This is
Chi Mei Hospital in Tainan city. Here is where I am going to have my second baby. I wish I could have my second baby in USA, but with the economic situation and the new house, I do not think I could go there for the second baby.
I arrived at 7:30 A.M. The blood test is located on the second floor. I thought, I was too early, but there're a lot of people waiting in line already. For this test, I cannot eat for 8 hours before the test. Early in the morning, I wasn't feel hungry but after that, I felt very hungry.
The first test I did was at 7:45 A.M. and after that they gave me two bags of sugar to drink after the first blood test.
The test took entire day. The first two tests will be each 30 minutes. The second test would be at 8;30 A.M. and the third one was at 9:00 A.M. Each blood they took like 30 cc. from my body. After drinking two bags of sugar with two cups of water, I really fell not very comfortable.
This are the first three tests from the same arm. I was hurting too much for doing this.
The last two should be 60 minutes. After one hour, I did the fourth blood test. It was around 10:00 A.M. already. The last test of the day, I did at 11:00 A.M. After that I felt dizzy and very hungry. I really want to eat more and more. I did not have energy for anything else.
After the test, I went to the restaurant which is located closer to the hospital. I had a lot of vegetables and fish with a bowl of rice. I ate my meal which wasn't very cheap. For this meal I spent $90 NT dollars. After eating this, I still felt a little hungry.
I had time before I go back to my school. I bought a drink for Alan and I brought to his chool. I chose the day where I can go to the hospital becuase we were on the midterms exams. I was very glad that I finished my blood test for the day already.