Astone 的充氣式洗衣機 (Washing Machine)

There's a new washing machine. This washing machine can carry anywhere you want. It is good for traveling to another country if you have a meeting or vacation, you do not need to carry extra clothes for the trip. Also, washing clothes during the trip can be very expensive. This washing machine will clean your clothes faster than other ones. This is Astone washing machine, it needs 6.5 galons of wather with two pounds of clothes and a little bit of detergent of course. It costs only 70 US dollars. Aslo, you can plug in at any hotel's badroom you go. It is very convinient, I should get one of this machines for my next trip.
洗衣機?充氣式?不,你沒看錯。雖然不知道多少人寧可隨身帶一台洗衣機也不要多帶兩套衣服,但對於極少數沒事就到非洲打獵一個月,而且還非要身上衣服乾乾淨淨的朋友們來說,這下你可挖到寶啦!澳洲公司 Astone 的這台洗衣機的洗衣槽是充氣式的,充滿氣之後可以裝 6.5 公升的水,而氣放掉後僅重兩公斤,非常適合長時間在外旅遊的朋友。預定售價 70 美元。
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