Getting Old

It seems happened yesterday that Alan was just a baby. Now, he knows how to argue with me or he will tell me when to take my medicines. Also, he knows what he wants, eat, play or what he wants to wear to school. I remembered that Alan rode his little yellow bike. After he knew how to ride his bike, he started to learn how to drive his car. Now, he knows how to ride his two wheels Gigant bike very well. He fall down a couple of times, his dad had to follow or trained him for three nights. After three nights of hard work and falling down many times, Alan knows how to ride his bike. Another thing that Alan can do is that when his dad picks him in his scooter, Alan knows how to control the scooter and he knows where to pull the gas. He seems a smart.
He grows so fast, I remembered he did not have tooth before and now he has plenty of them. Now he is getting his new tooth and he is felling painful. When I see my son growing, I am getting really old now. In a few years, he will go to Junior High and after that he will go to the university and get a wife. I cannot wait to be grandmom soon.
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