Dinning out in Kaohsiung (高雄)
Yesterday after lunch, we had knuckles, (pig's legs), we went to visit David's classmate. His house is near Kaohsiung. His job is in Tailand and he came back to Taiwan and stay with his family for four days. We got an apportunity to visit them. First, we went to his house Alan was playing with his oldest son. They both played hapily. When his wife came down, and gave us a lot of Tailand snaks, we were ready to go to the robot show (機器人教育博覽會) in Kaohsiung National Museum (高雄科學工藝博物館).

After the show, we went to take R & R at the open area for skaters. It is a roller bleding place. I could see many different skating shoes styles. There's three wheels shoes, and four wheels shoes. Because they were salling skatings, children at any age could try it for free. They will also provide a free shoes for them to try. If the child like it, he or she can start to learn how to skate. The teacher had patient to teach Alan how to skate. Alan put his shoes and he started to skate. After falling down a couple of times, he told me that he wants to buy shoes of his own. I told him ok, also, I want my son to learn it. Alan is interested in learning it. I am so happy to see how much improvement he could make in 30 minutes skating. David's classmate's son is just 6 years old and he could skate very very fast. He has been learning it for one year. After tiring skating, they decided to invite us for dinner.
We went to Coriya restaurant (可利亞). It is a buffet stule restaurant where you can eat not only hot pot (火鍋) but also barbecue (無煙炭火燒肉). It is a big restaurant and the food over there is great.They have everything from simple salad, ice cream, vegetables, meat and more meat, all kinds of drinks, rice, noodles and more. Each person is $359 NT dollars if we decide to have both hot pot and barbecue. I think it is not expensiv for that kind of food. If my friend will come, I will bring them to eat over there. We came back last night around 12:30 AM. It was tiriring but at the same time, it was really fun to meet new friends. Alan was exhausted after having a lots of fun in one single day.
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