It is a big day for Alan. Today is Alan's piano performance. Alan is not even nervous. he is so excited and confident about his performance. He practiced not so many times, his daddy was worried that he could not do well on his performance. I am hopping that today's performance, he will perform great.
Alan is so handsome in this outfit, it is the first time for him to wear very formal.
We left home around 7:30 and we arrived in Tainan city around 8:30. there's no cars on the street. Well, I should say a few cars on the street. This street is usually very heavy, and now and see it like this, I am not used to it. We are almost there, we could see the building far away from we are coming from.
When we arrived there, I could find a free parking space. I got a good spot too. I am so happy. Tainan city government provide this free parking for us, it is so great.
This is the building that will held Alan's performance. This is National Living Art in Tainan. This is my first to be here. I never been there before. Now, I could see and enter to the building. Also knowing how to get here is a life learning experience, too.
I want Alan to take a picture here, when he grows up, he could show it to his children and grand children. Unfortunately, Alan's eyes cannot be opened because there's a lot of sunshine.
The building where Alan is performing is huge, there's a lot of rooms inside. Alan is going to perform here in this Performing Arts Room. Inside, it is like little auditorium, it is so cool. Alan is so fortunate to be performing here.
There's a nice piano on the stage. This kind of piano must be expensive in Taiwan. I want to buy piano like this, but unfortunately, there's not a lot of space in Taiwan. I do not have huge space for piano like this. I do have space for smaller piano. They are the hosts of the program. Both of them are teachers at the piano cram school. The older one is Alan's teacher and the younger one is so beautiful but she is not Alan's teacher. They did a pretty good job introducing the program.
Alan is number 14 in the program. I am glad that we are early in the program. There were total 64 students playing in this program. By the end of the show, I am tired of listen to everyone. Alan is ready to go , now is Alan's turn.
Alan is playing the song of spider. He seems not even nervous. He played the song very well. Fortunately, he did not stopped or run to the other musical key. He did better here than at home. I am very proud of my son. His art teacher came to listen and enjoy his performance. I am glad that she could come.
Here is Alan's performance.
After the performance, Alan's art teacher gave him flowers. He is so fortunate to have her. Alan is having drawing class once a week and both of them enjoyed a lot. They had a great time together.
Alan is the only child who got flowers from his teacher. He is so fortunate that everyone loves him. He seems very happy.
After the performance, he wants to take a picture with his musical/piano teacher. She did a great job teaching how to play piano. He could play piano very well, thanks to her and her effort in teaching. Even Alan doesn't like to play piano, but he is trying very hard. I am hopping that one day he will like it very much.
Beautiful flowers from his art teacher.
After the performance, Alan also got a present from his music school. Everyone who participated in this event will have a present. People who stayed at the end the presentation could take a present. I am glad we did stay at end of the show. Alan was so happy to have little present.
I am very proud of my son. He did a great job today.
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