王永慶 ( Wang Yung-Ching)

The second Taiwanese millionaire 王永慶 ( Wang Yung-Ching) passed away yesterday, October 15th in United States. He is the founder of Taiwanese tycoon known for his bussiness management abilities. Wang died in his sleep in New Jersey at midnight, but his body will flown back to Taiwan by an Eva airways plane this morning. His total fortune is $6.8 US billion.
It is so sad to know that this powerful man had died. he started his business without no money. His father lend $200 NT dollars to him to open his rice business. After 20 years of hard working, he could make a fortune.
Nobody can make that fortune if the investment is only $200 NT dollars. I could not convert hundred of NT dollars to billions of US dollars. This person is amazing. He was a role model for all of us.
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