Nela's Birthday

Tomorrow will be my birthday. Tonight we are going to celebrate my birthday a little bit earlier. David invited me to eat at Oceanpoili. This restaurant is all home made Chinese food. It is kind of special.
When awe entered to the restaurant, Alan and I were shocked. The decoration is kind of special. It is like a library style, it has all kinds of dolls instead of books.
The service is so good, all the waiters and waitresses are very polite. They were taking care of the customers. They were saying Alan's hair cut is so cute. At that time, Alan was so happy for the complements.
The restaurant is a buffet style, you can order from most simple foods to the most complicated food, also drinks like all kinds of tea, coffee, juice, and more are included. They have everything from hot to cold drinks.
We ordered 20 dishes to eat and 4 bowls of rice of course two kinds of soup are included, too.
Alan had two glasses of juice. I never see Alan eating a lot before and this is the first time for him to eat a lot. He likes the vegetables, he was eating a lot of those vegetables.
The price is very affordable.
Monday throw Friday $198 lunch per person
dinner $238 per person
children under 120 CM is half price.
Weekends $268 per person.
Plus 10 % of service fee
Time: AM 11:00 ~ PM 22:00
Remember: if your birthday, you can show your ID to be able to get a free birthday cake.
This is available a day before or a day after your birthday.

We are going to come back here and have dinner next time.
By the way, if you go over there and have lunch or dinner, over 12 people or more, you can apply for the 90% discount card.
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