Tayih Landis Hotel

E-mail: pr@tayihlandis.com.tw
Telephone: (06) 213-5555
Welcome To Nela's Blog
Today is Wednesday, I have only two classes on the last two periods. These two classes are Junior one classes, so means they won't be at school until thursday. This means another day of relaxing. I watched TV, clean my house and washed clothes. Even there are not a lot of clothing to wash but I did the job.
We just started school yesterday and today we have a day off. Our school Sheng-Kung got the higher sore on government testing, Because of this, our principal gave us a day off to be able to relax for a little bit. Another day to be able to prepare for lesson plans and have things ready for my students.
After three weeks of vacation, it is now the time for summer school. Everyone that I met today did not want to come to school. Students and the teachers want more vacation. I went to Hong-Kong for two weeks and One week, I have been cleaning my house. When I left, it is the last day of school. No time to clean since then. More than that, David was home alone and I do not know what did he do everyday for two weeks. Also, we spent 4 days in Tao-Yuen. Alan and I went shopping and relax at home. We basically the 4 days in Tao-Yuen, we watched a lot of TV.
Dear friends, this touched my heart, you can see the following website.
It was a short trip today, I went to see my grandma. She wants me to help her doing things. I was so glad that I could talk to my grandma even for a little while. She was so happy to see me and she was expecting to see Alan, also. Unfortunately, Alan had to go to his summer school. Next time, we will go to see grandma.
It is the start of the new week. Alan had to go to his mental math class. After a long vacation, it was difficult for Alan to attend so many classes. In the morning, he had to go to Olivers for whole day, from 7:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. following, he will have his mental math. This poor child has to study a lot. I think the education system in Asia is like that. Children have to recharge during their vacations, but too much study is not so good for them.
After two weeks of playing and relaxing, finally today, Alan had to go to his English summer class. It was extremely hard for Alan to be able to weak up in the morning. It will more difficult for Alan to attend his whole day English class. I hope Alan will listen to his teachers. otherwise, his teachers will punish him. I really hate to see my son punished.
A few days, I came back from Hong-Kong and stayed a few days in Tao-Yuen. David went to Taipei to work for two days. His company send him to Taipei to fix company's computer. Today, our vacation is over, we will have to work so hard and Alan have to study really hard.
I never been to Costco in Taipei. Everything here in Taipei is so different compares to Costco in Kaoshion. I am used to know where the things are, but in Taipei, it took me a little while to find things that I need. Anyways, Costco in Taipei is the same size or a little bit smaller than one in Kaoshion. However, there were a lot of people. I am not used to that kind of people in a tiny shopping space. Everything has to line it up to take something. It was kind of wasting of time. Anyways, I got what a need.
Today, my parents -in-law and my husband David went to Taipei. My in-law parents will attend to the wedding lunch and David will go to work. Alan and I stayed at home. Alan wanted to go out but we did not have transportation. My father-in-law rode his scooter to the train station and David drove my car to work. Alan and I do not have anything. I am afraid of borrowing car or scooter to the neighbors. We have only legs left. We thought we could walk to the market in a hot sunny day.
After comming back from Hong Kong, Taiwan is getting hotter nad hotter. I cann0t believe how hot can be here. In Hong-Kong, everywhere is AC, so I did not feel hot.
Is today a good day for westerns? It is July 7th, 2007, that means 070707, triple 7s means a good time for westerns. A lot of people got married today. Even in Hong-Kong, the Ocean Park closed earlier than usual. Restaurants are full. It is so hard for us to find a good restaurants because the good ones are all full. All of the restaurants has wedding banquet. Anyways, I learned that 070707 is a good day for westerns even in Las Vegas, Nevada, a lot of couple got married. It is so fun. How about Chinese good day for marriage?