Saturday, February 28, 2009

Going to a Sun Moon Lake

Feb 28th to march 1st


Formosa Aboriginal Village


Moon Lake

Moon Lake City

Peacock Park

Formosa Aboriginal Culture Village (九族文化村)

This is Formosa Aboriginal Culture Village. This is a big amusement park in Taiwan. The price of the ticket is very expensive. But at this time, the park made a great deal about pricing. A lot of people went there to enjoy the weather.
At the entrance of the park, there's flowers. All kinds of flowers were there.They have exposition about flowers. They are so gorgeous and pretty. Also, you can take a free train ride over there and see the entire exposition.
What is typical about this park? This park is famous for nine tribes. As before in Taiwan, people said we have nine indigenous tribes. The owner of the park united all nine tribes into this park, people can also learn how do they live, what do they do and what do they eat.
It is a good learning experience and the most excited part of this park is that people can see how indigenous live. Children can see their houses, their furniture and everything.

The houses is not even real, and no people living there, it is still a good experience for everyone to see it.

Each two or three hours, they have a show. They will perform their traditional dance and show everyone their cultures.

Now, in Taiwan, we have more than nine indigenous tribes, I wish each of them can be learned by everyone. If we do not discovered these indigenous groups, soon, they will loose their cultures.

Friday, February 27, 2009


This is the place were we went to have our dinner. This is a little shop very close to the amusement park. A lot of people were there, it is a good business. The worst part is that we need to wait for a while to able to get our food.
Some people were waiting to take out and most of people were eating inside.
They were so busy, they couldn't get our orders on time.
After waiting for a while, our order came out. The appetizers were here but our noodles were not here yet.
Here is my soup that I ordered. It is so good and delicious. I really enjoyed eating here.


大家可能都知道它的害處,但是可能不知道是這麼嚴重.. 多留意, 願大家都健康.
我跟我先生之前在洗衣工廠工作,他會接觸到 乾洗劑,結果做快一年身體變得很虛弱 (變成奧少年 ),檢查的結果是肝臟有問題離職後調養了好幾年,才慢慢好起來 。

他的結論是:沒事衣物不要送乾洗,用水手洗最乾淨 ......
請用力告訴你的朋友吧!! 清潔劑不是在洗的時候才會傷害 .....................
法國 2歲男童夢中窒息喪命 床單窗簾乾洗溶劑惹禍!

衣物送乾洗,竟然害小孩因此送了命?在法國一位 2 歲男童,因為家長將床單、窗簾等等全部送乾洗,上頭還殘留有毒的乾洗有機溶劑,導致小男童在睡夢中窒息送命,是全球罕見的致死案例!因此醫師特別提醒,乾洗衣物一定要擺到沒有味道後再穿、再收藏比較安全。

衣服送乾洗後,上頭一定會有股化學味道,相信很多民眾都很熟悉,只是沒想到洗得乾乾淨淨的衣物,上面殘留的氣味卻成了殺人兇手,在法國就奪走一位 2 歲男童的性命。

元兇就是致命的乾洗劑、四氯乙烯 ,而這種乾洗劑在國內還有 1百多家店正在使用。

林口長庚毒物科主任林杰樑指出,四氯乙烯恐怕 會造成肝腎傷害,有致癌的疑慮,且濃度高的話還可能麻痺呼吸,致人於死!至於大部分乾洗店用的 石油矽,也還是具有肝毒性。

怎麼知道自己是不是置身於致命環境中,林杰樑表示,其實 只要聞得到化學氣味,就代表濃度已經超過 100PPM,絕對不能逗留超過 15 分鐘。




We heard this is the biggest campsite at Sun Moon Lake. David reserved this place for us. The day we went to the campsite were a lot of people. We arrived in the afternoon, were everybody settle already their tents. Next time, if we want to go camping, we should arrive a little bit earlier to have a good spot.
My son Alan is helping to settle the tent. He is only 9 years old and he can help his daddy in everything.
I just take a picture when the tent is ready settled.
We camped very close to the lake, we could see the lake and enjoy camping.The road of this campsite is not very good, it has a lot of stones and it is a little bit difficult for camping. You can also canoe here.
These colorful tents are our neighbors. We are next to them. A lot of people are enjoying camping and nature. It is good to go camping once in a while.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


This is the second meeting for our project. I am doing a project for ministry of education. This project will last 8 months of hard work. We have to attend to the meetings. The second conference held in Sheng-Kung Girls' High School. Most of the schools in the south showed up.
This is where I was seating. This is my computer and my red bag. You could see a lot of people came to this conference. Each school did a wonderful presentation. One elementary school did a great DVD of their product.

Monday, February 23, 2009


This week I am the 直週老師 of my school. I have to control everything. The worst part, I have to come to school early at 7:00 A.M. and leave at 6:00 P.M. This duty is very difficult and tiring. This duty is only for a week, it is from Saturday to Friday. It is only 6 days. However, these 6 days is very tiring.


左後門與機車擦撞被起訴 ~~乘客不得由左邊上下車 別忘了還有這條法規!! 台中市一名家長,因為讓自己的小孩從左後門下車,與機車騎士發生撞,結果檢察官 調閱道路安全法規,發現明文規定乘客不得由左邊上下車,所以用「過失傷害」起訴 開車的家長。



交通鑑定委員會秘書李國權:「車子在停車的時候要靠右邊停車,那左側就有可能在慢車道上,規定從右側下車是安全的考量。」 檢察官援引的就是道路安全法規中的第136條第4款,上面清楚寫著:除非是單行道,不然後座乘客應該要從右邊上下。

如果開左後門因而肇事,不但有可能被計點,甚至被吊扣駕照,但大部份的駕駛人根本不知道這項規定。 不管是忘了還是是不知道,這些理由監理單位可不接受,因為法規可是白紙黑字寫得一清二楚,下車前可得先想清楚開左邊還是開右邊,若開錯車門,小心官司上門。

Saturday, February 21, 2009

