Final Test Week!
My poor Alan has 5 Mid term tests this week. Tuesday (3-28, 2006), he will start with Chinese, English and Science, and he will end up finally on Wenesday (3-29, 2006) with Math and English reading. This will be his last week of mid term test. We are so tired, we have been studying for his 5 tests on the entire sunday. He was crying and he was so tired of studying. I told him to take a nap. I really do not understand why private schools in taiwan demand so much w ork for little kids. I chose the school for him and terefore, I should handle all his works; but when I see him suffering, my heart goes down, it hurts me so much. I am hopping he will do great on all his 5 tests this week.
On Sunday, Alan told me that he was not nervous when he study for his test, but he will feel pressure when he sees the exam papers, at that time he wil get nervous. With the busy work daily, I felt that I did not have muchtime playing or do something together with my Alan. I should get one Saturday off at work and be with my son and my husband.
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