Taiwan, Home Sweet Home
Welcome To Nela's Blog
Monday, May 28, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
The Make A Difference
This is a great site. I am a teacher, I am hopping I am the best teacher for my students. This is a great sign for all of us who are teachers. Mrs. Thompson is teaching us who are teachers to become better teachers. I think she is a great example of all of us. After watching this small presentation, I was in tears.
Buy One Get One Free
Yesterday, Alan and I went to the market to buy some food. We saw this advertisement in the news on Saturday morning, saying that you can buy one shaved milk ice ( strawberry flavor) and get another free, also another one is chocolate flavor.
When I saw it, I told Alan right away that we need to get it. After done shopping, we went to find that street right away. We were unlucky for 20 minutes, when we almost giving up, we finally found it, but another problem was no parking.
Finally we found parking space and we bought two shaved milk ice on strawberry and another one is chocolate and they gave us two for free. We were so happy and we went home right away. Alan was so hot and he started eating his shaved milk ice. I put another two on the fridge. We had a great time and we really enjoyed the shaved ice.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Temperature is very High (熱昏了!北市中午破37.2度)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Christian Music Competition!
Today in my school, we had christian music competition. This competition is held at Sheng-Kung High School every two years. This year I was so lucky to be the judge, I could listen to the Christian's songs. All the songs were wonderful. All students were singing with all their efforts. Even my worst class could act like angels on the stage. My worst class, which always gave me headache, which I could not even teach. Believe me today, they sang better, they have more imagination and creativity than my better classes. I really enjoyed to be at competition.
Every Morning!
When I was single, I did not have to worry about preparing breakfast for my family. Now, I am married, every morning when I woke up, the first thing is to prepare myself and after that go to the kitchen and prepare breakfast for my husband and child. The worst part is that they do not feel eating sandwiche, so they will hurt me sometimes.
It is so hard to pleased everyone what they like, personally, I do not cook what I like to eat. I cook what they like to eat. I think that is a sacrifice from my part. Sometimes, Alan did not listen to me and I start to loose patient with him. I know my child loves me because I could see the tears falling down from his eyes.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Military Practice
Today, entire Taiwan from 12 to 12:30 P.M. had the military practice. everybody cannot move at this time including schools, people on the streets, or even stores. A lot of police were on the streets telling people to stop, do not go anywhere. At my school, students had to have lunch inside of their classrooms. At Alan's school, they were hiding in the basement. Alan thought that was very cool. It is kind of scary, I do not want to think what happen if that is real.
Pictures Contribution!
Senior Two are going to have story telling competition। My school asked me to contribute two pictures. One can be a single picture and another one can be a sequenced picture. I contribute these above pictures for students to have their own creativity for telling stories on their own. That will be very fun to hear from them.

Two Periods of Abacus
Tonight, Alan has two hours of abacus at his cram school. This Friday, I will be the patrol control at my school, so next week, Alan won't be able to go to the cram school. After the class was over, Alan was so tired. He told me that he worked so hard and he got everything right. I should be proud of him.
Education here in Taiwan is so busy. Elementary school children go to school from 7:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. and for junior high and senior high, have to be at school from 7:30 A.M. to 5:05 for Junior and Senior until 5:15 P.M. These study or teaching hours compares to USA, students will have more freedom.
After Alan comes back home, he is tired. When he finished his homework, we had to go to sleep. No time for him to play or read a book. Children in Taiwan are very busy. When two periods (four hours) of abacus, Alan is already exhausted. My poor Alan studies so hard.
Manage a Child
I do not know why, I told Alan to do homework and he just wants to play. He always says yes or okay to me but at the end, he was doing something else. I do not know how to teach my own child. I do not know how can he get good grades. He just always make me angry. He never listens to me, he never studies hard. I do not know what will happen to him in the future. I am very worry...
Monday, May 21, 2007
Men will think laundry is a female thing but in reality it is both genders' job, here is the picture of machism.

Saturday, May 19, 2007
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT 2007)

Here is the preview video:
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mother's Day
After having dinner with my dad, we went to Tai Yuen (桃圆) to spend the day with my mother in-law. My father in-law went for a two days trip to Tainan, so my mother in-law is very lonely. Alan and I went to buy Dominos' pizza and food for Mother's day. It was a wonderful day! But very tirering.
Alan made a very cute card for mother's day. It was wonderful and sweet of him. He always love mommy (me).
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Mother's Day at Sheng-Kung, 2007
Aquí está mi sobrina!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Preparation for Mother's Day at Sheng-Kung, 2007
More posters
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Recycling Week!
Also, it is amazing to see how students are so creative, they use recycling things to creat something. They really use their imaginations. I really like all of them but I really like the most the game tables and the socks. I thought that was very creative.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
I really want to buy a new house, but houses here in Taiwan are so expnsive, specially in Taipei. The Taipei's price are three time expensive comapred to Tainan. I do not know until when I can save money and buy a house. I earn very little money at my school. Hopefully, one day I can buy a house, David and I are saving money now.
It is just amaxing to see how to prepare models for television or any show. From ugly, they can become the prettiest women in they world.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
English Drama Competition
Today, senior twos have their English Drama competition. The acting was very good but their language ability was not so good enough. Sometimes, they exaggerate a little bit and sometimes they over act or change the story completely.
At the beginning of the story, I thought they could do better work then juniors but it turned out the total opposite. They did wonderful background scenery. I could see clearly their performances. The microphone from our school is not loud enough. I can see the acting but I could not heard their voices.
Overall, every class is very creative. They did wonderful job in terms of clothing, make up, stage performance and so on. I could enjoy more if I could hear them what they were saying.

104:「您好!請問查什麼?」 阿伯:「小姐!幫偶查蕭煌吉的電話。」 104:「好的。請問蕭煌吉是住在哪裡呢?」 阿伯:「哇阿哉!偶主珠道全省都有啦。」104:「可是在這裡幫您查詢了全省都沒有蕭煌吉的電話喔!」阿伯:「騙肖ㄝ!怎麼可能沒有?他們專門給人家打火的,還有抓蛇ㄚ還可以叫救護車ㄋㄟ。」104:「嗯..請問您說的是消...防...局..嗎?」這是真的故事!那個客服是我同事~~~
104:「您好!請問查什麼?」歐巴桑:「小姐!幫哇查天珠病醫。」104:「請問在哪裡的天珠醫院?」歐巴桑:「甘那是在嘉義ㄝ款喔。」104:「很抱歉!沒有登記喔。」歐巴桑:「民視意難忘ㄝ王勝天開ㄝ,還從日本請醫生回來溜,偶想企給他們看啦! 那ㄝ嘸登記,阿不然你給偶查全省哪裡有登記啦。」104:「很抱歉!幫您全省查過了一樣沒天珠醫院的登記喔。」歐巴桑:「那ㄝ安內阿!明明電視上看起來粉大間阿,怎麼會嘸登記。」104:「不然我幫您查民視的電話== !......

1963 年,一位叫瑪莉‧班尼的女孩寫信給《芝加哥論壇報》,因為她實在搞不明白,為什麼她幫媽媽把烤好的甜餅送到餐桌上,得到的只是一句"好孩子"的誇獎,而那個什麼都不幹,只知搗蛋的戴維(她的弟弟)得到的卻是一個甜餅。 她想問一問無所不知的西勒‧庫斯特先生,上帝真的是公平的嗎? 為什麼她在家和學校常看到一些像她這樣的好孩子被上帝遺忘了。西勒‧庫斯特是《芝加哥論壇報》兒童版"你說我說" 欄目的主持人,十多年來,孩子們有關" 上帝為什麼不獎賞好人,為什麼不懲罰壞人"之類的來信,他收到不下仟封。每當拆閱這樣的信件,他心就非常沉重,因為他不知該怎樣回答這些提問。正當他對瑪莉小姑娘的來信不知如何回答是好時,一位朋友邀請他參加婚禮。 也許他一生都該感謝這次婚禮,因為就是在這次婚禮上,他找到了答案,並且這個答案讓他一夜之間名揚天下。西勒‧庫斯特是這樣回憶那場婚禮的。
牧師主持完儀式後,新娘和新郎互贈戒指,也許是他們正沉浸在幸福之中,也許是兩人過於激動。 總之,在他們互贈戒指時,兩人陰差陽錯地把戒指戴在了對方的右手上。牧師看到這一情節,幽默地提醒:右手已經夠完美的了,我想你們最好還是用它來裝扮左手吧。 西勒‧庫斯特說,正是牧師的這一幽默,讓他茅塞頓開。右手成為右手,本身就非常完美了,是沒有必要把飾物再戴在右手上了。 同樣,那些有道德的人,之所以常常被忽略,不就是因為他們已經非常完美了嗎?後來,西勒﹒庫斯特得出結論,上帝讓右手成為右手,就是對右手最高的獎賞, 同理,上帝讓善人成為善人,也就是對善人的最高獎賞。 西勒‧庫斯特發現這一真理後,興奮不已,他以"上帝讓你成為好孩子,就是對你的最高獎賞"為題,立即給瑪莉‧班尼回了一封信,這封信在《芝加哥論壇報》刊登之後,在不長的時間內,被美國及歐洲一千多家報刊轉載,並且每年的兒童節他們都要重新刊載一次。 前不久,一位中國人不知在什麼地方發現了這封信,讀後,他通過國際互聯網在《芝加哥論壇報》的網頁上留言,說:
"中國民間有一句古話,叫「惡有惡報,善有善報,不是不報,時候未到」。我曾經對惡人遲遲得不到報應感到迷惑不解。現在我終於明白,因為讓惡人成為惡人就是上帝對他們的懲罰。" 『人為善,福雖未至,禍已遠離;人為惡,禍雖未至,福已遠離』
箴言十六:「人一切所行的,在自己眼中看為清潔;唯有耶和華衡量人心。」 耶和華所造的,各適其用;就是惡人也為禍患的日子所造。 「公平」在人的世界中很重要,人們也期待看見這樣的事情彰顯, 就連在生活上,也要求這樣---。人在面對自己的事情時,總是認為別人傷害我們最深, 三福訓練中有一段說:人總是用95%記得別人給我們的傷害,看不見自己給別人的~~。 我們在世上所努力的一切,不就是為了上帝給我們獎勵嗎???? 那所謂的「獎勵」是否也必須照著我們的意思才叫「獎勵」??
1963 年,一位叫瑪莉‧班尼的女孩寫信給《芝加哥論壇報》,因為她實在搞不明白,為什麼她幫媽媽把烤好的甜餅送到餐桌上,得到的只是一句"好孩子"的誇獎,而那個什麼都不幹,只知搗蛋的戴維(她的弟弟)得到的卻是一個甜餅。 她想問一問無所不知的西勒‧庫斯特先生,上帝真的是公平的嗎? 為什麼她在家和學校常看到一些像她這樣的好孩子被上帝遺忘了。西勒‧庫斯特是《芝加哥論壇報》兒童版"你說我說" 欄目的主持人,十多年來,孩子們有關" 上帝為什麼不獎賞好人,為什麼不懲罰壞人"之類的來信,他收到不下仟封。每當拆閱這樣的信件,他心就非常沉重,因為他不知該怎樣回答這些提問。正當他對瑪莉小姑娘的來信不知如何回答是好時,一位朋友邀請他參加婚禮。 也許他一生都該感謝這次婚禮,因為就是在這次婚禮上,他找到了答案,並且這個答案讓他一夜之間名揚天下。西勒‧庫斯特是這樣回憶那場婚禮的。
牧師主持完儀式後,新娘和新郎互贈戒指,也許是他們正沉浸在幸福之中,也許是兩人過於激動。 總之,在他們互贈戒指時,兩人陰差陽錯地把戒指戴在了對方的右手上。牧師看到這一情節,幽默地提醒:右手已經夠完美的了,我想你們最好還是用它來裝扮左手吧。 西勒‧庫斯特說,正是牧師的這一幽默,讓他茅塞頓開。右手成為右手,本身就非常完美了,是沒有必要把飾物再戴在右手上了。 同樣,那些有道德的人,之所以常常被忽略,不就是因為他們已經非常完美了嗎?後來,西勒﹒庫斯特得出結論,上帝讓右手成為右手,就是對右手最高的獎賞, 同理,上帝讓善人成為善人,也就是對善人的最高獎賞。 西勒‧庫斯特發現這一真理後,興奮不已,他以"上帝讓你成為好孩子,就是對你的最高獎賞"為題,立即給瑪莉‧班尼回了一封信,這封信在《芝加哥論壇報》刊登之後,在不長的時間內,被美國及歐洲一千多家報刊轉載,並且每年的兒童節他們都要重新刊載一次。 前不久,一位中國人不知在什麼地方發現了這封信,讀後,他通過國際互聯網在《芝加哥論壇報》的網頁上留言,說:
"中國民間有一句古話,叫「惡有惡報,善有善報,不是不報,時候未到」。我曾經對惡人遲遲得不到報應感到迷惑不解。現在我終於明白,因為讓惡人成為惡人就是上帝對他們的懲罰。" 『人為善,福雖未至,禍已遠離;人為惡,禍雖未至,福已遠離』
箴言十六:「人一切所行的,在自己眼中看為清潔;唯有耶和華衡量人心。」 耶和華所造的,各適其用;就是惡人也為禍患的日子所造。 「公平」在人的世界中很重要,人們也期待看見這樣的事情彰顯, 就連在生活上,也要求這樣---。人在面對自己的事情時,總是認為別人傷害我們最深, 三福訓練中有一段說:人總是用95%記得別人給我們的傷害,看不見自己給別人的~~。 我們在世上所努力的一切,不就是為了上帝給我們獎勵嗎???? 那所謂的「獎勵」是否也必須照著我們的意思才叫「獎勵」??

老媽的需求 ...
二兒子James 說:『我送給她一輛賓士,還附司機。』
三兒子 Thomas說:『我打敗你們了,你們知道媽媽非常喜歡讀聖經,你們也知道她的眼睛不好。
故事還沒結束喔 。
過了不久,他們就收到媽媽寄出的謝卡 。
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Be Careful (要小心)

非常重要!速傳給所有通訊錄裡的朋友吧 ! 非常重要!小心 809開頭的電話一分鐘費用高2425元!最近興起了一種新的電話詐騙手法,要提醒各位觀眾特別注C如果你有收到留言或電子郵件,要你回電話到區域號碼為809的電話, 要提醒你可千萬不要回電, 如果一回電, 一分鐘將會被收取達2425元的電話費。AT&T電話公司表示, 809 區域號碼是巴哈馬等英屬維京群島 的付費電話, 由於809電話不在政府管轄範圍內, 所以一打就會馬上收費, 不會先有警告。 另外,全美詐騙資訊中心也證實, 這項電話詐騙, 可在短時間奪走受害者數千甚至 數萬元之多,民眾要格外留心。 080 和 0800 的不同,要注意哦! 現在的免付費電話開頭是0800才對, 千萬不要以為前面有080就給騙去喔~請千萬注意:之前有人接到一通自稱是郵局的電話,說有掛號郵件被退! 寄件者為台北市社會局,內有現金支票! 需打 0809021091 轉分機04 或05由台北市社會局人員確認。警察局已確認這是詐騙電話;高額電話費,目前市刑大已在追查。請務必幫忙轉寄。 0800是免付費電話0809是高額電話費號碼080*電話要注意