlocked my classroom for James, and I set up the DVD player for him to be able to use it.

When I went down to the school's gate, everybody were ready waiting over there. Some of my coworkers were doing this for the second time and some of them were having a lot of experience already. I cannot even compared to them because this is my first time.

After this kind of experience, I want to do more. I really like this kind of job because it is kind of easy and the school just count one hour extra into my duty performance. However, it took me just 30 minute, it is not too bad.

If I have an opportunity, I would like to do more, if the school will set me up for the next time. Overall, I had a great experience today but unfortunately, I did not take any pictures.