This is one of my co-worker's house. This house is amazing and big. She is really living in a five stars hotel. The decoration of the house is just amazing. you can see, she and her husband spent a lot of money on the house.

Look at this main entrance. It is so gorgeous.

The little room close to the main entrance has everything, piano, bathroom and small garden outside.

Her living room is so great. It is huge and the sofa is very comfortable.

The kitchen and the living room are together. There's big windows on the diving room. Everything looks so clean and comfortable.

This is the last floor of her house. She has little Jacuzzi where her children can play during Summer.
Overall, this is the most wonderful house in Tainan city. I am hopping that one day, I can have a house like hers, unfortunately, houses here in Taiwan are so expensive.
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