Friday, November 21, 2008

A New Project!

Dr. Weng came today to talk about his project. He wants everyone join in this project. There were 200 school in southern part of Taiwan went to a conference, but only 50 schools applied for the project and only 20 school got accepted it by Taiwanese Ministry of Education. My school, Sheng-Kung also got accepted. My principal, Juliana, wants teacher Ma (computer teacher), my co-worker jojoh and myself get involve in this project, she is also expecting us to do the work seriously.

The name of the project is Enters 2008. The contents of this project is to encourage students to use English in the classroom and and share with other students internationally.

According to the professor Weng, English grammar or writing is not important in Taiwanese education, the most important is oral ability in students. The main point of this project is to prepare students to challenge themselves in using their second language and present it or got involved with people from other cultures.

Taiwanese students are not good at problem solving. the education system in Taiwan is to make students to memorize more words and no using it. Teachers must train them on it, stduents should think critically. Also, students have to learn how to work or collaboratively with people from other cultures.

In Taiwan, students and teachers are afraid of using their second language. They did not even want to talk or afrid of talking with foreigners.

This task is to transfer teacher center into student center and finally, as teachers we should motivate students to learn or use their second language (English) or other languages and share it with people from diverse cultures.

Extra Resources Related to this Project:

Enters 2008
