Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Future House

One April 26th, 2009, I signed the contract of my new house. Here is the video that I made of my future house so you can see how my future house will look like. The house is not finished yet.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


印度的九九乘法表是從1 背到19(→19×19乘法? ),
不過您知道印度人是怎麼記 11到19 的數字嗎? 我是看了下面這本書之後才恍然大悟的。 「印度式計算訓練」 2007年 6月 10日第一版第 6刷發行株式會社晉遊社 發售 介紹了加減乘除的各種快速計算方法,
不過在這裡我只介紹印度的九九乘法。因為實在太神奇了!! 下面的數字跟說明都是引用該書P.44 的例子。 請試著用心算算出下面的答案: 13 X 12 = ? (被乘數) (乘數 ) 印度人是這樣算的。 *************************************************************************************
第一步: 先把被乘數(13)跟乘數的個位數 (2)加起來 13 + 2 = 15
第二步: 再把被乘數的個位數(3)乘以乘數的個位數 (2) 2 X 3 = 6
第三步: 然後把第一步的答案乘以10(→也就是說後面加個 0 )
之後再加上第二步的答案就行了 15 X 10 + 6 = 156 ********************************************************************************** 就這樣,用心算就可以很快地算出11X11 到19X19了喔。這真是太神奇了! 我們試著演算一下 14×13: (1)14+3=17 (2)17×10=170 (3)4×3=12 (4)170+12=182 真的是耶,好簡單喔 怎不早點讓我知道呢 這對我這種只會個位數加個位數的人真是一大福.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Junior One I Field Trip

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Reunión de Amigos

After 15 years of graduating from high school, my classmates decided to have a meeting in Ecuador in next coming year 2010. Everyone asked me about my schedule. I gave them my exact schedule, so they will give me the right time.

Why after 15 years were everybody changed. For example me, I am a little fatter than before. Some people did not change anything, they have the same body shape as before when they were in high school.

Some people did not even get older or with wrinkles. Anyways, I am looking forward for it. I am hopping my husband will let me go.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Alan's New Hair Cut

Alan is growing up, I cannot cut the hair for him anymore. he would like to choose his own style. I brough him to the 100 hair cutter shop. Some of the hairdressers are very good, some of them are not even good enough. It is only $100 NT dollars, this is equal to $3 US dollars. So what do I expect them to do.
The result of the hair cut. Alan is very handsome here.
The shop is very tiny, there's no water in it. There's only electricity and a mirrow.
Alan likes to come here for cut his hair. It is good for me becuase it is cheap.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Hot Pot

Jojoh and I've been silly. In the middle of the summer, we went to have hot pot. We went to Shabu Shabu restaurant. It is all you can eat, you can have everything you want such as all kinds of meat, desserts, drinks, vegetables and more.
I have my own hot pot, I had everything I want to eat.
Jojoh has also her own hot pot and she has everything she likes to eat also.

This is a good place to have a lunch with friends and family members. It is a reasonable price.

Weekday lunch: $269 + 10% service fee.
Dinner / weekends: $ 299 + 10% service fee.
children: 110~140 cm,$150元 + 10% service fee
Children under 110cm below $50

Parking space for all the cars and scooters
Time: 11 to 11 PM

Address: 台南市和緯路二段238號
telephone: 06)2519699

Sunday, April 05, 2009

營火蟲 Lighting Bugs

We went to see lighting bugs in one of the mountains in Kao-Shion, Jiashian (甲仙). From Tainan to Jiashian will take like four hours back and forth. It is a long way to go over there. We left at 3 PM and we arrived 6 PM to the little town where the bugs are. We stopped to have dinner at Jiashian County. There's not special food in that place. we just had noodles and rice with some vegetables and soup. After that we went to have ice cream at the ice cream shop. This ice cream shop is very famous for its desserts. This shop calls Jiashian ice cream shop. 甲仙小奇芋冰老店 . This is the entrance of the shop. Alan was looking forward to go inside. He wants to have all kinds of ice cream. A lot of people come from everywhere will stop in this shop. The business is really good. There's other ice cream shop across from it. People could have two kinds of choices. This is the lighting bugs. I haven't see one in my whole life.
Alan is looking for a bug. They all flies around and we could see only their lights.
Alan got one. He wanted to see how these bugs look like. After he saw them, he sent them free.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Alan's Beetles

Alan did a nice piece of work at his art school. It is the fisrt time for the teacher and the student to do it. Alan is really proud of himself doing it. I am very proud of my baby too.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Children's Day

It is a children's day here in Taiwan. I brought Alan to McDonald's. Alan ordered kid's menu and he went to the competition. McDonald's made a race for children, all of them could join.

Alan was very happy having his kids menu.

I also ordered food for my self. Personally, I do not like McDonald's but what can I do if Alan like it, and he would like to go once in a while.
Here is our complete meal.