Taiwan, Home Sweet Home
Welcome To Nela's Blog
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Maokong Gondola (貓空纜車)

You can take a short ride on the gondola to visit the Taipei Zoo or you can go further to Zhinan Temple and Maokong. There are hiking trails further up into the mountains from both these places. Maokong is famous as a tea growing area and has many tea houses where you can drink tea and enjoy the views of Taipei.
The Taipei Zoo Station is located about 300 metres from the Taipei Zoo MRT Station. Tickets cost NT$30, 40 or 50 depending on the number of stations. The system is operated by the Taipei MRT and you can use the Easy Card (悠遊卡) to pay the fare or purchase tickets in the stations.
The Taipei Times on 26 July 2007 reported that the Gondola will be closed for maintainence every Monday. This was because of numerous problems with the operations since the official opening. The hours of operation are 9:00 am to 10:00 pm from Tuesday to Friday and 8:30 am to 10:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday.
My Hard Work is Paid Off
This week, we started already with oral test. I have 13 classes, and each class, I have 27 students, you can imagine now how hard is for me to listen to one class, but 13 classes total is really too much. Some of the classes are not even prepared, but I gave them more time to do that. After listen to many oral test, my hard work is paid off. Some of them are very good and some of them are not even very good. Most of them prepared pictures, what I wanted it. They memorized and they act very well. I'm really happy to have students who really work really hard.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Teacher's Day
Today is a teacher's day in Taiwan, Some of the students today gave me cards already. This morning, I gave present to Alan's teacher. I am hopping Alan will give to his teacher and he will tell her happy teaher's day.
On Wednesday this week, we had a teacher's day program The PTA and the school gave us presents. I've been in Sheng-Kung for three years already and this is the most present I ever had in my life. Also, the gift certificate for Shing-Kong department store is $700 NT. This will make me very happy. If my students can do well on their tests, this will make me more happy than ever.
Also, we have creative students here. they made a nice posters for teacher's day. Each of these posters are very unique, I really like them. Besides, the meaning of it is great, too.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Zoya Second Month Checkup

Zoya, two month check up
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
How to Loose Weight?
How to loose weight? a 74 years old elder who always drink coffee in the morning and walking for 50 minutes daily, he lost many pounds. Here is the article below in Chinese.
74歲李肇基 骨密度30歲 (簡單易行)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Grandmom's House
Sydney's Engagement Cake
My cousin Sydney was engaged on Sep. 8th, 2007, but today when I arrived at Grand mom's house, she finally gave me her cookies. I had to spend $100 US Dollars ($3,600 NT Dollars). It was so expensive, it almost broke my hart. I do not have more money to spend. The box of the cookies is very beautiful. Inside it has a lot of modern cookies. They do not do traditional cookies anymore.
When I was engaged, I made 500 traditional cookies and 500 modern cookies. I really love my own cookies. After engagement, we went to Canada, so for me, my own cookies was not a big deal. But now I think, I should take pictures of my own cookies and my own everything.
Now, I am too heavy to eat my cousin's cookies, but I would finish it little by little. I was so lucky when I got engaged, my grandparents were there, I think Sydney would like my grandparents to be there, too.
Wedding Ceremony
At the restaurant, everyone were helping them to set the place and to decorate the place. The bride was so pretty and thin. I remembered myself when I was thin and pretty but now, I am too fat.
All the guests arrived at 12:30 P.M. people started to eat at that time. Alan and I left home without eating breakfast. Alan was so happy to watch his movies in the car. I bought him a little DVD player for him to watch it in the car when we drive long distance.
Finally, the food arrived. We are all happy and starving. The first dish was kind of rice, Alan wanted to eat it. He had so many turns already. After all the food was not too bad. A lot of relatives came today and they said to them congratulations.
After lunch, we went to their house and we stayed for a little while. At 4:00 P.M. we departure to grand mom's house.
Monday, September 17, 2007
I'M Sick...
It is so hard in these days to go to work with a cold. I catch a cold and it is really terrible. I do not know how did I catch a cold. The problem is I am not the only person at the office, most of the teachers think it is really hot, so they want to turn on the air condition. The problem is they turned it very high and the cold air just come down to where I am. I think that is the reason that I catch a cold.
I really do not want to come to work, because it is really horrible. I feel sleepy and I am not in a good mood, too. My students know I am sick, but what can I do, I have to be here. I am hopping that everyday will be typhoon so I do not have to go to work, ha ha ha...
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Trip to Tainan
I came to work this morning and surprisingly, I answered the phone, it was the dean of the library who wants to talk to our dean (English department), Camille. The dean of the library wants to bring us to see the famous traditional streets here in Tainan. We all accepted her invitation. Three out of five English conversation teachers went over there: Selma, James and myself.
Thew first stop, we went to the very famous noodle shop. I never been there, this was my first time over there. My husband knows the place and he said the noodle shop was already 100 years old. The story behind the noodle shop was quiet of interesting. I learned a lot by eating and looking around the streets.
The second stop we went was the fruit shop, this shop is already 40 years in business. In front of fruit shop, there's a famous temple, it called Confucius Temple. Confucius was a very famous Asian educator. He is very well known in Asia. Also, Taiwanese schools, we all have the Confucius education system. I would like to go to the temple and know more about the story of it.
The third stop was the meat ball. It is closer to the fruit shop. It is very famous meat ball in Tainan, the shop is already in business for 60 years. The meat inside of the meat ball, it is the lean meat, not very fatty. I really like the meat but I did not like the outside skin, it is a little bit strange.
The last stop, was the very famous little old traditional street in Tainan. It is closer to the Shing-Kong Department Store, the biggest one in Tainan city. The street is very old and well-known for many people. I did not know about this street before, I learned from the tour guides.
We have very young cute tour guides. One is the daughter of the dean and another one is the boyfriend of hers. These young couple came to introduce us about the Tainan city.
After eating and knowing more about the history, I really enjoyed today's trip. I wish, I could know more about traditional things that this city offers.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Sydney's Engagement

PS: I gave to Sydney $100 dollars for her engagement as present. It is a lot of money in terms of NT (New Taiwan Dollar).
Thursday, September 06, 2007

Chipotle is also part in our lives. Alan likes Mexican rice at Chipotle. He always tells me that he wanted to go there and have chipotle rice and cheese. It is so delicious. I really like Chipotle because the burrito is really big and it has a lot of things inside.
We Miss St. Cloud, MN

Alan and I came back to Taiwan three years ago. We always talk about MN, St. Cloud. He always miss Dairy Queen over there. When he was three years old, he loves to go to Dairy Queen in summer. He likes to have his hot dog, hamburger or french fries. The first birthday he had, I bought him an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. When he turned three years old, he knows how to choose his birthday cake form Dairy Queen again.
The place where I lived before was very close to Dairy Queen.When I was pregnant, David and I always walk to the Dairy Queen to have ice cream and we continue walking. Also, when David returned to Taiwan, Alan and I liked to go over there to chat and see other people eating ice creams. This ice cream shop always been a wonderful part in our lives.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
A New School Start!
This is the second week of the new school year. We started school here in Taiwan on Aug. 27th, 2007. We have 19 weeks to go before Chinese New Year's vacation. I like my classes so far in this year. I have very good group of students. However, I teach so many levels, I have 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th graders. It is a lot of preparation and creation for each of my classes. I am hoping that they will have a great time and learn a lot in my class.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Spanish Book
Weeks and weeks of printing and putting all the pages together, finally, I could take a big rest. My Spanish book for my Spanish class is finished. I can give it to my students soon. It looks great with 18 topics, including songs, exercises, vocabulary and conversation. It took me weeks of preparation and creation. My hard work is paid off. Thanks David, my husband for helping me to push the holes on the pages and made a wonderful Spanish book.
My Dream Wedding
I wish I could have wedding like Thalia, the famous female pop singer. Unfortunately, my wedding was not like hers. Mine was very simple, but Thalia's wedding is my fantasy wedding.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Spanish Book is Almost Ready!
Today is Sunday, I am not planning to go anywhere. I am home and I am printing out all of my materials. My Spanish book will be total of 200 pages. I have to make 42 books for 42 students in my class. Today, I am almost come to the end of my work. I just need to print out some of the pages that I need to print. Also, I have to make the cover and the syllabus for my class.
Only 60 pages more to print out, but 60 x 42 = 2520 pages to go. I am really busy, my son and my husband are helping me. My husband is helping me to punch the holes and my son is helping me to separate each pages. But the more help he offers, the busier I become. When he done his work, I have to check what he did and some of the pages are upside down. If my husband did not see,some pages in the book will be upside down, and students will complain. I have to do a great job for students, so they do not complain.
It is almost 3 P.M. I am running out of pages, and ink. My husband is not home, he cannot help me to put more ink into the printer. If I know how to do it, I would do it and I could just finish my print out now. It is just 15 pages more to go, this means 15 x 42 = 630 pages. I want to finish it already. I will clean my house and cook while I am waiting for David. Also, I will make the cover and the syllabus for the class.
David came back at 8 P.M. After having dinner, I went upstairs again and I continued with my job. It is 12 P.M. already, my work is finished. I finished printing and putting all the pages together.
It is the time that I have to take shower and be ready to work tomorrow.
Weeks and weeks of work and design pages, exercises for my Spanish class, my work finally is over. Now, what I have to do is make these pages into a book.