2006 Taipei Beef Noodle Festival!

In the year 2006, Taipei governor promote Beef Noodle Festival. This is a good opportunity for everyone who really like to eat Beef Noodles, they can see which shop or restaurant is more delicious. I think in the Taiwanese society, not everyone like to have Beef, they are afraid. This is a good source for people to try many different kinds of Beef Noodles in Taipei.
The article in English is in the following:
When Taiwanese people eat beef noodles, they reminisce and cherish the memory of their hometowns. When foreigners eat beef noodles, they are surprised with an exotic taste. Beef noodles, therefore, are not only attractive to the Taiwanese population nationwide, but also popular among the foreign tourists.
In view of this, the Taipei City government initiated the annual Beef Noodle Festival in 2005. Last year, the event explored the origination of beef noodles,shared the secrets behind its delicious taste, and evoked the public's passion towards beef noodles.
While attracting new group participation, the 2005 Beef Noodle Festival also promoted business opportunities and enriched the imagery and impression of Taipei . In addition to preserving the characteristics of last year's event, the 2006 Taipei International Beef Noodle Festival will continue to utilize Taipei beef noodle restaurants as protagonists, but also cordially invite other gastronomists to participate and challenge Taipei beef noodle restaurants, thus making Taipei worthy to be named as the capital of the world's beef noodles.
The press conference for the 2006 Taipei International Beef Noodle Festival will take place on September 3 rd , 2006 at the Siang-di Plaza in Taipei Sinyi district. The rules of competition, voting system, identity of the spokesperson, and the internet address to the official website will all be announced at this time. Subsequently, a variety of beef noodle competitions are scheduled to take place. Booklets will be distributed with strategy guides and a comprehensive map. Special discounts and coupons will also be provided for gormandizers to travel and eat from booth to booth.
Similar to the event last year, the highlight of the event is expected to take place on November 4 th and 5 th , 2006, located at the 2 nd Taipei Exhibition Place.
Here is the CHinese version:
以「麵向世界 牛轉奇蹟」為副標定位的「2006臺北國際牛肉麵節」,將於9月3日假信義商圈香堤廣場舉行起跑記者會,除同步公佈今年活動的票選辦法、各項競賽規則以及全面保密的活動代言人外,屆時也將舉行活動專屬網站的揭幕儀式。 此後的活動期間亦將舉辦各類緊湊的牛肉麵競賽,以及蒐羅各方資料、美食地圖發行牛肉麵攻略。
The article in English is in the following:
When Taiwanese people eat beef noodles, they reminisce and cherish the memory of their hometowns. When foreigners eat beef noodles, they are surprised with an exotic taste. Beef noodles, therefore, are not only attractive to the Taiwanese population nationwide, but also popular among the foreign tourists.
In view of this, the Taipei City government initiated the annual Beef Noodle Festival in 2005. Last year, the event explored the origination of beef noodles,shared the secrets behind its delicious taste, and evoked the public's passion towards beef noodles.
While attracting new group participation, the 2005 Beef Noodle Festival also promoted business opportunities and enriched the imagery and impression of Taipei . In addition to preserving the characteristics of last year's event, the 2006 Taipei International Beef Noodle Festival will continue to utilize Taipei beef noodle restaurants as protagonists, but also cordially invite other gastronomists to participate and challenge Taipei beef noodle restaurants, thus making Taipei worthy to be named as the capital of the world's beef noodles.
The press conference for the 2006 Taipei International Beef Noodle Festival will take place on September 3 rd , 2006 at the Siang-di Plaza in Taipei Sinyi district. The rules of competition, voting system, identity of the spokesperson, and the internet address to the official website will all be announced at this time. Subsequently, a variety of beef noodle competitions are scheduled to take place. Booklets will be distributed with strategy guides and a comprehensive map. Special discounts and coupons will also be provided for gormandizers to travel and eat from booth to booth.
Similar to the event last year, the highlight of the event is expected to take place on November 4 th and 5 th , 2006, located at the 2 nd Taipei Exhibition Place.
Here is the CHinese version:
以「麵向世界 牛轉奇蹟」為副標定位的「2006臺北國際牛肉麵節」,將於9月3日假信義商圈香堤廣場舉行起跑記者會,除同步公佈今年活動的票選辦法、各項競賽規則以及全面保密的活動代言人外,屆時也將舉行活動專屬網站的揭幕儀式。 此後的活動期間亦將舉辦各類緊湊的牛肉麵競賽,以及蒐羅各方資料、美食地圖發行牛肉麵攻略。
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