Friday, April 07, 2006

Novogo 彩殼靚裝豪華 GPS

What is this? This is the new Novogo 彩殼靚裝豪華 GPS. What is GPS? GPS is the electronic map where you can type the address where you want to go and it will show you how to get there. Not only it will show a detail map with streets names but also, this machine will have a person't voice and it will tell you which street to turn and when to do it. It is so cool. The sahpe is so cool, too. If there's unknown destination, or unknown address it is useful to use.

I am not good at finding addresses. If I have one of these machine, it will be great. I have a new car, so I can buy one of this machine to decorate my car and when I got lost, it will show me how and where I can get there.

This is a new model and it can use for internet, too. It is very convinient. I do not know how $$$$ is it. Also, you can shoose any language you want.

看到這個 GPS 定位裝置,你就會被吸引住了,顯然在外觀上加重了美學設計的成分,並且對顏色設計了多重選擇,走時尚路線,擁有語音導航,語音控制,同時能夠自動接收實際的路障訊息,優秀的UI界面,看來這個是走美感的 GPS ,不過你可能得為此找輛好車來配才行呢。