Friday, December 26, 2008


The peaceful lake (慈湖) is located in Taoyuan. It is a place of ex-president of Taiwan rested in peace. We could see his tumba. The park is beautiful, it is good for families to go for a picnic. Also plants, flowers, and trees are very green.
This is the house of the ex-president of Taiwan. He governed Taiwan long time ago. I heard that he was the best president who worked hard for the country and he knows what people needed.

Here is the big sculpture of the ex-president. Everyone likes this sculpture.

Here is he with is horse. We thought it is good sculpture to take picture with.

Here is the park outside of his house. You can see a lot of his faces in all kinds of colors. Also you can see him standing, or shaking hands or talking to others. It is so much fun looking at this. But the worst part is every area has the same sculpture. If you saw the same sculptures in area one, you will see it in area two or three.