Saturday, February 28, 2009

Formosa Aboriginal Culture Village (九族文化村)

This is Formosa Aboriginal Culture Village. This is a big amusement park in Taiwan. The price of the ticket is very expensive. But at this time, the park made a great deal about pricing. A lot of people went there to enjoy the weather.
At the entrance of the park, there's flowers. All kinds of flowers were there.They have exposition about flowers. They are so gorgeous and pretty. Also, you can take a free train ride over there and see the entire exposition.
What is typical about this park? This park is famous for nine tribes. As before in Taiwan, people said we have nine indigenous tribes. The owner of the park united all nine tribes into this park, people can also learn how do they live, what do they do and what do they eat.
It is a good learning experience and the most excited part of this park is that people can see how indigenous live. Children can see their houses, their furniture and everything.

The houses is not even real, and no people living there, it is still a good experience for everyone to see it.

Each two or three hours, they have a show. They will perform their traditional dance and show everyone their cultures.

Now, in Taiwan, we have more than nine indigenous tribes, I wish each of them can be learned by everyone. If we do not discovered these indigenous groups, soon, they will loose their cultures.