Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Show

English for you Magazine came to our school today. They are going to perform the show for us. It is Halloween today and everyone are going to have a lots of fun.

The show is great, there's magic, music and acting. It was enjoyable. Everyone like it.

Also, they ask students to play games, act and talk to them in English. Even our dean from Junior High School was on the stage for the magic show. She had a great time over there.

Unfortunately, only Junior one and two, Senior one and two went to the show. Junior three and senior three have to study and prepare for their tests. I think, the school should allow them to come to see the show, too.

The show was great, I really enjoy it.


It is very unusual in Taiwan to see Halloween celebrations. My students do not know what is Halloween. I decided today to make them to dress up and I told them things about Halloween. I made the power point into a video, I have the history, terminology, symbols of Halloween, pumpkin patch, trick or treat, games and songs of Halloween.
Also, I decorated my classroom with Halloween things. When my students entered to my room, they will feel Halloween in Taiwan. They all told me they like it and made it very cool.

My students came, I gave them 10 minutes to do the make up thing or put their costumes. All of my students dressed up and they were so busy to put their costumes. They were painting their faces, they were happy to have Halloween here in Taiwan for the first time. I dressed up, too. I was the witch with skull eyes. It was so funny to see everyone dressed up in my class and have a Halloween theme.

After explaining about Halloween, I made students to line up for trick and treat. All they had to do is "knock" my door and say "trick or treat," then, I will give them candies and chocolates.

Unfortunately, I could not find 15 minutes videos about Halloween here in Taiwan, otherwise, I will show them how the Halloween is celebrate in USA or other countries. The unique about Halloween in the USA is that every house decorate their houses and in the evening, you can see many lights, it is like Christmas.

After all, they had fun and I am glad they did understand what is Halloween, instead of trick or treat. The Halloween lesson turned out very understandable and meaningful for them.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It is My Birthday

Yesterday in the meeting, our principal announced the birthdays of people. We are three English teachers whose birthday are in this week. I cannot even believe how many of us are having birthday in the same week.

The principal wrote me a letter and she also gave me gift certificate to spent at the department store. The good thing is this is my third birthday at Sheng-Kung Girls High School. I am so happy about the certificates, but I am not happy that I am getting too old now.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Lucky 10

In Tainan city, we are celebrating National Athletic week. According to the ministry of education, we had to start school one week before, so we could got this week free. Unfortunately, y school we just had only two days of vacation.

Luckily, Alan's school has 10 days of vacation. I really do not know what he is going ot do in these 10 days. I have to bring him to my school and do some work. Alan must be good at my school.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Two Days of Vacation

Because of National Athletic Week, Ministry of Education said that we need to start our school a week earlier to have a week off during the National Athletic Week. The entire Taiwan is working only us are having a vacation. Going to many places, there's not many people everywhere. It is so great!

It is so good to be a teacher and have a vacation. When teachers' days come, it is so good to have bonus from the school. Also, it is so nice to have a birthday present, also from school. It is so good to have this kind of job. I really appreciate God to give me what I need.

My mother arrived from Costa Rica, it is a good opportunity for me to see my mom. I went to see my grandma and I found a lot of great aunties over there. It was a great Japanese food, and we went to eat all you can eat hot pot $168NT dollars per person. It is not so bad.

Also, we came to see my mother-in-law. She prepares all kinds of food for my mom. Tonight, we are going to have dinner, again Japanese food in Taipei restaurant. I heard the food is great. I am going to try it.

During my vacation, I was eating and eating non-stop. I am getting too fat.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Teacher's WorkShop

After four working days, I am so tired. A workshop, I do not want to heard about it. I am tired, I want to be home and take a rest. Alan did not need to go to school. We have to go to school and attend the workshop.

When I arrived in the morning, I told Alan to be at office and do his homework. He was waiting for me until I finish the workshop. The workshop took the whole day long. I was so tired and have a headache. The good thing is that, they gave us lunch box to eat. One of my coworkers is going out to eat and she gave her lunch box to my son.

Both of us are having lunch at the office. After lunch we continue with the workshop. Finally the workshop finished at 4:30 P.M. At that time, I was so tired. Alan was very tired, too.

After that, I brought Alan to the eye doctor for normal check up. I went to my doctor, too. I need more medicine for my spots. I think health is very important, with money we cannot even buy our health.

In the evening, I called David and we had dinner together. It was a great restaurant and great food, but it is kind of expensive. We ordered four kinds of food and no soup it costs $600 dollars. It is a little too much but everyone enjoyed it. The business is not so bad.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Las Vegas' Show

It is very cool when I went to Las Vegas, the place of gamble. Actually, I really like the water show that will have outside of the hotel. It is very cool and great. I really enjoyed. One day, I am hopping to bring Alan over there so he could see the show, also.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Picture Taken

When I came to work today, surprisingly, we have a picture taken. All the English Conversation teachers will have picture taken. Camille, the dean of the English departmet took picture for us. Anyways, we really need to posse and take a picture. We really had a great time together.


Now, the TV program in Taiwan, Magic is getting popular and famous. As before, Magic nobody wanted to see but now in these days, because they portray magic on TV so many people are getting corious about it. When I see this magic, I rembered from the TV program in Taiwan.

Funn Church videos

If we go to a church, we never imagine many things will happen. I always think church is the serious place in the earth that we need to take things seriously, however, many funny things not only will priest but with people can happen at the church.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


10 years ago, my grandfather passed away. I remembered, I was studying in the United Of America, MN, my grandpa was already very sick. He told me that I have to study harder to get a good career.

When I was a little child, I wanted to be a teacher. Until now, I still want to be a teacher. Now, my dreams came true, I am a teacher now, but my grandfather is not here. He is in the heaven now.

I was so sad when my grandfather passed away. I cried non-stop. He loved me so much when I was a little child. After we moved to Ecuador, I could not see him anymore, I did not spend with him during my childhood. When I graduated from high school, I could stay with my grandfather. He was very kind man.

Now, I really miss him very much. His new home is in LA, California. One day I am hopping that I could go there and see him.


Using these 10 steps for eating healthy foof to get healthy life.





  奪命惡習2:不吃早餐 奪命理由:嚴重傷胃,使你無法精力充沛地工作,而且還容易「顯老」。德國埃朗根大學研究人員在對7000個男女對象的長期跟蹤後發現,習慣不吃早餐的人佔到了40%,而他們的壽命比其餘60%的人平均縮短了2.5歲。而另一所大學在一次對80-90歲老年人的研究中發現,他們長壽的共同點之一是:每天吃一頓豐盛的早餐。


  奪命惡習3:晚餐太豐盛 奪命理由:傍晚時血液中胰島素含量為一天中的高峰,胰島素可使血糖轉化成脂肪被凝結在血管壁上和腹壁上,晚餐吃得太豐盛,久而久之,人便肥胖起來。 同時,持續時間通常較長的豐盛晚餐,還會破壞人體正常的生物鐘,容易使人患上失眠。





  見招拆招:要喝就得先學會怎麼喝——   最佳品種酒有白酒、啤酒、果酒之分,從健康角度看,當以果酒之一的紅葡萄酒為優。法國人少患心臟病即得益於此。據研究人員介紹,常飲紅葡萄酒患心臟病的幾率會降低一半。

  最佳時間每天下午兩點以後飲酒較安全。因為上午幾個小時,胃中分解酒精的霉-酒精脫氫霉濃度低 ,飲用等量的酒,較下午更易吸收,使血液中的酒精濃度升高。 對肝、腦等器官造成較大傷害。此外,空腹、睡前、感冒或情緒激動時也不宜飲酒,尤其是白酒,以免心血管受害。



  奪命惡習6:餐後吸煙 奪命理由:使煙中的有害物質更易進入人體。飯後吸一支煙,中毒量大於平時吸十支煙的總和。因為人在吃飯以後,胃腸蠕動加強,血液循環加快,這時人體吸收煙霧的能力進入「最佳狀態」,煙中的有毒物質比平時更容易進入人體,從而更加重了對人體健康的損害程度。


  奪命惡習7:保溫杯泡茶 奪命理由:破壞維生素,大量滲出鞣酸和茶鹼。茶葉中含有大量的鞣酸、茶鹼、茶香油和多種維生素,用80℃左右的水沖泡比較適宜,如果用保溫杯長時間把茶葉浸泡在高溫的水中,就如同用微水煎煮一樣,會使茶葉中的維生素全遭破壞,茶香油大量揮發,鞣酸、茶鹼大量滲出。這樣不僅降低了茶葉的營養價值,減少了茶香,還使有害物質增多。



  見招拆招:生菜、生汁中的活性物質與人體接近,可使白血球處於正常狀態,還能使因吃熟食而損傷的免疫機能得以恢復。考慮到這些好處,先練好你的腸胃吧。畢竟,吃生食也有吃生食的講究 1.每天飲用新鮮蔬菜汁和果汁。2.將新鮮蔬菜涼拌,可酌量加醋,少放鹽。3.人是依靠吃熟食生活而維持生命活動的,先吃水果等生食,然後再吃熟食,不會出現白血球增高的現象。 4.不吃加工食品,如罐頭以及添加了防腐劑、色素、化工原料等加工劑的食品。

  奪命惡習9:水果當主食 奪命理由:造成人體缺乏蛋白質等物質,營養失衡,甚至引發疾病。很多辦公室一族由於長期靜坐的工作方式而造成的消化不暢、血脂增高、血管硬化等疾病,確實需要水果中的營養物質來化解。但是,水果不能當主食。因為水果中雖然含多種維生素和糖分,卻缺少人體需要的蛋白質和某些微量元素。





Saturday, October 13, 2007

Aping Fort

Fortunately, today both of us did not need to go to school or the drawing class. Alan and I could spend time alone. We did not have this kind of chance before to get together and walk around the city. We are always busy or going from one cram school to another. We never walk around the city or look around what is popular in Tainan.

This situation happened to me when I was in the United States of America, I never had time to go skiing or traveling around to another States. I was thinking now, why I did not travel around the places that I lived before. I had a lot of chance to look around but I did not, I was so busy with school wok and be able to graduate soon. That's was my goal at that time. Now, I regret it.

Now, I came back to Taiwan, and whenever I have time, I want to look around what is in Tainan. I could try to eat traditional food around here. I think that is life.

Today, Alan and I are going to Anping. Our goal is reaching to Aping Fort. Alan is stusying about Anping Fort at school, he wants to see the place and the military officer over there.

We never been to Anping before. When we reached to Anping city, we really like it. We like the buildings and the houses around here. Each street is very unique and pretty. It is like Kao-Shion, the third biggest city in Taiwan.

The weather is very hot, even it is very hot, we walked around and enjoyed the time together. Also, near Anping Fort, a traditional house was introducing us about "Holland Day." Alan and I went there and we really enjoyed to see traditional things and food that Holland could offer to everyone.

After Hooladn place, we went to have lunch near Anping Fort. The streets over there are very old streets with very old houses near by. We went to look around what are the stores that these streets have. We found food, food and food. Also we found traditional toys from long time ago. Things over there are not cheap, but I think a bowl of noodles is 10 dollars more compared to Tainan city.

Finally, we reached to Anping Fort. Alan was so excited, he wanted to take a lot of pictures. He was telling me what he learned from his school. I think this trip is very meaningful. He could practice what he had learned into the real life experience.

Next time, when Alan and I have time, we want to go to Confusious Templo here in Tainan. It is also good for Alan to learn all these historical places.

By the way, Tainan is very famous for these historical places, templos and sites that any tourist or even Taiwanse would like to see.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Cool Propaganda

This is very cool propaganda for people to becoem heros.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

申讓旺季 華碩富爸爸贈子女8.6億

This rich father gave to her daughter 8.5 million NT dollars. I wish I could be her, she doesn't need to worry about anything in her life, now. Here is the article in Chinese.


Monday, October 08, 2007

My Office, My Table

Every year, at my school, they change us places, specially our tables. Luckily, this year as sa as last year, I have my same table at the same place. I've seating there already for two years. Fortunately, I have nice neighbors. I am very lucky to be able to work with nice people here.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

These are very famous figure of Japanese cartoon. Now, these figures will come up in dolls, too. Young people and children would like to have one of this figure.

More Pitures

Monday, October 01, 2007

Will & Sydney's Marriage at Courthouse‏

My second cousin from my uncle's side was engaged on Sept. 8th, 2007 and got married at the Courthouse Sep. 27th, 2006. My uncle, and aunt, cousins and Sydney's parents-in-law went there. The good thing to remember all the time is that the day they got married is Sydney's birthday. This couple must remembered forever.

Pictures of Sydney's marriage