Chanchu Is Approaching (珍珠颱風)

This morning, when I went to my school to teach. It was a big rain storm. I could not see when I was driving. At the noon time, the weather was very very hot. The weather changed when I picked up my son and Came back to Sigang.
This year's typhoon is Chanchu. Chanchu is approaching to the Island of Penghu (澎湖) and Island of Kinmen (金門). Everyone should check with your school before going to work tomorrow, Thursday may 18th, 2006. Usually, the typhoon will come from Taipei (台北) all the way down to Tainan (台南).
I am just hopping everything will not be destroyed. Also, I am hopping, tomorrow won't be a school day. Please also take care of small children as well as adults and more importantly do not go outside.
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