Today, David has to go to work for a few hours and Alan just finished his exam. So we decide to bring him cycling. Alan likes sport, specially cycling. I do not know why this little boy likes to cycle a lot. Every time when he did not have any class, I asked him, "what do you want to do?", he will answered me "cycling."
Cycling is good and there's no fee for this kind of sport. It is also good for health. Alan is a healthy boy, he did not only likes cycling but he likes other sports, too. Three bicycles are ready to go. David is checking on the wheels of bicycles while Alan is taking a picture with his bicycle.
Alan's bicycles is smaller, so I gave mine to him. he is riding my bicycle now, while David bought second hand bicycle for himself.
We prepared to go. Alan was wearing his face cover, glasses and helmet. Alan is so cute on this outfit.

Alan can ride perfectly in my bike. Even my bike is bigger, he can deal with it.

I cannot believe children grow very fast. 9 years ago, Alan was just like a little baby and now, he is a big boy who can ride my bicycle.
We departure at 11 A.M. and we rode bicycles for 8 hours. From Si-Gang (西港), our house to Guantian (官田). We went to see Tainan National University of the Arts ( 國立臺南藝術學院). Four hours to arrive there and four hours to return home.
This university is so beautiful. It is located on top of the mountain. You can just imagine, we were riding up the hills all the time. Now, you can imagine, my legs are very sore.
I never seen university like this before, it is so beautiful. We arrived there and had lunch at Seven-11. There's Seven-11 inside of school. Everything is so beautiful and cool. We really love the scenery over there.
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