Sister-In-Law's Departure!
Welcome To Nela's Blog
Yesterday, David went to pick up our family's dog 園園. This is my mother's-in-law's dog. She took care of him for 15 years already. It is so hard to imagine 15 years taking care of the dog and giving him food and other things it is a little bit hard. Also, the long company between the animal an the human is also inseparable.
I have whole day class, today. I was teaching in the third period, I felt little earthquake. It was for just one minute, after one minute, it was over. This situation scared many students. Since we are girls school, all the girls were screaming. After that we are all okay.
Last night around 9:00 P.M. There were twice earthwuake in Taiwan. the first one was not too strong but the second one was really strong. What happened? I do not know. I called my family and they were ok.
Yesterday, at the New York airport, they will promote the first one million traveler. The lucky person was the traveler from Traiwan. She got New York return ticket for free and other big prices that the New York government was provided. Other travelers at the airport were shocked and they were just said they were unlucky!
美國紐約機場,昨天歡迎第一億名旅客蒞臨,而這名幸運兒, 正是一名來自台灣的婦女,她將可獲得紐約當局致贈的豐厚禮物。陳梁女士一踏進入境大廳,立刻受到熱情的歡迎,原來她就是蒞臨紐約機場的第一億名客,來自台灣的陳梁是在20號下午一點,與先生,女兒,搭乘國泰航空第830班機,抵達甘乃迪機場,除了意外的成為紐約第一億名旅客,還獲得紐約市當局贈送的三十項豐厚大禮,其中包括免費的來回機票,紐約旅館住宿,紐約大都會隊職棒的門票,以及紐約各主要旅遊景點的門票,豐厚的獎品, 除了讓這名來自台灣的旅客欣喜萬分外,其他旅客看了當然也是羡慕不已。
Today is our ten years of marriage. David, the ten years wondeful husband told me to go and buy some present and he will pay for it. It is very kind of him. I went to buy some winter dresses and a skirt. They are so pretty. I also asked him to go and buy whatever he want and I will pay for it.
Today, we had a great weather. It was sunny with a little bit of rain. Tomorrow, the weather will be very cold. It is going to drop another five degrees. I am not excied about it. I am very excited about Alan's Christmas performance. I will take a lot of pictures to Alan. Yesterday, before Alan and I went to sleep, he was practicing his dance for tomorrow. He is very cute and intelligent. he remembered what the teacher had been teaching them.
Today, we went to Accademic Office, Student's Affair Office, General Offfice, Accounting Office, School Convinient Store and the Guard to sing Christmas Carols. I am very proud of my junior Two A because they did a great job. Even they are very noisy class, but their performance turned out excellent. Eveyone ejoyed their performance. I am glad that they did not let me down. I saved my face today! ha ha ha ha ha...