Today, David has to go to work for a few hours and Alan just finished his exam. So we decide to bring him cycling. Alan likes sport, specially cycling. I do not know why this little boy likes to cycle a lot. Every time when he did not have any class, I asked him, "what do you want to do?", he will answered me "cycling."
Cycling is good and there's no fee for this kind of sport. It is also good for health. Alan is a healthy boy, he did not only likes cycling but he likes other sports, too. Three bicycles are ready to go. David is checking on the wheels of bicycles while Alan is taking a picture with his bicycle.
Alan's bicycles is smaller, so I gave mine to him. he is riding my bicycle now, while David bought second hand bicycle for himself.
We prepared to go. Alan was wearing his face cover, glasses and helmet. Alan is so cute on this outfit.
Alan can ride perfectly in my bike. Even my bike is bigger, he can deal with it.
I cannot believe children grow very fast. 9 years ago, Alan was just like a little baby and now, he is a big boy who can ride my bicycle.
We departure at 11 A.M. and we rode bicycles for 8 hours. From Si-Gang(西港), our house to Guantian (官田). We went to see Tainan National University of the Arts ( 國立臺南藝術學院). Four hours to arrive there and four hours to return home.
This university is so beautiful. It is located on top of the mountain. You can just imagine, we were riding up the hills all the time. Now, you can imagine, my legs are very sore.
I never seen university like this before, it is so beautiful. We arrived there and had lunch at Seven-11. There's Seven-11 inside of school. Everything is so beautiful and cool. We really love the scenery over there.
It is a big day for Alan. Today is Alan's piano performance. Alan is not even nervous. he is so excited and confident about his performance. He practiced not so many times, his daddy was worried that he could not do well on his performance. I am hopping that today's performance, he will perform great.
Alan is so handsome in this outfit, it is the first time for him to wear very formal.
We left home around 7:30 and we arrived in Tainan city around 8:30. there's no cars on the street. Well, I should say a few cars on the street. This street is usually very heavy, and now and see it like this, I am not used to it. We are almost there, we could see the building far away from we are coming from.
When we arrived there, I could find a free parking space. I got a good spot too. I am so happy. Tainan city government provide this free parking for us, it is so great.
This is the building that will held Alan's performance. This is National Living Art in Tainan. This is my first to be here. I never been there before. Now, I could see and enter to the building. Also knowing how to get here is a life learning experience, too.
I want Alan to take a picture here, when he grows up, he could show it to his children and grand children. Unfortunately, Alan's eyes cannot be opened because there's a lot of sunshine.
The building where Alan is performing is huge, there's a lot of rooms inside. Alan is going to perform here in this Performing Arts Room. Inside, it is like little auditorium, it is so cool. Alan is so fortunate to be performing here.
There's a nice piano on the stage. This kind of piano must be expensive in Taiwan. I want to buy piano like this, but unfortunately, there's not a lot of space in Taiwan. I do not have huge space for piano like this. I do have space for smaller piano. They are the hosts of the program. Both of them are teachers at the piano cram school. The older one is Alan's teacher and the younger one is so beautiful but she is not Alan's teacher. They did a pretty good job introducing the program.
Alan is number 14 in the program. I am glad that we are early in the program. There were total 64 students playing in this program. By the end of the show, I am tired of listen to everyone. Alan is ready to go , now is Alan's turn.
Alan is playing the song of spider. He seems not even nervous. He played the song very well. Fortunately, he did not stopped or run to the other musical key. He did better here than at home. I am very proud of my son. His art teacher came to listen and enjoy his performance. I am glad that she could come.
Here is Alan's performance.
After the performance, Alan's art teacher gave him flowers. He is so fortunate to have her. Alan is having drawing class once a week and both of them enjoyed a lot. They had a great time together.
Alan is the only child who got flowers from his teacher. He is so fortunate that everyone loves him. He seems very happy.
After the performance, he wants to take a picture with his musical/piano teacher. She did a great job teaching how to play piano. He could play piano very well, thanks to her and her effort in teaching. Even Alan doesn't like to play piano, but he is trying very hard. I am hopping that one day he will like it very much.
Beautiful flowers from his art teacher.
After the performance, Alan also got a present from his music school. Everyone who participated in this event will have a present. People who stayed at the end the presentation could take a present. I am glad we did stay at end of the show. Alan was so happy to have little present.
I am very proud of my son. He did a great job today.
Alan woke up early and he is ready to go to his important, exciting event. In the car, Alan told me that he wants to win the marathon and he also hopes that his class can win in two competitions: balance ace and relay race. My son was hopping that the competition will turn meaningful and exciting.
The ceremony open with Principal's speech and other PTA parents speech.
When we arrived at his school, Alan's class and other classes were ready to walk down the show. It is like Olympic games were we could see who are the athletes in each class. This is girl is Alan's classmate, she is in girls scouts team. She has the honor to show everyone that her class is fourth grade class A.
After every class were walking down, now it is the turn to take out the flags. The middle flag is from the country, the right side is from the school and the third one is to represent the athletic events. These three boys are so cute in this uniform, I am hopping that when my reached to six grade he will have the honor to take the flags too. It is just a hope.
Every grade level have it own team. The topic in Alan's level is flower. Everyone was wearing flower a big flower on their heads. Alan's class has the color yellow, follow by red, orange and blue from other three neigh boor classes.
My son is so cute in this yellow flower. he is like the little sweet heart who came out from my body. He is so happy, it seems he did not have any problems at all. he never worries about anything.
They are ready to walk around and let people see them. All of them are so cute even the girls are so pretty. From the picture, you can see my son and his classmates are good friends.
After walking down the show, three grade levels will open the Athletic events by performing the show. It is like the Olympics this year. Each show was so great and meaningful. All students in all three levels danced wonderfully. They put all their effort into it. These little red princess and princes are new comers of school. yes, you are right, they are the first graders. They also had a performance, each of them were so cute.
The first competition that Alan had was individual marathon. The teacher is making everybody to seat still and listen to her. She is giving instructions to them. They all seemed excited and ready. It is Alan's turn to run in the marathon. Alan was paying attention to the teacher who is giving instructions. When the PE teacher said ready to go, Alan was running very fast.
He was running so fast and he got in the second place. Alan was so proud of himself, and he is so happy. Here is Alan with his medal and he is sharing with his friends.
Alan and his good friend also got on the second place.
Both of them look like very happy. They did a great job.
After the marathon competition, they can relax a little bit and be ready for the second competition. The second competition is the balance competition.
Children are ready and they are waiting in line.
Alan was paying attention closely, while his companion was looking at other things. Alan was telling him, let's run! So here they go. Here is the video of the competition so you can see how Alan and his companion did in this game. I am really proud of my son.
Alan's class won in this competition. They are so happy. Now there's no time to relax and they have to prepare for the next competition.
The last competition is relay competition. This kind of game is same as balance competition must work in team. Everybody must work in team and they have to give the stick to other.
Here on the picture, boys are in one side and they are cheering on each other. I can see here, all the boys team are good friends. Bunch of good friends in this class. I am happy for my son.
They are waiting in line for the competition. The time will come very soon for them to compete.
Girls will run first. Here are the girls in Alan's class. This is the second round. They seemed they know what to do. Now, it is Alan's turn. He is more ready to run. He was paying attention to what he was doing. Good boy!
Here is the video of Alan in the relay competition.
The fourth class A won in this competition. Everyone are so happy. You can see the little happy faces over here. Some people cried because of happiness.
So this means, Alan's class won in two competitions. They must be happy and as a parent, I am very proud of each of them.
After competition, Alan and his classmates are ready to go to the classroom. Vivi's mom prepared cakes and bread for them. They seemed enjoyed a lot. All of them were so happy. Happy sharing time. Now, they are ready to go home.
Even they had a great time and great winners, they still have to study hard for next week's tests.
After Alan's sport's event, David called me and he said that he did not need to go to work on the afternoon. When I heard it, I suggested him that we will go to kao-Shion. I called our friend in kao-Shion right away. She said we can go to visit her.
The first visit was department store. Alan was taking a picture with water fountain. The water came out but slowly for people to be able to enjoy the nature.
There's a lot of people at the department store. I do not know there's so many police officers over there today. Maybe some important person or people are coming.
Now, it is look like Christmas. I like the texture of the department building.
I am taking a picture with it too. Not a lot of people were shopping over there. I could see a few people inside and outside.Another program is going on there. They were selling pans and they hired a chef to cook for the audience. He prepared mashrooms, chicken, beef, vegetables, cakes and more...
A lot of people were eating over there but only one couple bought a pan. I really want to buy one, but it is really expensive. i relaly enjoyed his cooking.
Alan anwered one of his questions and he gave Alan his cooking CD. Alan was so happy.
After looking around at the department store, my friend and her children came, it is time for us to go to a night market.
There's a lot of people at the night market. It is worst than Tainan's night market. I do not know what people do not do anything, they just look around at the night markets.
The first stop we made was eating at the steaks. Children they want to have meat for dinner, so we went to eat at the normal BBQ. It is very traditional Chinese BBQ. Alan had beef and David had chicken. I share with both of them. I am not really hungry.
After the BBQ, we went to buy some drinks. This drink is milk tea. It is from India. You can see how this guy prepared the tea unusual way. It is so cool for me to see it for the fist time.
The Hindi milk tea is so special. They did not give us in a cup like people used to sale normally. This milk tea, they give us in a bag. I really like the taste, it is so special. Alan has different flavours. Total we bought 6 different flavours. Each of them is so special.
After drinking and eating, children want to play at the game. Alan won the game, they give him a little rabbit for present. Alan was so lucky.
Children really enjoyed the game.
Alan wants to give his present to the little girl because she was asking for it.
After that, we went to buy some corn. Children also want corn. I did not know this corn is so special but it is fried. I prefer in normal BBQ style.
There's a lot of flavours in the corn. If they want with sugar, you need to add $5 NT dollars. After night market, we went back to the mall and use the bathroom. Also, they have artistic exposition. I really enjoyed the painting of the figure. Children also enjoyed a lot. Overall, we had a great time, they are coming next Sunday to our house. I will prepare something for them to eat an ejoy dinner.