Chinese Poem Singing Competition

On Saturday (4-1, 2006) was Junior Two's Chinese poem singing competition. There's 10 Junior Two Classes at Sheng kung Girl's High School. Each Junior Two (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I , and J) classe performed wonderfully singing Chinese poems. 10 Classes I teach only 6 classes of Junior Two. I teach J2 C, D, E, F, G, And J. Each poem is so unique and wonderfully presented. My Son Alan liked the singing part.
The J2E performed the traditional Chinese dance with Chinse clothes and they did sing at the same time. They wore group's uniform and the people who played the instrument wore typical Chinese dress. Each of them were so great.
The B class wasn't too bad. They are the English Experiemntal class, and they worked wonderfully in groups. They all worked together and performed together as one group. Unlike the other classes some students did not care about the competition. During the practice time, some of them in some classes were talking with other people and other were reading their books. The J2E, B, C and the J class worked together and the performance turned as a group work. It was so wonderful to see thier hard work paid off.
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