After a Hard Study

Finally, after a hard study and work, Alan could take a rest tonight. Today, he will be finishing his esams. He will finish with reading and math. We woke up at 5:00 A.M. to study math. Alan will have math test today, he is not good at math but when I say something to him, he will understand. At shcool when he asnwer the test by himself, he turned out empty head. I do not know where his brain goes. He will asnwer some of them wrong and some of them write.
In the Taiwanese tests, specially in his school, it is extremely difficult. The child should understand sentences in Chinese to be able to do math. The question is are they testing him reading comprehension or solving problems? For some people, math can be both and for others math is only one type, "Problem Solving." That could be an arguemnet. I am hopping Alan can do okay and I am hopping he will understand everything written in his math test.
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