We went to see
lighting bugs in one of the mountains in Kao-Shion,
Jiashian (甲仙). From Tainan to Jiashian will take like four hours back and forth. It is a long way to go over there.

We left at 3 PM and we arrived 6 PM to the little town where the bugs are. We stopped to have dinner at Jiashian County. There's not special food in that place. we just had noodles and rice with some vegetables and soup. After that we went to have ice cream at the ice cream shop. This ice cream shop is very famous for its desserts. This shop calls Jiashian ice cream shop.
甲仙小奇芋冰老店 .

This is the entrance of the shop. Alan was looking forward to go inside. He wants to have all kinds of ice cream. A lot of people come from everywhere will stop in this shop. The business is really good. There's other ice cream shop across from it. People could have two kinds of choices.

This is the lighting bugs. I haven't see one in my whole life.

Alan is looking for a bug. They all flies around and we could see only their lights.
Alan got one. He wanted to see how these bugs look like. After he saw them, he sent them free.
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