I'm In Australia

I cannot believe, after 9 hours of plane, finally we arrived to Australia, Brisbane. Australia is a big island called Queensland. I am so excited and having a lot of fun. I just arrived today at 8:00 A.M. The airport guard made us a lot of problems because we brought instant noodles. Next time, we learned our lesson and we know now how to deal with the guards next time.
It was very tirering trip and I could not sleep on the plane all the time. We left Taiwan on June 29th and we arrived today June 30th, 2006 in the morning. Berry the school coordinator for the study tour group came to pick us at the airport. He is very nice, kind and friendly.
After arriving to the Nudgee International College, he gave us snake and after that students need to take a placement tests. After taking their tests, we went to the little short school history tour. Lunch time came and we had very and quick lunch which was instant noodles from Taiwan.
After quick and easy lunch, we went to the school long tour. It was fun and I saw a lot of beautiful buildings. After the trou, Berry told us the importance of school schedule and other school policies.
After all these were finished, students had their free time while we were waiting for the homestay family to come and pick up each of us.
It is very tirering day today but exciting.
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