Thursday, January 27, 2011

Floral Expo 2011

In Taiwan, there's an International Floral Expo. This expo will end in April 2011. It is a month ahead of the time. I went to the Floral Expo before chinese new year. I went there some time in January. It is just amazing. The things they organize over there is very cool. I really like it. I really enjoy each show they have over there. I really like the flowers and everything. I will say I am very proud of Taiwan to be able to make this such proud expo. Good job to all of the people who work so hard for it. I iwll go back again on April befor the expo finishes.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Andrew can stand up already

Now, Andrew can only stand up but also, he can walk by holding somebody's legs. He is learning very fast and he is very cute now.

Andrew now is 11 months

My cute baby now is 11 month. I am very proud of him. He can walk a little bit now. He is very cute.

Andrew can turn off the lights

At this young age, my Andrew can turn off the lights by just looking at me doing it. When he turns off the lights, he is very proud of himself.


Today in Taiwan, there's a festival call 臘八節. 臘日和臘八粥的由來:在中國古代,「臘」是一個非常重要的祭祀活動。它的意義,有人認為:「臘」是「合」的意思,臘祭就是合祭諸神;也有人認為:「臘」是 獵」的意思,獵禽獸以便歲末祭祀祖先。


吃臘八粥的習俗據說傳自印度,相傳釋迦牟尼在未得道以前,曾經 獨自坐在菩提樹下,靜觀思維,每日只吃一麻一米,後人不忘佛祖成道前所受的苦難,便在十二月八日這一天,吃粥以為紀念。而中國自宋朝以後便開始普遍盛行起來,當時在民間有所謂「臘八日」,在臘月八日這天,每座寺廟都要準備「五味粥」敬拜佛祖,完後再分贈給善男信女,大家相信吃了五味粥便可以保佑身體健康。宋朝大文學家蘇軾,就曾大力提倡吃臘八粥,認為可以延年益壽。


