Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sheng-Kung's Live Show

The radio program "混障樂團 媒事來哈啦" came to Sheng-Kung Girls' High School yesterday, October 15th, at 2:00 PM. Everyone were so excited to see the program and meet the radio star 吳若權.

Why this radio program is so special? because the director of the program wants youth to know that people with special needs can be as normal people. There's a lot of discrimination in Taiwanese society for these people now. This program is helping them to because famous and be able to know the world around them.

The director of the program will visit from school to school to find youth ideas and opinions about special needs. After he visited schools, he will post his observations and his experience into his personal blog. Students will go to his blog and leave message for him or for his guests.

He is not only working ad the radio station but also he is author of many books. Here is one of his most recently work about love (愛情,最幸福的信仰). You can click here and read his work online.

Also, if you want to read more opinions from him or from others you can go to his message blog and leave message for him.

I think everyone really enjoyed the show, and all of our students had a sense of knowledge that people with special needs are people like others too. they can do whatever normal people can do. These kind of people really have special talents that God gave to them.

My personal Opinion
I was more excited than my students to know the director of the program. I really want to take a picture with him, but I did not have my camera with me. I was so sad. This was a great opportunity for me to see him in the real life. I listen to his program every Saturday when I drive home. My son and I really like to listen to his experiences on the radio. This is unforgettable experience for me.