Big Burgers

Welcome To Nela's Blog
My plan for Cultivating Talent People (培育高中研發人才) now is apporved by Ministry of Education. Our topic is about Latino culture Vs. Taiwanese culture. They gave us only 3 months to be able to finish our product. I do not know how to start in this project. I need to get together with my students and see how we are going ot start in this project. Now, I have headache...
After a long vacation, it is the time to go back to work harder and harder. This week, junior ones are not comming ot school until next week. This week, I just have junior twos class. The rest of the time, I can spent my time cleanning my house bofore my son comes back and before Nancy's arrival. I amso excited to see my students. I have the same gorup of students this summer. I will try to make fun of classes for them.
We slept too much, we departured to Taipei at 4 Am. arriving there 9 AM. Alan was ready to go to his drawing class. When I saw my baby, he was so happy and he was waiting for his presents. I bought a lot of presents for Alan. He was so happy to see his presents. My house is so dirty, it is time for me to clean my house for entire week. Nancy is comming, so I cannot have dirty house for her to arrive. I need to clean the house first before she comes. I am so happy to be home again.
This morning, I had only 90 cents in my calling card, I called Anita, my little sister to see if she passed her driver's test or not. She gave me a great news that she passed her test and she could get driver's license card tomorrow. I am so happy for her, finally she can come and pick me up, I am just kidding.
Three weeks in Brisbane is almost come to the end. We are all sad and all of us would like to stay here longer. Our bus driver, Glen always helped us all the time and he always gave us a lot of information when we are out of school. Surprisingly, he gave us a box of chocolate to Vicky and me and all of cute single chocolates for all of my students. They really enjoy to be with Glen. I wish the best for him in the future.
Everyday I have plenty of food at my homestay. My homestay mother is very kind and she always worried about if I like or not her food. She always cook plenty of food for me and Vicky, my coworker. I do not need to worry about anything while I am in Brisbane.
I got Australian bag from my homestay family. They knew we need extra bags before we go back to Taiwan. I really like my homestay mother and father because they are not only caring for my students but also, they are taking care of me. I really appreciate what they have done for me during my stay in Brisbane.
While I am in Brisbane, I tried to watch as much TV as possible. My homestay father rent some videos for us and I really like these two movies.
Tonight, my homestay mother, Barbara is going to the Ice Skating show. We are going to be home with Stephen, the homestay father. He is so nice, he cooked dinner for us and he brought us to rent videos for us to see tonight. The video rent is not very cheap compared to Taiwan. We rent four movies and the cost us $18 Australian Dollars. We rent Mr. & Mrs. Smith (史密斯夫婦), Flightplan (空中危機), Aeonflux (魔力女戰士), and Rumor has it (當真愛碰上八卦). Three movies we have to return tomorrow night. So, tonight we try to watch two movies and they are kind of drama. I like the movie and its plot. During the movie, we had popcorn and Ice cream.
My dream come true tonight. I was going to buy koala earrings for me, but surprised, my homestay parents bought silver koala earrings for me. I was so happy and excited. I do not know what to give to them before my departure. I am hopping that they will come to Taiwan for vacation.
This morning, my homestay family prepared pancakes for my students in their morning tea. My stduents were cold and hungry and when they saw the food, they were all eating and they were very happy. All od them wanted more. I am so happy that my homestay parents cared for my students. They treated us as member of their family.
These are the building of the Nudgee International College. My students from Sheng-Kung High School are having their classes in this wonderful building. The structures of doors and the classrooms are made of crystal. It is so beautiful and their teachers had a huge office where they have kitchen, little living room, mail box, computers, each table with its own bookshelves. The office seems so clean and organized. It is so great to see environment like this. I wish Sheng-Kung's office look like this but in Taiwanese environment is not made for this kind of things.