Taiwan, Home Sweet Home
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Monday, February 15, 2010
Monday, February 08, 2010
Andrew is Here
In the morning of Feb. 8th, 2010, I was bleeding a little bit. I had appointment with the doctor on that morning. However, I did not go to see my doctor, I run into emergency room right away.
When I arrived to the emergency room, I did not know there's so many people over there. My case compared to other people is not very serious. Other people are more serious such as one elder cannot even breath, other had a car accident, and more.
After registering at the emergency room, I was waiting for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, they took me to the fourth floor (delivery room).
Again, I arrived to the hospital at 6:30 PM, I started to have my contractions each 15 minutes. I know my baby will come right away. He cannot wait after Chinese new year. I always wanted a baby tiger, but unfortunately, he is not a tiger, he is a cow now.
At 22:16, my Andrew came out. It was a hard work after pushing and pushing, I did not have more energy for anything else. I told my doctor that I cannot do it. Everybody encourage me to do the pushing work at the delivery room. After I saw Andrew came out, my hard work was paid off.
After they cleaned my son, I met him, he is the one who is moving inside of me. he is the one who gave me a lot of acne on my face.
Almost midnight, they told me that I can go to my room. They gave me double room where I can share the room with somebody else. I was tired, and I need a rest.
At 2:00 AM Andrew came to sleep with us. Alan, David, and my mother-in-law were there. All of us could not even sleep, Andrew was crying and crying. He wanted my milk so bad for whole night. Alan could not even sleep because of excitement.
Friday, February 05, 2010
My Tummy, 37 Weeks
My tummy now in these days is getting bigger and bigger, heavier and heavier. It is difficult to move to one place now. Even it is hard to go to many places.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Now Andrew is 37 weeks. The doctor said that Andrew can come out at any time, I have to pay attention to his movements. I do not want him to come out before Chinese New Year, otherwise, he won't be a little tiger. he will be a little cow.
I am talking to Andrew saying that Mommy wants him to come out after Chinese New year. He doesn't have any reaction. I do not know if he listens to me or not. Anyways, everything is life. Above wants to let out, he will be out. If above ordered him to come out after Chinese New year, He will be after Chinese New year.
After 10 years, I am having another child. My oldest son and this son are 10 years apart. Alan is a big boy now, he knows how to help me all the time.
Now, my stomach is getting bigger and bigger, heavier and heavier. It is hard for me to get some sleep during night time. My Andrew is kicking and kicking inside of me. It is really hard , very hard, but my due date will come soon. I will enjoy my presence of Andrew soon.
Monday, February 01, 2010
Alan's Winter Vacation Homework
In Taiwan is very popular for teacher to give vacation homework to their students. No matter it is winter vacation or summer vacation. Alan is in the fifth grade now, he has a lot of homework to do.
First, he has Chinese reading. He has to go to he public library and borrow 8 books from teacher's list. After reading each book, he has to write the summary of the book, what he thinks, the author, publisher and more.
Second, he has to arrange his own space. If he has messy room or desk, it is time to clean up. He can clean his room or desk or wash his dirty shoes or bag packs. For each of these, he must take a picture before and after the process. After that, he has to write a summary on how he felt doing the cleaning.
Third, he has a math book to do. Teachers gave them a book with whole bunch of math problems. He has to finish the book and the fist day of school, teachers will give them a little test.
Fourth, he has to do Chinese composition. He has to find mistakes and correct them. It is like reading, he has to read it first and see which word is wrong and correct.
Fifth, Antonyms and Synonyms homework. Teacher made them to buy a little book, this book has date on date. They have to do it each day and they have to find words that are similar of different.
Sixth, English homework. It has reading, a little bit of grammar, and writing. They have to complete the book that teachers made for them.
Finally, Alan has to write a diary.
Homework sounds fun for them, but the child did not even have more vacation. Taiwanese education push the child to learn the material, but too much material, sometimes is not good for the child.