Alan woke up early and he is ready to go to his important, exciting event. In the car, Alan told me that he wants to win the marathon and he also hopes that his class can win in two competitions: balance ace and relay race. My son was hopping that the competition will turn meaningful and exciting.
The ceremony open with Principal's speech and other PTA parents speech.
When we arrived at his school, Alan's class and other classes were ready to walk down the show. It is like Olympic games were we could see who are the athletes in each class. This is girl is Alan's classmate, she is in girls scouts team. She has the honor to show everyone that her class is fourth grade class A.
After every class were walking down, now it is the turn to take out the flags. The middle flag is from the country, the right side is from the school and the third one is to represent the athletic events. These three boys are so cute in this uniform, I am hopping that when my reached to six grade he will have the honor to take the flags too. It is just a hope.
Every grade level have it own team. The topic in Alan's level is flower. Everyone was wearing flower a big flower on their heads. Alan's class has the color yellow, follow by red, orange and blue from other three neigh boor classes.
My son is so cute in this yellow flower. he is like the little sweet heart who came out from my body. He is so happy, it seems he did not have any problems at all. he never worries about anything.
They are ready to walk around and let people see them. All of them are so cute even the girls are so pretty. From the picture, you can see my son and his classmates are good friends.
After walking down the show, three grade levels will open the Athletic events by performing the show. It is like the Olympics this year. Each show was so great and meaningful. All students in all three levels danced wonderfully. They put all their effort into it. These little red princess and princes are new comers of school. yes, you are right, they are the first graders. They also had a performance, each of them were so cute.
The first competition that Alan had was individual marathon. The teacher is making everybody to seat still and listen to her. She is giving instructions to them. They all seemed excited and ready. It is Alan's turn to run in the marathon. Alan was paying attention to the teacher who is giving instructions. When the PE teacher said ready to go, Alan was running very fast.
He was running so fast and he got in the second place. Alan was so proud of himself, and he is so happy. Here is Alan with his medal and he is sharing with his friends.
Alan and his good friend also got on the second place.
Both of them look like very happy. They did a great job.
After the marathon competition, they can relax a little bit and be ready for the second competition. The second competition is the balance competition.
Children are ready and they are waiting in line.
Alan was paying attention closely, while his companion was looking at other things. Alan was telling him, let's run! So here they go. Here is the video of the competition so you can see how Alan and his companion did in this game. I am really proud of my son.
Alan's class won in this competition. They are so happy. Now there's no time to relax and they have to prepare for the next competition.
The last competition is relay competition. This kind of game is same as balance competition must work in team. Everybody must work in team and they have to give the stick to other.
Here on the picture, boys are in one side and they are cheering on each other. I can see here, all the boys team are good friends. Bunch of good friends in this class. I am happy for my son.
They are waiting in line for the competition. The time will come very soon for them to compete.
Girls will run first. Here are the girls in Alan's class. This is the second round. They seemed they know what to do. Now, it is Alan's turn. He is more ready to run. He was paying attention to what he was doing. Good boy!
Here is the video of Alan in the relay competition.
The fourth class A won in this competition. Everyone are so happy. You can see the little happy faces over here. Some people cried because of happiness.
So this means, Alan's class won in two competitions. They must be happy and as a parent, I am very proud of each of them.
After competition, Alan and his classmates are ready to go to the classroom. Vivi's mom prepared cakes and bread for them. They seemed enjoyed a lot. All of them were so happy. Happy sharing time. Now, they are ready to go home.
Even they had a great time and great winners, they still have to study hard for next week's tests.
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