Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Waiting for Gift of Love !!!

Today, I went to see the maternity doctor. I told the doctor that I am pregnant, soon, he was showing me by ultradound. I could see my baby just like a piece of meat with its heart beat. I am so happy to see it and Alan is more excited than anybody else.

Monday, June 29, 2009


After so many times trying to be pregnant, finally I am pregnant. Alan will have his little brother or sister who can play with.

In these two weeks, I felt I dizzy with vomits. So I tried to test myself and finally I have a present from above, life and love. I wish my baby could be a baby boy. I do not want a baby girl because girls will have to marry one day, and she will leave me.

Anyways, I am very happy that I know that I am pregnant.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Garden

I have my own fruit in my garden. These are my strawberry fruits. Alan like strawberry a lot. Fresh strawberry are always good.

Parking Shen-Kung

This is our new parking lot in our new building. This is not really underground parking but it is something that we do not need to park under the sun. Our cars can be cool now. It is great, but the negative side is that we need to pay $2,000 NT dollars per semester.

Friday, June 12, 2009


This is very touching story of the little boy and the tree. The tree is like his little mother who is taking care of him, and gives him what he wanted. Through this story, we learned how to value ourselves, friends and family.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Alan's Future Junior High

I do not know which school to put Alan when he goes to a junior high. Everyone says Hou Jia Junior High School (後甲國民中學) is the best public school in Tainan city. This school is not too far from where I work. In case of emergency, I can just go and pick him up or go and see him.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


送你這對翅膀 (Take These Wings)

送給你這對 翅膀 , 學習飛翔越過最高山。
送給你這對眼睛 , 學看世上的美事。
送給你歡欣 的歌,歌頌春天來臨的喜悅
海的 那邊。
送給你這對 翅膀 , 學習飛翔越過最高山。
送給你這對眼睛 , 學看世上的美事。
送給你歡欣 的歌,歌頌春天來臨的喜悅 ,
送給你跳躍的心,翱翔在﹝翱翔在,翱翔在﹞海的 那邊。」

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

La entrega de mi casa

It is already done, paper works of my new house. Today supposed to be the giving the keys for my house and final paper works.